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Sympatric Speciation Flies (Rhagoletis pomonella) (1) Larvae develop in hawthorns (Crataegus) Native to NE U.S. (2) Larvae develop in apples (Pyrus) Apples.

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Presentation on theme: "Sympatric Speciation Flies (Rhagoletis pomonella) (1) Larvae develop in hawthorns (Crataegus) Native to NE U.S. (2) Larvae develop in apples (Pyrus) Apples."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sympatric Speciation Flies (Rhagoletis pomonella) (1) Larvae develop in hawthorns (Crataegus) Native to NE U.S. (2) Larvae develop in apples (Pyrus) Apples introduced c. 300 ya; apple flies became a pest c. 150 ya. H 0 : The flies belong to the same species; there is phenotypic plasticity in use of hosts. H 1 : Speciation has occurred; each species of fly adapted to one host species. Since hawthorns and apples are both within the range of Rhagoletis, this would represent an example of sympatric speciation.

2 Flies using the two types of fruit cannot be distinguished morphologically (cryptic). But, evidence of lineage splitting: 1. Allele frequency differs for 6 different proteins; therefore can be distinguished genetically. 2. Flies imprint on fruit from which they developed. –Mating takes place on the fruit. –Provides some degree of physical segregation. –Only c. 2% of matings are between misimprinted flies.

3 Flies are diverging because of natural selection Selective agent = timing of fruit ripening. Apples ripen “early.” Larvae in apples –Selected to develop slowly (present in some Mexican fly populations). –Prevents emergence of adults prior to winter. Hawthorns ripen ca. 3 weeks later than apples. Larvae in hawthorn fruit –Selected to develop rapidly. –Enables pupation prior to winter. A few mistakes are made: speciation nearing completion.


5 Allopatric Speciation by dispersal Representative Hawaiian Drosophila diversity

6 Aspidoscelis carmenensis A. picta A. danheimae A. franciscensis A. espiritensis A speciation problem

7 Unresolved: maybe not species? Grismer, L. Lee. 1999. Phylogeny, taxonomy, and biogeography of Cnemidophorus hyperythrus and C. ceralbensis (Squamata: Teiidae) In Baja California, Mexico

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