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Xilinx University Program. Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 2 Agenda  Xilinx University Program  Teaching Tools  Advanced Teaching Tools.

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Presentation on theme: "Xilinx University Program. Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 2 Agenda  Xilinx University Program  Teaching Tools  Advanced Teaching Tools."— Presentation transcript:

1 Xilinx University Program

2 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 2 Agenda  Xilinx University Program  Teaching Tools  Advanced Teaching Tools

3 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 3 Xilinx University Program (XUP) Group Mission To facilitate the teaching of engineering curriculum using PLDs as the target solution of choice. (To make your job easier)

4 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 4 Who Are We? Patrick Kane – XUP Manager-HQ Anna Acevedo – XUP Marketing-HQ Jeff Weintraub – TPME - HQ Chris Sepulveda – XUP Coordinator-HQ Deon Spicer – XUP-AP Liaison Renji Mikami – XUP-Japan Liaison Lina Frangiamore – XUP-Europe Liaison

5 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 5 3 Why Universities Turn to Xilinx  Can be used in various engineering labs – Digital Design – Networking and Communications – Intro/Advanced Digital Design – Control Systems – Computer Architecture  Projects and Labs can focus on concept, not wire wrapping  Complete Software Package for Design, Synthesis, Implementation and download  Immediate results in hardware  Xilinx Design Series of Books from Prentice Hall Free XUP Professor’s Workshops available worldwide

6 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 6 XUP Programs and Products Extensive Donation Program XUP Professor Workshops Sponsor Design Contests Research Collaboration Web Sites – – Government Sponsorship Prentice Hall relationship

7 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 7 XUP Programs and Products XUP Donation Policy “If a new or expanded course with lab or a research project is being added and funding is not adequate to purchase the required products at the University Program discounts, Xilinx encourages any university or college to submit a donation request.” To Purchase or To Request a Donation - What's Practical for you? If you have sufficient budget to purchase Xilinx software, development boards, and/or chips, then we encourage you to do so. We offer significant discounts for Xilinx software and Xilinx development boards. However, we recognize that very often, schools simply do not have the funding even for the discounted products. In some cases, a school might have some funding, but not enough to obtain everything that is needed for the lab. We encourage you to make the choice that you feel is right for your situation. Most importantly, if money is any barrier to your immediate use of Xilinx products, you should request a donation for what you need.

8 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 8 Digilent Spartan-IIE Board

9 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 9 XSV-1 Board from Xess Corp. XCV50 - $699 XCV100 - $749 XCV300 - $899 XCV800 - $1599 To Order:

10 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 10 Xilinx Student Edition v4.2i  Includes – v4.2i ISE for students’ computers – VHDL and Verilog synthesis with XST – Includes CPLDs (XC9500, CoolRunner-II) and FPGAs (Spartan-II/E, Virtex(E), Virtex-II, Virtex-II Pro) up to 300K gates  Sold through university bookstores. Also available at and  Bundled with Xilinx Design Series or $55 stand alone  New Web Pack Software - free download – Includes CPLDs (XC9500, CoolRunner-II) and FPGAs (Spartan-II/E, Virtex(E), Virtex-II, Virtex-II Pro) up to 300K gates – VHDL, Verilog Note: Xilinx student edition software is for student’s personal use and not to be installed in university labs

11 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 11 Xilinx Design Series from Prentice Hall Digital Design Principles and Practices (3rd Ed) John Wakerly Logic and Computer Design Fundamentals Morris Mano and Charles Kime Modeling, Synthesis and Rapid Prototyping Using the Verilog HDL By: Michael Ciletti Introductory VHDL: From Simulation to Synthesis, 1/e Sudhakar Yalamanchili

12 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 12 Xilinx Design Series from Prentice Hall Digital Electronics Laboratory Experiments Using the Xilinx XC95108 CPLD with Xilinx Foundation: Design and Simulation Software, 1/e James W. Stewart,Chao-Ying Wang, both of DeVry Institute of Technology Digital Electronics with PLD Integration, 1/e Nigel P. Cook

13 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 13 XUP URL:

