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John Dudeney ASSW IPY Session April 21 2005
IPY 2007-2008 Concept ICSU and WMO are co-sponsoring: An intensive burst of internationally coordinated, interdisciplinary, scientific research and observations focussed on the Earth’s Polar regions starting in 2007
1.Current Status of Polar Regions 2.Change in the Polar Regions 3.Global Linkages 4.New Frontiers 5.Polar Regions as Vantage Points 6.The Human Dimension The Human Dimension also runs through the first five Themes. Data Management and Education, Outreach & Communication are present in all six themes IPY Themes
IPY and Societal Benefits IPY can bring societal benefits to the polar regions in the form of new knowledge, in enhancements to the systems observing change and in understanding of natural and human processes there – Improving weather information, forecasting, and warnings – Improving predictions of climate variability and change – Reducing loss of life and property from natural and human- induced disasters – Establishing how to mitigate or adapt to environmental factors affecting human health and well being
IPY and Societal Benefits Improving the sustainable management of fisheries/ agriculture Improving the management of resources of water and energy Improving the management and protection of terrestrial, coastal, and marine ecosystems Understanding, monitoring, and conserving biodiversity Providing indigenous people with the tools and capabilities to tackle these societal issues and build capacity
IPY Activities since Arctic Council, Reykjavik (1) Joint Committee appointed to oversee IPY implementation – includes ex-officio members from IASC and SCAR International Programme Office established in UK (Nov 2004) International competition for IPY Director – David Carlson (USA) The implementation document “A Framework for IPY 2007-2008” was published (Nov). Available as a pdf on the IPY website ICSU-WMO issue Call for Expressions of Intent aimed particularly at projects with heavy logistic needs (Nov) – Deadline 14 th Jan 05
IPY Activities since Arctic Council, Reykjavik (2) First Meeting of the Joint Committee and First Meeting of the Open Consultative Forum (March 2005) - CAFF, AMAP, FARO, U of Arctic, IPS, IASSA, IASC and ICARP II represented. IPY JC assessed ~ 900 proposals and reduced these to ~50 topics by clustering proposals along disciplinary lines. Cross-cutting noted. Assessment letters sent to primary contacts of each proposal and potential lead projects approached for each topic. Updated website launched ( with searchable database of all the IPY proposals and the assessment
Some Results from the Assessment (1) Arctic EoI’s = 483, Antarctic = 159, Bipolar = 136 Selection of country involvement (not just leading) in EoI’s
Some Results from the Assessment (2) Distribution of EoI’s through spheres Atmosphere= 114 Geosphere = 105 Cryosphere= 146 Biosphere = 135 Hydrosphere= 98 Human Dimension = 104 Space/Earth Ob = 67Education/Legacy= 80 Association of EoI’s with major programmes/areas CASO (S. Ocean)= 21 Permafrost = 17 iAOOS (Arctic Ocean)= 22 CliC = 65 SEARCH= 21 WAIS studies = 11
THEME 1 – Status Biodiversity of Polar Regions Clouds, aerosols, atmospheric chemistry Hydrological cycle and freshwater budget Ocean circulation Space Snapshot Ice Caps, Ice Sheets, Glaciers & Permafrost Weather and Climate Biochemistry and Ecosystems Coasts and Margins Atmosphere ocean ice (THORPEX) Theme 2 – Change Life Under Natural & Antropogenic Changes Migration: Invasions, expansions reductions Paleoclimate Adaptation and Vulnerability Transitions and Border Zones Rapid Change Societal Responses Ecosystem Response to change Evolution of Polar Glaciation Theme 3 – Global Connections Teleconnections between Pole and mid-latitude Plate tectonics and Polar Gateways Theme 4 – New Frontiers Exploration Beneath the Ice Theme 5 – Vantage Point Observing System Life in the Polar Regions Geophysical, Glaciological Atmospheric and Climate Observation Systems Local and indigenous visions ICESTAR Astronomy SPARC Theme 6 – Human Dimension Natural Resources Uses, Management and Conservation Northern Resources New Risks and Stresses (inc. contaminants and Health) Resources – Geosciences Outreach and Education Preservation of IPY Legacy Clusters and the IPY Themes
Arctic IPY Topics & Projects (Atmosphere) PALAEOCLIMATE/ CLIMATE COMPILATIONS International Partnerships for Ice Core Studies (IPICS) HYDROLOGICAL CYCLE AND FW BUDGET An Arctic component of the WMO World Hydrological Cycle Observing System (HYCOS) WEATHER AND CLIMATE (improved forecasts) THORPEX-IPY Air-Ice Chemical Interactions (AICI–IPY) CLOUDS, AEROSOLS, ATMOSPHERIC CHEM. Arctic Monitoring and Assessment Programme (AMAP) Polar Ozone Loss The Polar Environment Atmospheric Research Laboratory
