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Communications in Organizations and Interviews1. 2 海報展覽與明天報告  1 月 16 日一樓文化走廊  1 月 15 日中午前繳交修整版  明天 – 多媒體實驗室海報展示報告(最多 2 分鐘)  基本技術能力表現與加工複雜度  創意度與整體美感.

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Presentation on theme: "Communications in Organizations and Interviews1. 2 海報展覽與明天報告  1 月 16 日一樓文化走廊  1 月 15 日中午前繳交修整版  明天 – 多媒體實驗室海報展示報告(最多 2 分鐘)  基本技術能力表現與加工複雜度  創意度與整體美感."— Presentation transcript:

1 Communications in Organizations and Interviews1

2 2 海報展覽與明天報告  1 月 16 日一樓文化走廊  1 月 15 日中午前繳交修整版  明天 – 多媒體實驗室海報展示報告(最多 2 分鐘)  基本技術能力表現與加工複雜度  創意度與整體美感  訊息表達強度 –C304 第二次中文輸入測驗

3 Communications in Organizations and Interviews3 Communication in Organizations  Organization Culture –Ways of thinking, acting, and viewing work –Shared by members –Reflecting identity  Four Communication Practices –Vocabulary –Stories –Rites & Rituals –Structures

4 Communications in Organizations and Interviews4 Vocabulary  The language of an organization reflects and expresses its history, norms, values, identity  Hierarchical language –Distinguishes levels of status  Masculine language –More typical of men than women

5 Communications in Organizations and Interviews5 Stories  Storytelling to weave coherent narratives and to create meaning, and to sustain organizational cultures  Corporate stories –Convey values, style, and history of an org.  Personal stories –How people see themselves, and to be seen by others  Collegial stories –Personal accounts of other members

6 Communications in Organizations and Interviews6 Rites and Rituals  Verbal and nonverbal practices –Rites: Sets of activities that bring together aspects of ideology in a single event –Rituals: Forms of communications that occur regularly; perceived familiar and routine  Difference –Rituals don’t necessarily bring together a number of aspects of organizational ideology into a single event –Rituals are repeated communication performance

7 Communications in Organizations and Interviews7 Rites  Rites of passage –Artwork in larger office, special handshake  Rites of integration –Holiday parties, graduation ceremonies  Rites of blaming or praising –Military  Rites of recognition –Honors of achievement  Rites of managing change –Training workshops; office rearrangement  Rites of resolving conflicts –Voting, meditation

8 Communications in Organizations and Interviews8 Rituals  Personal rituals –Individual routines; delivering staff mail in person  Task rituals –Police officer’s routine questions  Social rituals –Company dinning room, E-mail chatting

9 Communications in Organizations and Interviews9 Structures  Organizing relationships and interactions  Roles –Responsibilities and behaviors of specific position  Rules –Constitutive and regulative rules  Policies –Formal statements of practices; mission statement  Communication networks – Formal & informal; job description and organization chart –Grapevine: Communication outside the formal channels

10 Communications in Organizations and Interviews10 Challenges for Communication in Organizations  Adapting to diverse needs, situations, and people  Moving in and out of teams –Participating in variety teams  Managing personal relationships on the job –Personal vs. professional –Romantic relationships

11 Communications in Organizations and Interviews11 Communication in Interviews  Interviews are part of professional, civic, and social life.  A communication transaction that emphasizes questions and answers; partnership between interviewer and interviewee.

12 Communications in Organizations and Interviews12 Types of Interviews  Information-giving –Team leaders’ talk  Information-getting –Journalist  Persuasive –Sales  Problem-solving –Collaborating to improve or resolve  Counseling –Client-helper  Employment –Prospective employer and employee  Complaint –To accept and respond to complaints

13 Communications in Organizations and Interviews13 Types of Interviews  Performance reviews –Supervisor commenting on achievement  Reprimand interviews –Unsatisfactory work –Tensions –The goal is to identify gaps, lapses, sources of problems. –May evoke defensiveness  Stress interviews –Designed to create anxiety; police, prison, attorney  Exit interviews –To gain insights, perceptions from those who are leaving

14 Communications in Organizations and Interviews14 Basic Structures of Interviews  The Opening Stage –Climate of interaction –Clarifying purpose  The Substantive Stage –To exchange information –Planning and thought required –Funnel sequence  The Closing Stage –To summarize: discussed and follow-up

15 Communications in Organizations and Interviews15 Styles of Interviewing  Review Chapter 3: Climate  Formality –Formal interviews  Within social and professional roles  Standard formats and consistency –Informal interviews  Interviewee as individuals  Not rigidly structured; guidelines prepared

16 Communications in Organizations and Interviews16 Styles of Interviewing  Balance of Power –Mirror (Reflective) interviews  Interviewee with greatest power –Distributive interviews  Power equally divided –Authoritarian interviews  Interviewers in primary control  Efficiency as primary strength; frustrating for interviewees  Stress interviews

17 Communications in Organizations and Interviews17 Forms of Questions  Open questions  Closed questions  Mirror questions –Paraphrasing previous communication  Hypothetical questions  Probing questions  Leading (Loaded) questions –Predisposing a certain response  Summary questions –Summarizing what has been covered and providing an opportunity to check

18 Communications in Organizations and Interviews18 Challenges in Interviews  Preparing to interview effectively –Conduct research –Engage in person-centered communication –Practice responding (see p. 269)  Managing illegal questions –Know the law  EEOC –Responding to illegal questions

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