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HERO Board Development Midterm Deliverable November 5, 2001.

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Presentation on theme: "HERO Board Development Midterm Deliverable November 5, 2001."— Presentation transcript:

1 HERO Board Development Midterm Deliverable November 5, 2001

2 Current Board

3 Desired Board Profile Size: 9 to 15 members is common for nonprofits of similar size. Nonprofit boards are larger than boards in the private sector. Specific size depends on needs: desired skills and attributes. Retain a couple current board members for ease of transition and continuity.

4 What skills and attributes are needed on the HERO Board? Skills:  Marketing  PR  Finance  Legal  Nonprofit (homeless agency?)  For-profit  HR  Entrepreneurial  Fundraising  Leadership  Recruiting  Board Experience Attributes:  Affluence (public recognition)  Influence (political and community connections)  Commitment  Passion and Heat  Diversity  Responsiveness  Open-mindedness Lowest Common Denominator is Commitment and Passion.

5 Board Logistics Board Meetings- How often? How long? What is desired? Term Limits- Enforce 2 year limits. Membership Evaluation- Enforce annually, Ongoing process. Committees- do standing committees exist? Officer roles- Effective? Officers committed? Advisory Board- need based. What are the needs?

6 Recruiting Board Members Recruit President first. President can then help recruit other members. Collateral- Focus on benefits of board service, growth of HERO, HERO’s mission. Mission Statement revision? Strategies for contacting and attracting potential Board Members. Team Building- Retreat

7 Next Steps in Project  Get more specific- Information gathering from interviews with current board members.  More analysis on successful boards in the real world.  Collateral/marketing materials  Action plan to approach prospective board members.  Possible candidates

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