14 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 14 Xilinx University Resource Center  Hosted by Michigan State University  Professor Resources - Teaching Materials - Support Texts  Student Resources - Tutorials - Project Examples  General Resources - Hardware/Software  Online Support - Discussion Forum - FAQ’s - Email support

15 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 15  The Most Up-to-Date Information on Xilinx Products  Forums  Database search  techXclusives  Software Updates  Problem Solvers  Software Manuals  Web Case for Professors

16 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 16 FAQ  Who will Xilinx support in the universities? – Xilinx will give technical support to Professors and teaching assistants in the university labs. Students should get their support from their Professors or at or

17 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 17 Agenda  Xilinx University Program  Teaching Tools  Advanced Teaching Tools

18 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 18 Software for Labs  V4.2i ISE Software – Design Entry – XST Synthesis – Implementation – Simulation (MXE-II) – iMPACT Programmer  CORE Generator – Parameterizable Cores  StateCAD/State Bencher – State Machine Design  HDL Bencher – Test Bench Generation

19 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 19 Software for Students  Xilinx Student Edition - v4.2i XSE – Accepts VHDL, Verilog & standard netlists – Fitting and timing reports — Supports all Xilinx CPLD families, Spartan II, next generation Spartan, and Virtex E/Virtex II (up to 300K gates)  FREE ISE WebPACK™ —Downloadable desktop solution —HDL / ABEL synthesis & simulation —JTAG and 3rd party EDA support —Supports all Xilinx CPLD families, Spartan II, next generation Spartan, and Virtex E/Virtex II (up to 300K gates)

20 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 20 Processing Platform Empower! TM Processing DSP Platform XtremeDSP TM Solution Connectivity Platform SystemIO TM Interfaces  Density: 40K to 8M gates  Memory: up to 3 Mbits  Xcite: Digitally Controlled Impedance  On-Chip clock generation  16 Global Clocks  Embedded High-Speed Multipliers Virtex-II Platform FPGA for Multiple Applications

21 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 21 On-Chip Memory Distributed Memory Block Memory External Memory System Clock Management Digital Delay Lock Loops (DLLs) System Interfacing SelectI/O+ TM Technology Support major I/O standards Logic & Routing Flexible logic implementation Vector Based Routing Internal 3-State bussing Spartan-IIE... IOBIOB IOBIOB IOBIOB IOBIOB CLB RAMRAM RAMRAM RAMRAM RAMRAM IOB DLL CLB DLL IOB DLL

22 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 22 CoolRunner-II

23 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 23 On-Chip Verification Control USER FUNCTION ILA USER FUNCTION USER FUNCTION ILA Chipscope ILA PC running ChipScope MultiLINX Cable or Parallel Cable III JTAG Connection Target Board Target FPGA with ILA cores JTAG ChipScope ILA System Diagram

24 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 24 Agenda  Xilinx University Program  Teaching Tools  Advanced Teaching Tools

25 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 25 Computer Architecture  Soft Processor Core – 32-bit - Harvard Bus RISC Architecture – Size: 900 Logic Cells – Speed: 125 MHz, 82 D-MIPS – 32 General Purpose Registers; 3 Operand Instruction Format  IBM CoreConnnect Bus  Standard Peripheral set – Timer, Counter – Arbiter – UART, Interrupt controller, SPI – GPIO, Watchdog timer – External flash, SRAM interface  GNU Development tools  Demo Board from partners  Sample applications MicroBlaze Solution - MDK 2.1

26 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 26 Digital Signal Processing System Architect or DSP Designer FPGA Designer Generate: - VHDL/Verilog - IP cores ® XST ® Leonardo Spectrum ® Synplify ® Synthesis Simulink ® DSP Modeling MATLAB ® Automatic Translation ISE ® 4.1i Implementation & Verification

27 Xilinx ConfidentialPresentation Name 27 Summary  Xilinx is an excellent choice as target technology for many engineering courses and projects.  XUP’s job is to make your job easier – Make it easy for professors to stay current with technology and to get Xilinx software and hardware – Offer web sites with lab exercises – Prentice-Hall Xilinx Design Series textbooks

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