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Ms Bellis Director of Sixth Form Mrs Mitchell Deputy Director of Sixth Form, Year 12 Mr Weeks Deputy Director of Sixth Form, Year 13.

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Presentation on theme: "Ms Bellis Director of Sixth Form Mrs Mitchell Deputy Director of Sixth Form, Year 12 Mr Weeks Deputy Director of Sixth Form, Year 13."— Presentation transcript:


2 Ms Bellis Director of Sixth Form Mrs Mitchell Deputy Director of Sixth Form, Year 12 Mr Weeks Deputy Director of Sixth Form, Year 13

3 Mr Coxhead Mrs Grindley All admin matters; attendance, change of subjects, medical or SEN, monitoring and supervision, Oyster cards, references, NUS cards, UCAS and Admissions………and much, much more!

4 Martha Bargeron Head Girl Bernadette O’Connell Deputy Head Girl William Hardy Deputy Head Boy Eileen Omodeni Deputy Head Girl Clarissa Minty Deputy Head Girl Ronni Cook Deputy Head Girl

5  Today is an opportunity for you to have a taster of your sixth form courses and to reaffirm your choices  It is also a chance for you to meet the Sixth Form team and meet fellow sixth form students before September  We hope you have thoroughly enjoyable and informative day!


7  Please check your timetable for today and make sure this information is correct.  Your timetable has been taken from our system.  If the information in the booklet is not correct, you must see Mr Coxhead immediately after this presentation or at break, at 10.35, in D9, the Sixth Form Office.

8 Break is at 10.35 in Inglewood. Food can be purchased at our ‘Snack Shack’ and coffee, hot chocolate and tea can be purchased from our Coffee Machine. Lunch will be provided in D4, in Inglewood at 12.35

9  If you change your mind about your course choices today you must see Mr Coxhead in D9 to discuss your options.  You can still change your mind about your course choices up to GCSE exam day. However the longer you leave this decision you may find you will have to go on a waiting list for another course.  If you are unsure you can discuss your options with Ms Bellis.

10  First port of call for pastoral support  Checking Planners  General Studies, RS and Citizenship in Tutor period  Dress code and ID badges  Cause for Concern  UCAS references

11 There are no study mornings; every Sixth Former must register each day at 8.30 and remain in school until 12.35, unless you have work experience organised by the school. Study afternoons are a privilege:  Not to be used for part time work  Do not apply if there are speakers booked  Arrange driving lessons on free afternoons; not before 12.35

12  Inform Mrs Grindley if you have any special educational needs such as;  Dyslexia  ADHD  Dyspraxia You must provide documentation for any support you may need e.g. additional time for exams. This will be passed onto the SEN Department.

13  Courtesy  Mutual respect  Punctuality  Dress Code  Identity Badges  Meeting Deadlines  Achieving your best  Use of mobile phones & MP3s

14  Compulsory for all sixth form students  Registration with the Tutor each day at 8.20 for an 8.30 start  Tutor time on Friday period 1  Year 12 Assembly: Monday in the Hall  Whole School Assembly every Wednesday in the Hall  PE on Wednesday afternoons  Some Wednesday Afternoons are for outside speakers

15 Sixth Form students should take a pride in their school and themselves, and should therefore look smart and presentable at all times. As a general guide you should dress as though you were going to work in a formal environment. You may need to bring in an appropriate change of clothes for certain subjects, e.g. P.E., Drama, Art.

16  Dress – must not be mini-length  Tailored jackets, smart cardigans or jumpers may be worn  Trousers or skirt. Trousers should be full length, skirts must not be mini-length  Smart top or shirt which covers shoulders and midriff  Shoes – conventional, work orientated and comfortable  Shoulders must be covered

17  Tailored trousers – trousers should be full length  Tailored jackets, smart cardigans or jumpers may be worn  Conventional, collared shirt – must be tucked in  Students have the option to wear ties  Shoes – conventional, work orientated and comfortable

18  Headgear (except for religious or medical reasons)  Denim, cargo pants, army fatigues, shorts or cut-offs  'Hoodies’, T-shirts or polo shirts, strappy tops or vests, or tops that expose bare midriff, cleavage or chest

19  Trainers, sportswear / leisurewear, including velour and cotton jersey, logos or slogans  Extremes of style, for example, short mini skirts, extreme hair colouring or hairstyles  Visible facial or body piercings or tattoos




23 Bullers Wood Sixth Form is regarded as: ‘Outstanding’ by national standards. A*-B grades 57% A*-C grades 83% Pass rate 97% Average UCAS points 347

24  Childcare  English Language  Further Maths  History  Mathematics  Media Studies A2  Music  Psychology  Sociology  Work experience  Travel and Tourism  Health and Social Care  Creative and Media Production  Extra Curricular  Secretarial Skills

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