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Chapter 7 Advanced Directory and File Management.

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1 Chapter 7 Advanced Directory and File Management

2 Copying Files cp (copy) - copies files and directories new file created with a different name in the same directory files copied to a different directory location (local or remote) or disk as with rm command, -i option prompts you to overwrite an existing file can be used with metacharacters (* ?) to copy multiple files at once

3 Copying Directories cp –r (recursive) - copies a directory and all of its contents must use -r option to copy a directory example 1 - new directory created with a different name in the same directory example 2 - directory copied to a different directory location

4 Multipurpose mv Command mv (move) - moves or renames files and directories move a file to a directory if the last argument is a directory; if not, will rename the file (cp command copies a file and gives it a new name leaving the original file intact) -i option prompts you if you are about to overwrite an existing file mv a file within the same directory renames it: $ ls beansnuts $ mv nuts brands $ ls beansbrands mv a file to another directory moves it; and renames it if specified $ mv brands /testdir/newname $ ls /testdir newname

5 Input / Output Redirection Commands right angle bracket (>) output redirection - creates a new file or overwrites existing Two right angle brackets (>>) appends the output to the specified file left angle bracket (<) input redirection right angle bracket preceded by the number two (2>) error redirection file can be a text file or a device file $ CommandRedirection Symbol File (text file or device file)

6 Command Piping One of the most powerful metacharacters is the pipe (|) standard output of one command and passes it as standard input into a following command must always have a command on each side of a pipe redirect takes a command to a file; pipe takes a command to a command for an administrator to see the users in his system, he would type: # cat /etc/password | more

7 CDE File Manager advanced capabilities for manipulating files and folders: moving (select + drag + drop) and copying (control + select + drag + drop) Selected menu: files and folders pre-selected to be copied, moved, renamed or put in Trash change file and directory permissions using properties option View menu can customize file and folder displays, including file system as a tree

8 Lab 7.1.2 - Copying Files and Directories Lab 7.1.4 – Renaming and Moving Files and Directories Lab 7.1.6 - Redirection and Command Piping Lab 7.2.3 Advanced CDE File Manager chapter 7 assessment Labs/Assessment

9 $ mv ??[abc]../.. mv Exercise

10 $ mv ??[abc]../.. move any file with only three characters in the name, anything in the first two character positions, a or b or c in the third position, up two directory levels mv Exercise

11 $ ls -al | head > myfiles Piping & Redirection Exercise

12 $ ls -al | head > myfiles take the top ten files listed and put it in a file called myfiles Piping & Redirection Exercise


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