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The UK Telemedicine and E-health Information Service (TEIS) Dr Jim Briggs University of Portsmouth, UK.

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Presentation on theme: "The UK Telemedicine and E-health Information Service (TEIS) Dr Jim Briggs University of Portsmouth, UK."— Presentation transcript:

1 The UK Telemedicine and E-health Information Service (TEIS) Dr Jim Briggs University of Portsmouth, UK

2 2 History of TEIS Department of Health (UK government) commissioned 2 surveys: 1996 – Survey of UK telemedicine activity 1997 – Further survey of telecare 1998 (October) – National Database of Telemedicine (NDTM) website launched 2001 (January) – Telemedicine Information Service (TIS) website launched 2003 (October) – "E-health" added to name

3 3 The TEIS website Contains information on: Projects: pilots and full-scale services Companies: providing products or services People: practitioners or experts Resources: books, articles and websites Equipment: produced and used

4 4 Database entries Telemedicine projects234 Telemedicine education projects23 UK companies involved in telemedicine125 Other organisations (including health service)670 People677 Publications262 Links to other websites31 Equipment used in telemedicine300 TOTAL2322

5 5 The TEIS website

6 6 Telemedicine mailing list Over 340 members Typically 15-20 messages a month Community building


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