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Writing Systems 1. Types of Writing Systems –Logographic (Morphographic) –Syllabic –Alphabetic 2. Origin of Writing 3. Development 4. Spread.

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Presentation on theme: "Writing Systems 1. Types of Writing Systems –Logographic (Morphographic) –Syllabic –Alphabetic 2. Origin of Writing 3. Development 4. Spread."— Presentation transcript:

1 Writing Systems 1. Types of Writing Systems –Logographic (Morphographic) –Syllabic –Alphabetic 2. Origin of Writing 3. Development 4. Spread

2 1. Types of Writing System Logographic 1 symbol = 1 word or morpheme Mandarin Chinese 我們 喜歡學語言學 xihuanxueyuyanxue. I.Pl enjoystudylinguistics “We enjoy studying linguistics.”

3 Syllabic 1 symbol = 1 syllable Japanese べ た べ た (hiragana) be ta be ta ‘sticky’ ア メ リ カ (katakana) a me ri ka‘America/US’

4 Alphabetic 1 symbol = 1 phoneme Korean ㅎㅏㄴㄱㅡㄹ hank ɯ l 한글 hank ɯ l ‘Korean’‘writing’

5 2. Origin of Writing pictorial sign(picture of plow) object(plow)

6 pictorial sign objectname of object ‘plow’, ‘to plow’, ‘plowman’

7 pictorial sign name of object apin ‘plow’

8 Origin of Sumerian Cuneiform

9 Early Chinese Characters

10 3. Development: Rebus Principle

11 Rebus Principle and Chinese Characters 勿 wu‘animal’ 勿 wuNegative imperative 非禮勿視 Feiliwushi. be.notLido.notlook ‘If it does not adhere to Li do not look at it!’

12 Graphic ambiguity: 勿 wu‘animal’ 勿 wuNegative imperative => Create new character 牛 ‘ox’ > Semantic classifier 牛 + 勿 > 物 wu‘animal’

13 牛 + 岡 > 犅 gang‘cow’ 牛 + 生 > 牲 sheng‘domestic animal’ 牛 + 羲 > 犧 xi‘sacrificial animal’

14 4. Spread of Writing

15 Cuneiform Borrowed as Syllabary: Old Persian

16 Japanese Syllabaries from Chinese Characters ChineseHiragana 安あ a 加か ka 世せ se 天て te 乃の no 不ふ fu 呂ろ ro

17 Manyoshu: Chinese characters used for sound and meaning value 世間乎何物爾 Yononaka=wonani=ni world=Accwhat=Dat 将譬 tatohe-mu? compare-should “To what should I compare this world?”

18 Content words used for meaning value: 世間 ‘world’ > yononaka 何物 ‘what’ > nani 将譬 ‘should compare’ > tatohemu Function words used for sound value: 乎 >Accusative case wo 爾 >Dative case ni

19 Logograms to Alphabet: Phoenician

20 Phoenician to Greek: Vowels Added

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