Arctic IPY Topics & Projects (Hydrosphere) OCEAN CIRCULATIONIntegrated Arctic Ocean Observing System (iAOOS) Mooring-based Arctic Ocean Observational System (MAOOS) BIOGEOCHEMISTRY AND ECOSYSTEMS Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea Ice-Snow pack (OASIS) Interactions COASTS AND MARGINSArctic Circumpolar Coastal Observatory Network (ACCO-NET) CROSS-CUTTING PROJECTS SEARCH International Permafrost Association
Arctic IPY Topics & Projects (Cryosphere) The State and Fate of the Polar Cryosphere Cold Land Processes in Northern Eurasia The Thermal State of Permafrost TERREST. CRYOSPHERE ARCTIC GLACIERS AND ICE CAPS The dynamic response of Arctic glaciers to global warming Polar glaciers and ice caps as indicator of climate change ARCTIC SEA-ICEThe state of the Arctic sea ice cover MASS BALANCE, ICE DYNAMICS, STABILITY Ice Mass Change on the margins of the Greenland Ice Sheet Greenland’s Ice Sheet – reactions to past and present climate change
Arctic IPY Topics & Projects (Human Studies) CHANGE: ADAPTATION AND VULNERABILITY; COUPLED HUMAN- ENVIRONMENT SYSTEMS Co-ordination of Observation and Monitoring of the Arctic for Assessment and Research (COMAAR) Study of Environmental Arctic Change (SEARCH) NEW RISKS & STRESSES (inc Human Health) Arctic Human Health Initiative (AHHI) Polar Pulse (Bipolar proposal)
Arctic IPY Topics & Projects (Education/Data) IPY DATAElectronic Geophysical Year (e-GY) Data and Information Service (DIS) for Distributed Data Management EDUCATIONHigher Education in the International Polar Year (University of the Arctic)
Next Steps 1 Further information on logistics requirements to be passed to FARO/COMNAP (April 2005) Ad hoc Task Groups being formed to progress Data and EOC issues (April 2005). These will hand over to Data and EOC Sub-Committees formed by end of June 2005 Funding of projects is at national level but the JC aim to address international funding - a meeting with (IGFA) International Group of Funding Agencies (~May)
Next Steps 2 Full proposals (6-7 pages) requested – by June 30, 2005 JC identifies initial set of “core” IPY projects – Aug 2005 Further opportunities for inclusion of IPY projects through into 2006. Possibly a second Call late in 2005 (decision in August) Ongoing promotion of IPY at international meetings, development of promotional material and the website
Mandatory IPY Activity Characteristics 1.Makes significant advances within one or more IPY themes 2.Involves at least one polar region and takes place within the IPY timeframe 3.Contributes to international collaboration 4.Presents a viable management plan and organisational structure, including a time line when commitments (funding, logistic etc) can be expected 5.Presents a viable approach for securing funding 6.Proposes a viable plan for securing appropriate logistical support 7.Signs up to the principles and aims of IPY data management and proposes a viable data management plan 8.Proposes a viable plan or approach for education, outreach and communication activities 9.Shows how it will foster the next generation of polar researchers
Desirable Characteristics of IPY Activities 1.Includes nations not traditionally involved in polar research (at present only 3 non-polar countries in IPY) 2.Provides the opportunity for a legacy of infrastructure (observation sites, facilities, systems) 3.Builds on existing plans, programmes or initiatives or at least does not conflict with them 4.Has interdisciplinary elements 5.Is “endorsed” by one or more IPY National Committee or International Organisation (ensures involvement of National Committees who link to funding agencies)
Arctic Council and IPY IPY would welcome involvement from the Council, including: – Participation in the development of IPY and contributing nominations for the three major sub-committees? – Participation (leadership?) of Arctic Council Working Group’s in core IPY projects (AMAP, CAFF) – Building on ACIA, the AHDR and the on-going work of the WG’s, the Arctic Council has submitted two major EoI’s (COMAAR and the Arctic Human Health Initiative, AHHI) – Also have expertise in monitoring, information management & transfer (environmental and societal) and sustainable development so feasibly there may be more opportunities to contribute to IPY.
Thank You
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