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FINAL LECTURE of NEW MATERIAL!!! (1) How to build a better model (2) Lift, Drag, Pressure forces considered together.

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Presentation on theme: "FINAL LECTURE of NEW MATERIAL!!! (1) How to build a better model (2) Lift, Drag, Pressure forces considered together."— Presentation transcript:

1 FINAL LECTURE of NEW MATERIAL!!! (1) How to build a better model (2) Lift, Drag, Pressure forces considered together

2 Simulitude, dimensional analysis, modelling Similitude –The theory and art of predicting prototype performance from model observations Part of this art and theory involves building a good model Tip: –It helps if the important dimensionless #’s are the same for the models and the prototype

3 Some types of simultude Geometric –Involves dimensionless variables created using length scales –e.g. ( L / W ) = ( L M / W M ) –Sometimes a “model scale” is specified Scale of 1:10 usually means L M / L = 1 / 10 (for any length) Dynamic –Involves dimensionless variables of force scales –E.g. Inertial and viscous scales are both important: (F inertial / F viscous ) = (F inertial, M / F viscous, M ) How do you find the appropriate dimensionless numbers –Intuition What seems to be important? Use associated dimensionless numbers –Dimensional analysis provides important dimensionless numbers

4 Common dimensionless numbers (in fluid dynamics. See section 8.5) Reynolds number –Inertial / viscous force Mach number –Inertial / compressibility force Weber number –Inertial / surface tension force Froude number –Inertial / gravitational force Pressure coefficient (Euler number) –Pressure / inertial force Strouhal number –Local / convective force (unsteadiness importanat)

5 Lift / drag When an object is submerged in a flowing fluid, the fluid is forced to move around it. As a result, the object is (usually) subjected to forces perpendicular and parallel to free stream velocity Drag: –forces parallel to free stream velocity Lift: –forces perpendicular to free stream velocity These take the form:

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