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Checksum ‘offloading’ A look at how the Pro1000 NICs can be programmed to compute and insert TCP/IP checksums
Network efficiency Last time (in our ‘nictcp.c’ demo) we saw the amount of work a CPU would need to do when setting up an ethernet packet for transmission with TCP/IP protocol format In a busy network this amount of packet- computation becomes a ‘bottleneck’ that degrades overall system performance But a lot of that work can be ‘offloaded’!
The ‘loops’ are costly To prepare for a packet-transmission, the device-driver has to execute a few dozen assignment-statements, to set up fields in the packet’s ‘headers’ and in the Transmit Descriptor that will be used by the NIC Most of these assignments involve simple memory-to-memory copying of parameters But the ‘checksum’ fields require ‘loops’
Can’t ‘unroll’ checksum-loops One programming technique for speeding up loop-execution is known as ‘unrolling’, to avoid the ‘test-and-branch’ inefficiency: But it requires knowing in advance what number of loop-iterations will be needed intsum = 0; sum += wp[0]; sum += wp[1]; sum += wp[2]; … sum += wp[99];
The ‘offload’ solution Modern network controllers can be built to perform TCP/IP checksum calculations on packet-data as it is being fetched from ram This relieves a CPU from having to do the most intense portion of packet preparation But ‘checksum offloading’ is an optional capability that has to be ‘enabled’ – and ‘programmed’ for a specific packet-layout
‘Context’ descriptors Intel’s Pro1000 network controllers employ special ‘Context’ Transmit-Descriptors for enabling and configuring the ‘checksum- offloading’ capability Two kinds of Context Descriptor are used: –An ‘Offload’ Context Descriptor (Type 0) –A ‘Data’ Context Descriptor (Type 1)
Context descriptor (type 0) IPCSS PAYLEN DTYP =0 MSS IPCSEIPCSOTUCSSTUCSETUCSO TUCMDSTAHDRLEN RSV 63 48 47 40 39 32 31 16 15 8 7 0 Legend: IPCSS (IP CheckSum Start)TUCSS (TCP/UDP CheckSum Start) IPCSO (IP CheckSum Offset)TUCSO (TCP/UDP CheckSum Offset) IPCSE (IP CheckSum Ending) TUCSE (TCP/UDP CheckSum Ending) PAYLEN (Payload Length)DTYP (Descriptor Type) TUCMD (TCP/UCP Command)STA (TCP/UDP Status) HDRLEN (Header Length)MSS (Maximum Segment Size) DEXT=1 (Extended Descriptor)
The TUCMD byte IDESNAP DEXT (=1) reserved (=0) RSTSEIPTCP 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Legend: IDE (Interrupt Delay Enable) SNAP (Sub-Network Access Protocol) DEXT (Descriptor Extension) RS (Report Status) TSE (TCP-Segmentation Enable) IP (Internet Protocol) TCP (Transport Control Protocol) always valid valid only when TSE=1
Context descriptor (type 1) ADDRESS DTALEN DTYP =1 VLANDCMDSTAPOPTS RSV 63 48 47 40 39 32 31 16 15 8 7 0 Legend: DTALEN (Data Length) DTYP (Descriptor Type) DCMD (Descriptor Command) STA (Status) RSV (Reserved) POPTS (Packet Options) VLAN (VLAN tag) DEXT=1 (Extended Descriptor)
The DCMD byte IDEVLE DEXT (=1) reserved (=0) RSTSEIFCSEOP 7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 Legend: IDE (Interrupt Delay Enable) VLE (VLAN Enable) DEXT (Descriptor Extension) RS (Report Status) TSE (TCP-Segmentation Enable) IFCS (Insert Frame CheckSum) EOP (End Of Packet)) always valid valid only when EOP=1
Our usage example We’ve created a module named ‘offload.c’ which demonstrates the NIC’s checksum- offloading capability for TCP/IP packets It’s a modification of our earlier ‘nictcp.c’ character-mode device-driver module We have excerpted the main changes in a class-handout – the full version is online
Data-type definitions // Our type-definition for the ‘Type 0’ Context-Descriptor typedef struct{ unsigned charipcss; unsigned charipcso; unsigned shortipcse; unsigned chartucss; unsigned chartucso; unsigned shorttucse; unsigned intpaylen:20; unsigned intdtyp:4; unsigned inttucmd:8; unsigned charstatus; unsigned charhdrlen; unsigned shortmss; } TX_CONTEXT_OFFLOAD;
