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Biological Effects of Power Line Electromagnetic Fields Troy Cok ENGR 302 May 6, 2002.

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Presentation on theme: "Biological Effects of Power Line Electromagnetic Fields Troy Cok ENGR 302 May 6, 2002."— Presentation transcript:

1 Biological Effects of Power Line Electromagnetic Fields Troy Cok ENGR 302 May 6, 2002

2 The Issue  Power lines pass through residential areas  Concerns related to resulting electromagnetic fields (EMF)  Central question – does power line EMF cause cancer?

3 Research on the Issue  Two main fields of study Epidemological –Examination of human cancer cases WRT field locality/intensity Laboratory –Animal experimentation

4 Epidemological Studies  University of Colorado Study - 1979 Children living near power lines twice as likely to develop cancer than others First to expose the issue to the public Criticized for lack of actual field measurements

5 Many More Studies…  Numerous epidemological studies conducted in past 23 years  Research methods refined  Varied findings – no strong consensus Some report noticeable connection between power lines and cancer Others show little / non-existent relationship

6 Laboratory Research  Attempt to establish connection between electric or magnetic fields and cancer  Generally believed that magnetic fields are more dangerous than electric fields Magnetic fields can induce a small current in conducting materials Difficult to shield

7 Results of Laboratory Research  Magnetic fields shown to alter several biological processes Melatinon levels, brain & heart activity, immunities However, no changes beyond normal range  No strong consensus that EMF exposure can cause cancer

8 Future Research... ?  Some believe lack of any consensus indicates that power lines do not cause cancer  Others say the issue remains unresolved Methodological shortcomings –Residents often leave house –Epidemological measurements often taken intermittently – transients may also occur –Laboratory conditions too “perfect” – transients, current & voltage alterations

9 Should We Be Concerned ?  Local EMF’s created by household appliances are much larger than those resulting from power lines  Safety measures may be taken Limit time under high-voltage lines Do not sit in front of a computer all day

10 The End

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