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TOURISM BOARD An M.B.C.A production

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1 TOURISM BOARD An M.B.C.A production
Our group represents the Geneva Tourism Board.

2 Our View on Hog Farming The Geneva Tourism Board does not want hog farming. Key Points: • Wineries • Scenic Byway Health effects of odor • Scenery • Lakes and streams •Noise Our foremost goal is to increase tourism to Geneva and the surrounding area. Based on the information that we have researched, we propose that hog farming would dramatically lower the amount of tourism to the surrounding area. Some Key points on our view on hog farming include wineries, Scenic Byway, Odor, Scenery, Lakes and Streams, and Noise.

3 Wineries Tourists coming to visit the local wineries don’t want to see, smell, or have contact with hog farms. • If there were to be hog farms near wineries, there would be less of an attraction for the wineries and the places around it. (Less attraction equals less money.) If you were a tourist at a winery would you want to see or smell a hog farm? – I definitely wouldn’t want to see a hog farm. Seeing beautiful full vines of grapes is more pleasing than seeing muddy hog pens. We need to keep the natural beauty of the winery the way it is. The hog farms odor would be bad for the tourists. When your tasting wine you don’t want to have the smell of hogs up your nose. It will spoil the taste of the wine. Building a hog farm is not a good idea because the tourist attractions around the farm would be ruined by its looks and smells. Think about your community? Do you really want its tourist attractions to suffer?

4 Scenic Byway (Route 14) Scenic byways would bring more tourism to our region . We want tourists to have beautiful drives on our roads. Hog farms tarnish the image that this is a beautiful area. Also due to the Scenic Byway rules for the state, hog farms located to close to the scenic byway is against the law (or may have stricter regulations) Scenic byways would add scenic lookouts and signs giving information about the look out spot, the native people, and other attraction. We at the Geneva Tourism Board have been pushing to convince the state to make Route 14 a scenic byway. This would add more scenic look out points and signs which explain about the area, native people, and other attractions. If Route 14 became a scenic byway there would also be stricter regulations for hog farms.some of which may be that the have to move there facilities farther from the road. So we are ok with hog farms as long as there out of sight and smell.

5 The health effects of odor
The presence of a strong, foul odor in a location dramatically lowers the quality of life in the surrounding area. • Exposure to the odor of hog farms symptoms including headache, nausea, loss of appetite, and emotional disturbance. • Studies show that hog farms odors can cause loss of appetite and food rejection, poor respiration, nausea, and even vomiting. That would defiantly be bad for tourism. If you were at a tourist attraction and there was a hog farm near, you wouldn’t enjoy the smell. The smell of hogs would make you feel very nocuous.

6 Lakes and Streams With hog farms comes hog waste. This waste eventually seeps into the ground or runs off into streams and lakes. Tourists coming to Geneva do not want to swim in a lake contaminated by fecal matter. Waste turns water bad colors… disgusting! Seneca lake is a major attraction of Seneca lake. From the Lake trout Derby to the Whale Watch the Lake offers countless amounts of recreational activities.

7 Scenery Tourists don’t want to see hog farms when visiting tourist attractions. The sight of hog farms would diminish the beauty of the surrounding area We could Plant trees to prevent tourists from seeing and smelling hog farms. We could ask farmers who are about to build future farms near-by to move farther away, to a place where tourist would not be able to see the farm.

8 Noise The squealing of hogs at a hog farm is a very unpleasant sound. If a tourist where to experience these loud sounds they would think twice before going back. Sounds of pigs are very disturbing. If you were a tourist you wouldn’t want to hear the loud squeals of a pig.

9 Overall… • Our group feels by putting another hog farm in by any tourist sight will be a bad idea. We don’t want the tourists coming to our region to get a bad feel for what the Finger Lakes is really about. We want tourists to have the best time in the Finger Lakes. If by having a hog farm causes less tourist attraction, then that will be bad for the whole community. Less attraction for our community is less money for our community.

10 Bibliography The Bibliography page

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