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1 Pertemuan 12 Comparison / Contrast 1 Matakuliah: Writing III Tahun: 2006-2007 Versi: 3.

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Presentation on theme: "1 Pertemuan 12 Comparison / Contrast 1 Matakuliah: Writing III Tahun: 2006-2007 Versi: 3."— Presentation transcript:

1 1 Pertemuan 12 Comparison / Contrast 1 Matakuliah: Writing III Tahun: 2006-2007 Versi: 3

2 2 Learning Outcomes By the end of this session the students are expected to be able to –Organize the comparison/contrast essay –Learn more on different introduction strategies –Provide balanced development in comparison/contrast essays

3 3 Outline of the materials Comparison/contrast essay definition Organization Pattern More introduction Strategies Balanced Development

4 4 Comparison/Contrast Essays Comparison/contrast essays are essays that discuss the similarities and/or differences of two things (objects, products, persons, seasons, etc.). When you compare or contrast things there should be a basis of comparison. There must be first a similarity in those things, in order to be compared. For example you can’t really compare/contrast a pigeon and an orange, or a desk with yourself. But, you can compare/contrast an orange with an apple, a pigeon with a cockatoo, and your brother with yourself.

5 5 Organization You can choose two ways of organizing the paragraphs: –Point-by-point: Introduction and thesis statement Point of comparison 1 –Orange –Apple Point of comparison 2 –Orange –Apple Point of comparison 3 –Orange –Apple Conclusion

6 6 –Side-by-side: Introduction and thesis statement Orange –Point of comparison 1 –Point of comparison 2 –Point of comparison 3 Apple –Point of comparison 1 –Point of comparison 2 –Point of comparison 3 Conclusion

7 7 Pre-writing Before you write, it is useful to prepare a list of the points you want to discuss on the first thing (object, person, etc.) Then make a parallel list of the second. Example: OrangesApples Color: orange, greenDifferent shades of red, green, yellow Sizes: little to bigSimilar sizes Not crunchycrunchy

8 8 Introduction Strategies You can use similar strategies as you do in the cause-effect essay: –General to specific statements –Background information –Anecdote or a story Another way to do it is to write the similarities in the introductions and then focus on the differences in the body. This is called the turnabout.

9 9 Balanced devlopment When you compare/contrast two things you must do it in a balanced way. That is, both parts need to be developed equally.

10 10 Conclusions Comparison/contrast essay is an essay that discuss similarities and/or differences of two comparable things There are two kinds of organization patterns: point-by-point and side-by-side. In addition to the introduction strategies you learned previously, you can use the turnabout strategy Both sides of the comparison/contrast should be developed equally

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