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Transforming out Timing Leaks (Agat’s approach) Terkel K. Tolstrup Informatics and Mathematical Modelling Technical University of.

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Presentation on theme: "Transforming out Timing Leaks (Agat’s approach) Terkel K. Tolstrup Informatics and Mathematical Modelling Technical University of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Transforming out Timing Leaks (Agat’s approach) Terkel K. Tolstrup Email: Informatics and Mathematical Modelling Technical University of Denmark

2 Security Leakage  Direct Leakage  Indirect Leakage  Termination Leakage  Special case of Timing Leakage  Timing Leakage Timing Leakage is normally considered a Covert Channel

3 Termination Leaks – Intuitively  What kind of programs leak through termination channels?  while h do skip?  if h then skip else loop?

4 Timing Leaks – Intuitively  What kind of programs leak through timing channels?  while h>0 do h:=h-1?  if h then h1:=h1+1; h1:=h1+1 … else skip?

5 Covert Channels  Unintentional leak of information (Covert Channel)  Attacker learns secrets by observing normal behavior of systems, wrt.  Timing  Power consumption  Noise, Faults/Errors, Electromagnetic…  Often used to break implementations of cryptosystems

6 Timing Channels  Timing attacks: use observations of the timing behavior of system to guess secrets  Several accounts of practical attacks:  [Kocher’96]: On Diffie-Hellman, RSA, DSS…  [Dhem et al’98]: Practical implementation on Smartcard  …

7 Timing Channels - Goals  Ultimate goal: Find the secret key, so that all cipher texts can be decrypted.  Distinguishability: Find probabilities that allows the attacker to distinguish between different plaintexts.  Made more powerful in combination with the exploitation of other side channels.

8 Performing a timing attack  The attacker knows the first m bits of the secret key Initiate contact Public Key Guess: m+1’th bit Reply Time difference allows attack by varying guess

9 Q = P for i=0 to l do Q = 2 * Q if D(i) then Q = Q + P endif Example of a timing channel  Attacker observer timing differences caused by (Multiply) and (Add), and learn secrets about D Y = X for i=0 to l do Y = Y * Y if D(i) then Y = Y * X endif Scalar multiplication in EC Exponentiation in RSA (Multiply)(Add)

10 Programming Language

11 Getting rid of Termination Leaks – Identifying the cause

12 Getting rid of Termination Leaks – Being conservative  Let modify the inference rule  How does this work?  while h do skip?  while l do skip?  if h then while l do skip else skip? Not Allowed Allowed Allowed 

13 Getting rid of Termination Leaks – This time for real  Let modify the inference rule  How does this work?  while h do skip?  while l do skip?  if h then while l do skip else skip? Not allowed Allowed Not allowed

14 Getting rid of Timing Leaks – Identifying the cause  Did we get rid of Timing Leaks while taking care of Termination Leaks?  Not caused by while loops anymore, because they are only allowed to handled non-secret information.  But what about  if h then h := h + 1; h := h + 1;… else skip?

15 Getting rid of Timing Leaks – Being conservative

16 Hold on! – We are begin too conservative  This approach results in only having secret information on the right-hand side of assignments:  x := … h …  That probably won’t allow many useful/real programs.

17 Getting rid of Timing Leaks – Identifying the cause (cont.)  The cause of the timing leaks in if statement are that the branches have different execution time  Assume we knew the worst-case execution time of any piece of program!  Then we could write program like:  if h then C 1 else C 2 ; … “waste time until worst-case

18 Getting rid of Timing Leaks – Agat’s approach  Transform programs such that they waste time until both branches are done  What is worst-case?  C 1 ?  C 2 ?  How about the running time of C 1 ;C 2 ?

19 Getting rid of Timing Leaks – Agat’s approach  Transform programs such that they waste time until both branches are done  if h then C 1 else C 2  if h then C 1 ;C 2 else C 1 ;C 2  What is Agat’s problem? S2S2 S1S1

20 Getting rid of Timing Leaks – Making the slides  Assignments (to H):  Assignments (to L):

21 Getting rid of Timing Leaks – Making the slides (cont.)  Composition (C;D):  Loop (while e do C):

22 Getting rid of Timing Leaks – Making the slides (cont.)  Conditional (on H):  Conditional (on L):

23 Q = P for i=0 to l do Q = 2 * Q if D(i) then Q = Q + P endif Example of a timing channel – Revisited  Attacker observer timing differences caused by (Multiply) and (Add), and learn secrets about D Y = X for i=0 to l do Y = Y * Y if D(i) then Y = Y * X endif Scalar multiplication in EC Exponentiation in RSA (Multiply)(Add)

24 Q = P for i=0 to l do Q = 2 * Q if D(i) then Q = Q + P else skipAsn Q (Q + P) endif Example of a timing channel – Revisited  Attacker observer timing differences caused by (Multiply) and (Add), and learn secrets about D ––– Not anymore! Y = X for i=0 to l do Y = Y * Y if D(i) then Y = Y * X else skipAsn Y (Y * X) endif Scalar multiplication in EC Exponentiation in RSA (Multiply) (Add)

25 Food for thought Loosening the analysis (loops)  Can we apply Agat’s approach on while loops?  Let’s unroll the loops once and try:  while h do C  if h then C; while h do C else skip  What is our problem?

26 The Information Flow Challenge  The Information Flow Challenge is a web- based game that let the player try to outsmart an information flow analysis that becomes increasingly restrictive for each challenge the player finishes.  Play with what you have learned in this course!

27 The Information Flow Challenge



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