Definitions (continued) // Our type-definition for the ‘Type 1’ Context-Descriptor typedef struct{ unsigned long longbase_addr; unsigned intdtalen:20; unsigned intdtyp:4; unsigned intdcmd:8; unsigned charstatus; unsigned charpkt_opts; unsigned shortvlan_tag; } TX_CONTEXT_DATA; typedef union{ TX_CONTEXT_OFFLOADoff; TX_CONTEXT_DATAdat; } TX_DESCRIPTOR;
Our packets’ layout Ethernet Header (14 bytes) IP Header (20 bytes) (no options) TCP Header (20 bytes) (no options) HDR CKSUM TCP CKSUM 10 bytes 16 bytes 14 bytes Packet-Data (length varies)
How we use contexts Our ‘offload.c’ driver will send a ‘Type 0’ Context Descriptor within ‘module_init()’ txring[ 0 ].off.ipcss = 14;// IP-header CheckSum Start txring[ 0 ].off.ipcso = 24;// IP-header CheckSum Offset txring[ 0 ].off.ipcse = 34;// IP-header CheckSum Ending txring[ 0 ].off.tucss = 34;// TCP/UDP-segment CheckSum Start txring[ 0 ].off.tucso = 50;// TCP/UDP-segment Checksum Offset txring[ 0 ].off.tucse = 0;// TCP/UDP-segment Checksum Ending txring[ 0 ].dtyp = 0;// Type 0 Context Descriptor txring[ 0 ].tucmd = (1<<5)|(1<<3);// DEXT=1, RS=1 iowrite32( 1, io + E1000_TDT );// give ownership to NIC
Using contexts (continued) Our ‘offload.c’ driver will then use a Type 1 context descriptor every time its ‘write()’ function is called to transmit user-data The network controller ‘remembers’ the checksum-offloading parameters that we sent during module-initialization, and so it continues to apply them to every outgoing packet (we keep our same packet-layout)
Sequence of ‘write()’ steps Adjust the ‘len’ argument (if necessary) Copy ‘len’ bytes from the user’s ‘buf’ array Prepend the packet’s TCP Header Insert the pseudo-header’s checksum Prepend the packet’s IP Header Prepend the packet’s Ethernet Header Initialize the Data-Context Tx-Descriptor Give descriptor-ownership to the NIC
The TCP pseudo-header We do initialize the TCP Checksum field, (but this only needs a short computation) The one’s complement sum of these six words is placed into ‘TCP Checksum’ Source IP-address Destination IP-address Protocol-ID (= 6) TCP Segment-lengthZero
Setting up the Type-1 Context inttxtail = ioread32( io + E1000_TDT ); txring[ txtail ].dat.base_addr = tx_desc + (txtail * TX_BUFSIZ); txring[ txtail ].dat.dtalen = 54 + len; txring[ txtail ].dat.dtyp = 1; txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd = 0; txring[ txtail ].dat.status = 0; txring[ txtail ].dat.pkt_opts = 3;// IXSM=1, TXSM=1 txring[ txtail ].dat.vlan_tag = vlan_id; txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd |= (1<<0);// EOP (End-Of-Packet) txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd |= (1<<3);// RS (Report Status) txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd |= (1<<5);// DEXT (Descriptor Extension) txring[ txtail ].dat.dcmd |= (1<<6);// VLE (VLAN Enable) txtail = (1 + txtail) % N_TX_DESC; iowrite32( txtail, io + E1000_TDT );
In-class demonstration We can demonstrate checksum-offloading by using our ‘dram.c’ device-driver to look at the packet that is being transmitted from one of our ‘anchor’ machines, and to look at the packet that gets received by another ‘anchor’ machine The checksum-fields (at offsets 24 and 50) do get modified by the network hardware!
In-class exercise The NIC can also deal with packets having the UDP protocol-format – but you need to employ different parameters in the Type 0 Context Descriptor and arrange a ‘header’ for the UDP segment that has a different length and arrangement of parameters Also the UDP protocol-ID is 17 (=0x11)
UDP Header UDP header: 0 0101 0202 0303 0404 0505 0606 0707 0808 0909 10101 1212 1313 1414 1515 1616 1717 1818 1919 2020 21212 2323 2424 2525 2626 2727 2828 2929 3030 3131 Source PortDestination Port LengthChecksum Data ::: Traditional ‘Big-Endian’ representation
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