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An Expandable Montgomery Modular Multiplication Processor Adnan Abdul-Aziz GutubAlaaeldin A. M. Amin Computer Engineering Department King Fahd University.

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Presentation on theme: "An Expandable Montgomery Modular Multiplication Processor Adnan Abdul-Aziz GutubAlaaeldin A. M. Amin Computer Engineering Department King Fahd University."— Presentation transcript:

1 An Expandable Montgomery Modular Multiplication Processor Adnan Abdul-Aziz GutubAlaaeldin A. M. Amin Computer Engineering Department King Fahd University of Petroleum & Minerals Dhahran, SAUDI ARABIA

2 Presentation Outline n Introduction (RSA cryptographic system n The Systolic Multiplier n The Basic Cell n Montgomery Product (MP) Algorithm n Expandability of the Parallel Design n The Expandable MP Hardware n Conclusion

3 RSA Public Key Cryptosystem n Developed in 1978, by Rivest, Shamir & Adleman n Its security is based on the integer factoring problem n The most popular method :- –simple to understand & implement –same algorithm for encryption & decryption –can also be used for digital signature

4 Concept Encryption RSA Decryption RSA Plaintext message Plaintext Ciphertext

5 Encryption key Decryption key Concept Encryption RSA Decryption RSA Plaintext message Plaintext Ciphertext

6 Encryption key Decryption key Concept Different Encryption RSA Decryption RSA Plaintext message Plaintext Ciphertext

7 RSA Algorithm For Encryption : C = M E mod N For Decryption : M = C D mod N M is the message, (E,N) is the encryption key, C is the cipher text, (D,N) is the decryption key. Encryption key (E,N) Decryption key (D,N) public private

8 RSA Security * Security depends on the key size. larger key size larger key size more secure system more secure system

9 Modular Multiplication multiply/divide add/subtract logarithmic speed Montgomery Modular Multiplication multiply/divide add/subtract logarithmic speed Montgomery hardware Modular Exponentiation repeated squaring Modular Exponentiation repeated squaring software slow speed software slow speed RSA Implementations &


11 Montgomery’s Method n Introduced by P. Montgomery in 1985 n Modular multiplication with out trial division n Can be implemented in VLSI n Requires some pre-computations. n Suitable for large number multiplication.

12 Montgomery Modular Multiplication To Compute Z= XY mod N Pre-computation : R, R -1, N’ 1 1 mapping X &Y to Montgomery Domain :- x = XR mod N, y = YR mod N 2 2 Montgomery Product: z = MP(x,y) = xy R -1 mod N 3 3 OBJECTIVE map z from Montgomery to normal: Z = MP(1,z) 4 4

13 Mapping to Montgomery’s Domain: Montgomery’s Algorithm To compute : XY mod N Pre-computations : * choose R= 2 k ; k = number of bits of E; R > N & GCD(R,N)=1. * compute: R -1 ; such that: R -1 R mod N=1 & 0<R -1 <N. * compute: N’ ; such that: N’=-N -1 mod R & 0<N’<R. * compute: x = X.R mod N. * compute: y = Y.R mod N. performed by software

14 Montgomery’s Algorithm MP(x,y) = xyR -1 mod N Montgomery’s Modular Multiplication: MP(x,y) ¤ P = x.y ¤ U = P + N. (P.N’ mod R) ¤ S = U/R ¤ MP = S (if S<N) ELSE MP = S-N A2 A1 * A : R= 2 k * A mod R : A1 * A/R : A2 k k

15 Number Representation A : A l-1 A l-2 A2A2 A1A1 A0A0 A : A : k-bits := l -words

16 Numbers Representation A : A l-1 A l-2 A2A2 A1A1 A0A0 A : b - bits A : k-bits := l -words A : k-bits := l*b - bits

17 Numbers Representation A : A l-1 A l-2 A2A2 A1A1 A0A0 A : A : A 0 + A 1 2 b + A 2 2 2b +... + A l-2 2 (l-2)b + A l-1 2 (l-1)b b - bits

18 Systolic Multiplier p = x.y + q clock x y q p The Systolic Multiplier 0,...,0, x l-1, x l-2,...., x 1,x 0 0,...,0, y l-1, y l-2,....., y 1,y 0 0, q 2l-1, q 2l-2,........, q 1,q 0 p 0, p 1,..............., p 2l-1, p 2l z 0,...,0,1 Control input First product digit

19 Building the Systolic Multiplier clock 0,..,0, x l-1,...., x 1,x 0 0,..,0, y l-1,....., y 1,y 0 0, q 2l-1,........, q 1,q 0 p 0, p 1,......., p 2l-1, p 2l x y q p z 0,...,0,1 z in x in y in q in p out cell 1 cell 2 cell l/2+1 0 (l/2 + 1) cells required for l-digit multiplication

