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Orientation to Online Learning An Instructors Guide.

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Presentation on theme: "Orientation to Online Learning An Instructors Guide."— Presentation transcript:

1 Orientation to Online Learning An Instructors Guide

2 What is Required for Students to be Successful? Computer & Internet Access Computer Skills Comprehension Levels Self Motivated

3 Materials and Technology Access Explanation of what and how to maintain materials that will be needed for the course –Computer Lab information “Quick Reference Sheet” –Materials locations –websites

4 Training Explanation on how to navigate the site Skills needed to use software or hardware used in the course Directions for how to complete the course

5 Expectations for the Class What is the student expected to do? What is the instructor expected to do? What are the specific course requirements? Due dates for assignments How will feedback be given to the students? How will teacher and instructor communicate?

6 What Should I Include in the Orientation? Navigating the site Computer skills Assignment Descriptions Project Due Dates Test or Quiz dates and descriptions

7 Navigating The Site Can be done in multiple ways –Pictures with written descriptions –Video (with and without audio) –Interactive Video

8 Navigating the Site Example On the following slide is a video introduction to a course. Watch the video and think of some positive and negative points in the video. –Background: The Navigation of the site example is from a course to train new Adult Basic and Literacy Education (ABLE) State Staff throughout the country

9 Navigating the Site Example

10 What if a Student does not have the required skills? What if a student does not have basic computer skills? –Provide training prior to course –Make the course as user friendly as possible What if a student is not self motivated? –Guide learning –Provide reminders for students

11 Assignments & Tests What is the best way to inform students about assignments and test? (due dates and descriptions) –Syllabus or similar –Calendar –Project description pages –Combination

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