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Report Writing Goal: Tell the readers about your team’s: –Objectives –Background –Recommendations –Reasons.

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Presentation on theme: "Report Writing Goal: Tell the readers about your team’s: –Objectives –Background –Recommendations –Reasons."— Presentation transcript:

1 Report Writing Goal: Tell the readers about your team’s: –Objectives –Background –Recommendations –Reasons

2 Key: Define objectives, Logical ordering Start by clearly defining the goal for what you’re trying to convey Ask: –What am I trying to tell the readers? –What pieces of knowledge do readers need to know? –In what order? Put yourself in the reader’s position –Assume technically proficient but NOT a specialist: explain needed background

3 Outline: Divide and Conquer Break down content into small, ordered pieces: Section 1 Subsection 1.1 Subsection 1.2 Sub-subsection 1.2.1 Sub-subsection 1.2.2 Subsection 1.3 Section 2

4 Example: Report outline Abstract/Executive summary 1.Introduction Project goals, prospective benefits 2. Narrowing process/Alternatives + Down Select 3. Background on cogeneration 4. Analysis – Individual buildings 5. Analysis – Network 6. Final recommendations to Harvard 7. Future work Appendices: List of contacts at Harvard Detailed calculations Data tables References (books, web sites, articles)

5 Figures, Abstract Include lots of figures –Clarifies concepts, fun to read –Time consuming to prepare! Begin with an Abstract or Executive Summary –A good 200-word abstract conveys 50% of report content –Most of summary should be your results, not background and motivation –Write it after the rest of report

6 Individual Report Sections Assignment Length –Highly variable depending on material: 5+ pages of pure text More with figures (use lots!) Share outlines and drafts with team members Grade: –1/3 for first draft due 4/27 –2/3 for final draft due 5/4

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