20 Expandable Systolic Multiplier x y q p z z in x in y in q in p out cell 1 cell l/2+1 z in x in y in q in p out z out x out y out q out p in clock cell 1 cell l/2+1 z out x out y out q out p in 0 Multiplier for l-digits Multiplier for 2l-digits

21 Systolic Montgomery Reduction (J. Sauerbrey 1992)  N’ 0 = -N -1 mod 2 b ;  p = x.y ;  for i = 0 to l-1  v i = p i. N’ 0 mod 2 b ;  p = p+v i N 2 bi ;  end for ;  return p/R ; Note that x,y < N< R where R = 2 l*b & gcd(R,N) = 0 Systolic Multiplier x y q p z clock 0,...,0,1 p = x.y + q 0,...,0,N l-1,...,N 0 X 0,...,0,N 0 ’,...,N’ 0 0, p 2l-1, p 2l-2,......., p 1,p 0 0,...,0,t 0, t 1,............, t l-1 l-times VHDL

22 Implementation of the Systolic Montgomery Reduction for l = 4 x y q x.y + q x y x.y mod 2 b 2 b : base of numbers x & y 2T delay of 2-clock cycles T T T T T T T T 2T T N 000 N’ 0 p(0) p(4) Systolic Multiplier Correct

23 Clarification for l = 4 p(2) N’ 0 = -N -1 mod 2 b ; p(0) = x.y ; for i = 0 to l-1 v i = p i (i). N’ 0 mod 2 b ; p(i+1) = p(i) + v i N 2 b i ; end for ; return p(l)/R ; T T T T T T T T 2T T N 0 N’ 0 p(0) p(4) v0v0 p(1) p(3) v1v1 v2v2 v3v3 p(0) p(0) & N’ 0 is precomputed

24 Expandability of the Parallel Implementation basic design for l-digits expanded design for 2l-digits expanded design for 3l-digits

25 Projection x y q x.y + q x y x.y mod 2 b 2 b : base of numbers x & y 2T delay of 2-clock cycles T T T T T T T T 2T T N 000 N’ 0 p(0) p(4) Systolic Multiplier

26 The Serial MP Design multiplier Systolic Multiplier p = xy + q z x y q p z(i) N(i) v(i) p(i) 2l+1 p(i+1) 2l2l z(i+1) 2l+ 1 2T N(i+1) N’ 0 { } Mux 0 z(i) LOOP : i = 0 to l-1 p(0) is precomputed

27 For Expandability n Allow input data to have more digits n Allow systolic multiplier to be expandable n Allow registers to be expandable n Multiplexing

28 The Expandable MP system Basic chip for l-digits input data Results Chip for additional l-digits Design for 2l-digits Design for 3l-digits additional l-digits Design for 4l-digits Chip for additional l-digits

29 VHDL Modeling n All three designs were modeled in VHDL n Structural level => similar to real hardware n Designs >> fully parametrized in terms: – ‘l’ number of words –‘b’ number of bits in each word –‘t’ time delay for each gate

30 n An expandable Montgomery modular multiplication processor was designed, modeled in VHDL, and analyzed. Conclusion


32 ..p(0) 1 p(0) 0 Systolic Montgomery Reduction signal flow graph for l = 4 n N’ 0 = -N -1 mod 2 b ; n p(0) = x.y ; n for i = 0 to l-1 n v i = p i (i). N’ 0 mod 2 b ; n p(i+1) = p(i) + v i N b b i n end for ; n return p(l)/r ; time : 0 1 2 3 4 5 6....0 0 0 0 N’ 0....0 0 N 3 N 2 N 1 N 0 x y q x.y + q x y x.y mod 2 b 2 b : base of numbers x & y Systolic Multiplier

33 N’ 0 = -N -1 mod 2 b ; p(0) = x.y ; for i = 0 to l-1 v i = p i (i). N’ 0 mod 2 b ; p(i+1) = p(i) + v i N 2 b i ; end for ; return p(l)/R ; Montgomery’s Algorithm MP(x,y) = xyR -1 mod N Loop: i = 0 v 0 = p 0 (0). N’ 0 mod 2 b p(1) = p(0) + v 0 N 2 0 Loop: i = 1 v 1 = p 1 (1). N’ 0 mod 2 b p(2) = p(1) + v 1 N 2 b Loop: i = 2 v 2 = p 2 (2). N’ 0 mod 2 b p(3) = p(2) + v 2 N 2 2b

34 suitable for expandability logical start

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