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SERVICII BANCARE ELECTRONICE By Ligia Georgescu Golosoiu By Ligia Georgescu Golosoiu
TIPURI DE SERVICII BANCARE ELECTRONICE Telephone Banking Bankers Automated Clearing System /Sistem automat de decontare intre banci Clearing House Automated Payment System/Sistem automat de plati pentru Casa de compensare Electronic and Internet -Based Payments Plati electronice si prin Inrternet
Telephone Banking Acest serviciu consta fie in activarea vocii, de exemplu computerul reactioneaza la vocea clientului si efectueaza operatiunile in concordanta cu instructiunile acestuia, fie intr-o activare electronica a vocii, de exemplu clientul vorbeste la microfonul telefonului bancii si formeaza anumite numere care, de fapt reprezinta o anumita tranzactie. Prin telephone banking se pot efectua transferuru de fonduri, achitarea unor facturi regulate, solicitarea de credite etc. Clients request Banks response
Bankers Automated Clearing System & Clearing House Automated Payment System BACS este folosit, in special, pentru efectuarea transferurilor de fonduri dintre bancile membre ale sistemului si opereaza standing orders, direct debits, plati de salarii, chirii. BACS is dotat cu o banda magnetica care contine detalii cu privire la conturile care urmeaza a fi debitate sau creditate. Aceasta le sorteaza in ordine bancare si, apoi transmite bancii platitoare detaliile relevante. Transferurile efectuate prin CHAPS se efectueaza in intregime prin intermediul calculatorului si reprezinta o metoda garantata de efectuare a platii in aceeasi, in special decontarea unor sume mari.
Electronic and Internet -Based Payments Internet banking is a banking product which follows to the older solutions like e-banking. E-banking represents a solutions which is technologically obsolete, supposing at the client level of that service a phone line and a computer dedicated for such a operation, able to fulfill technical needs requested by the bank and to run (execute) a software program necessary for the optimal communication with the clients bank. In that way, the person which will handle the e-banking application have to work only from that computer which it is not very good for someone with a dynamical job and with many physical places of working even in different localities or countries. Despite e-banking, the i-banking suppose the usage of a computer from wide world on which is installed a browser and a Internet connection. The performances of such a solution are far away better also for the bank and to the end user (the client)
Internet Banking advantages Consumers can use their computers and a telephone modem to dial in from home or any site where they have access to a computer even using a Internet Cafe Bar. The services are available seven days a week, 24 hours a day. Transactions are executed and confirmed quickly, although not instantaneously. Processing time is comparable to that of an ATM transaction. And the range of transactions available is fairly broad. Customers can do everything from simply checking on an account balance to applying for a mortgage. So, the advantages of internet banking are: Easy 24-hour access to account information and transactions Automatic checkbook balancing Current and accurate account balance No monthly fee for bill paying or account access Electronic transfer of funds between accounts Free bank wires Immediate access to statements and cleared checks.
Internet Banking disadvantages The most obvious: Technophones need not apply. You must be comfortable using a computer. Investment of time upfront can be formidable. The data entry is necessary before the numbers can be massaged and money managed successfully. Online bill payment is an example of an effort that requires setting up which leads to ultimate convenience. Switching software or banks can mean re-entry of data, although Internet-based systems are less impacted by this. But competition seems to be minimizing this problem. The personal finance management software Microsoft Money enables users of competing software to import data easily.
Internet Banking Architecture Browser Bank’s Database CBG Web Servers BackOffice Application Customer databases SQL Servers BackOffice Database : Clients
Data Flow - Budget Payments Orders - ROL Payment Orders - FCY Payment Orders oreign Exchanges - Time Deposits - Statements of account - Flow Chart of account Customer PC Bank Database Sending… Response Filling In FORMS Processing…
CERTIFICATE REQUEST Certificates are information attached to electronic message for security reasons. They are used especially to verify the identity of the person who sends a message and to offer the receiver the possibility to crypt the answer. A person who wishes to send an encrypted message has to request first of all a certificate from a Certification Authority. The Certificate Authority issues an encrypted certificate which contains the public key of the one who requested the certificate and other authentication information. The receiver of an encrypted message uses the public key of the Certification Authority to decrypt the attached certificate, checks is the message was issued by the Certification Authority and obtains the public key of the sender of the message and the authentication information contained in the certificate. With this information, the receiver of a message may send a encrypted message.
Certificate installation After the bank issued the certificate the client must visit again the bank’s web address to install it.
CONNECTING… - In order to have access to the Internet Banking Service the client have to visit the again the web address - The first page displayed will look exactly as the one presented below. The Login Name and User PIn are specified in the document that client received from the Bank in a sealed envelope. The User PIN provided by the bank is to be used only for the first connection, the user being obliged to change it after the first connection. - After filling in all the information the client have to press the OPEN PIN button.
PAYMENTS USING IBanking Payment Orders in ROL: In the list of beneficiaries he will find the ones he have previously input. If he did not input any beneficiary, the only available option is New. When selecting this option on the right side of the list there will be displayed a field having initially the value New. In this name he should input the name of the beneficiary. Payment Orders in Foreign Currency: When the user select the New option, on the right side of the list box will appear a field where he have to enter the name of the beneficiary. Then there are filled in the address of the beneficiary, the details regarding his bank (address, city, SWIFT code), his account, the amount to be paid and the details of the payment.
FOREIGN EXCHANGE ORDERS Foreign Exchange Buy Orders: Foreign Exchange Sale Orders: Foreign Exchange Cross Orders:
TERM DEPOSITS When this page loads the details of clients company are automatically completed. The account from which he want to create the deposit has to be selected from the list. This list contains all the current account for the selected currency. Then, the user have to fill in the amount of the deposit as well as the period for which the deposit is made. Depending on the currency that the client have chosen there are available certain types of periods. Also, he may specify a certain number of days for the deposit. The interest rate of this deposit is negotiable and may be filled in by him.
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