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Presented by: Tony Wright Michael Munoz De’Angelo Bradley Mentor: Mr. Blake Cicenas.

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Presentation on theme: "Presented by: Tony Wright Michael Munoz De’Angelo Bradley Mentor: Mr. Blake Cicenas."— Presentation transcript:

1 Presented by: Tony Wright Michael Munoz De’Angelo Bradley Mentor: Mr. Blake Cicenas

2 The Purpose The purpose of our experiment is to see what side, the boy’s or girl's, has the softest bed.

3 Literature Review Pressure is used in every day life Pressure affects people when they sleep by what position they sleep in which can cause severe back pain Memory foam is a great, but expensive fix to prevent back pain Memory foam is a material that when you lay on it, the foam molds to main parts of the human body that exert the most pressure such as the spine and legs.

4 Literature Review Cont’d Recent experiments have been done by companies trying to prove how ergonomic certain upholsteries were on mattresses Designers and manufacturers now are able to seek optimal solutions for the produced mattresses both on the level of how they are produced as well as changes on the mattresses themselves Examples would be the chemical makeup of the foam for the mattress

5 The history of the word mattress is a small lesson in the way amenities have come to Europe from the Middle East. During the earlier part of the Middle Ages, Arabic culture was more advanced than that of Europe. One of the amenities of life enjoyed by the Arabs was sleeping on cushions thrown on the floor. Arabic word ara-a, "to throw," the word ma-ra meant "place where something is thrown" and "mat, cushion."

6 History Cont’d This kind of sleeping surface was adopted by the Europeans during the Crusades. The Arabic word was taken into Old Italian (materasso) and then into Old French (materas) from which comes the Middle English word materas, first recorded in a work written around 1300. The Arabic word also became Medieval Latin matracium, another source of our word.

7 The word comfort is defined in the dictionary as a state of being in ease. No one can actually find the comfort of an object because comfort is an abstract word meaning it can not be touched and is an opinion whether something is soft or not. Instead of measuring comfort, the experiment is based on softness of the beds.

8 Comfort Cont’d Comfort in this experiment is a nice soft mattress filled with springs placed mostly on the outside. Others might think springs are way too hard and have horrible back pain, so they might switch their bed for an air mattresses or a Tempur-Pedic bed and feel like they are in a cloud. Some people are traditional and stick to grass on the floor shown in many urban tribes. The word comfort is an abstract word which people feel only depending on their opinions and how they feel towards different beds.

9 Ancient times: Prehistoric humans simply huddled in groups for warmth at night and slept on the ground. 3600 BC: The first water-filled beds were made of goatskins filled with water, this was used in Persia. 15th century: In the Renaissance, mattresses were made of pea shucks or straw, sometimes feathers, stuffed into coarse ticks, then covered with velvets, brocades, or silks.

10 Time Line Cont’d 1865: The first coil spring construction for bedding was patented. Mattresses were lumpy up to the late 1800s, when the box spring was invented. Even the box spring mattresses were lumpy, but the springs made it more comfortable. 1999: For the first time ever, the queen-size mattress beat the twin-size to become the U.S. most popular choice for mattress size.

11 We believe that the girls will have a better mattress based on our definition of comfort

12 Definition of Comfort Our definition of soft is having the lower spring constant and a low angular frequency

13 U.B.M.S beds (Boys & Girls) Weights 88N(20Lb dumbbells) Meter Stick String Duck Tape

14 1. Take a bed, drop weights on it 2. Find the period by number of bounces/seconds 3. Drop from same distance on each mattress 4. Place weights on bed 5. Measure dip of the weights with string 6. Measure the string to find the length of the dip 7. Find the dip, if the bed has one

15 Variables Force Depression Angular Frequency Boys Girls Independent Variable Mass

16 Formula’s Used ω =2π/T F=-kx

17 Graph #1 Angular Frequency

18 Graph #2 Spring Constant

19 Results/Conclusion Our definition of soft is having the lower spring constant This proves our hypothesis wrong showing the girls had a big significant on how hard their beds are between us boys.

20 References Bautch, Scott, PHD. “Mattresses.” Comsumer Search. 2008. 29 June 2008. CQC UK. “HIstory of mattresses.” Brief history of mattresses. 25 June 2008. Sellers, Talbot J., DO. “Choosing the Best Mattress for Lower Back Pain.” Spine Health. 2007. 29 June 2008.

21 Ways to Improve Use actual girl’s bed’s that are being slept on Using a bigger sample of mattresses then six each. Finding the wire gauge inside of the mattresses could of only been found if aloud to rip open the mattress and measure the spring Formula to find wire gauge

22 Also many of the bed sets were flip and could of change the data. If the bed sets were not flip we could of have more reliable data. Some mattress could have been flip and to were the dip could be upside down. If the dip is upside down then we would have a harder time finding the dip and getting data errors.

23 Special Thanks Mrs. Morgan Mrs. Scott Mr. Cicenas Ms. Darter Mr. Smith Ms. Gallegos Ms. Johnson

24 Any Questions??

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