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Learn how to make your drawings come alive…  Lecture 2: SKETCH RECOGNITION Analysis, implementation, and comparison of sketch recognition algorithms,

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Presentation on theme: "Learn how to make your drawings come alive…  Lecture 2: SKETCH RECOGNITION Analysis, implementation, and comparison of sketch recognition algorithms,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Learn how to make your drawings come alive…  Lecture 2: SKETCH RECOGNITION Analysis, implementation, and comparison of sketch recognition algorithms, including feature-based, vision-based, geometry-based, and timing-based recognition algorithms; examination of methods to combine results from various algorithms to improve recognition using AI techniques, such as graphical models.

2 Paper Review: Sutherland Thoughts?

3 Sutherland Amazing program Beginning of CAD design (simulations) Beginning of Object Oriented Programming (instances) Beginning of Graphics (blinking) Graphical Constraint Satisfaction Zoom

4 Sutherland Not quite like sketching on paper –Perhaps better in some ways –Many buttons –Would like to remove the buttons –Really an endpoint placing system

5 Sutherland Not doing recognition….

6 Sutherland “The user signals that he is finished drawing by flicking the pen too fast for the tracking program to follow”

7 Sutherland Marking of Display File 20 bits to coordinates 16 bits for label What about intersection point? If shape is moved, does a whole develop at the intersection point?

8 Sutherland Zigzag: 45 minutes to create, 15 minutes to plot Clock: 20 minutes to create (fewer constraints?)

9 Sutherland Intuitiveness of constraint labels

10 Rubine Method 1991 Foundation work in sketch recognition Used and cited widely Works well 15 samples adequate

11 Benefits A lot of power from single stroke Simple Works with only 15 training examples Avoids segmentation problems Robust recognition (when used as intended)

12 Drawbacks Gestures must be drawn using a single stroke (ways to get past this) Gestures must be drawn the same way every time (harder to get past this) Requires training examples But more importantly – the user has to be trained

13 Overview Stroke = a series of x,y,time values Class of shapes = gesture type (e.g., equals sign is one gesture) Several examples for each gesture Compute several features for each example Classify new gestures to the closest class.

14 Stroke P = total number of points p = middle point First point (x 0,y 0 ) Last point (x P-1,y P-1 ) –let’s use (x n,y n ) Compute x min, y min, x max, y max

15 Feature f 1 Cosine of starting angle f 1 = cos(α) = (x 2 -x 0 )/√[(y 2 -y 0 ) 2 + (x 2 -x 0 ) 2 ]

16 Feature f 2 Sine of starting angle f 2 = sin(α) = (y 2 -y 0 )/√[(y 2 -y 0 ) 2 + (x 2 -x 0 ) 2 ]

17 Feature f 3 Length of diagonal of bounding box (gives an idea of the size of the bounding box) f 3 = √[ (y max -y min ) 2 + (x max -x min ) 2 ]

18 Feature f 4 Angle of diagonal gives an idea of the shape of the bounding box (long, tall, square) f 4 = arctan[(y max -y min )/(x max -x min )]

19 Feature f 5 Distance from start to end f 5 = √[(x n -x 0 ) 2 + (y n -y 0 ) 2 ]

20 Feature f 6 Cosine of ending angle f 6 = cos(β) = (x n – x 0 )/f 5

21 Feature f 7 Sine of ending angle (B) f 7 = sin(β) = (y n – y 0 )/f 5

22 Feature f 8 Total stroke length

23 Change in Rotation Arctan gives you the directional angle (i.e., in 360 or rather 2π)

24 Feature f 9 Total rotation (from start to end point) (not the same as β- α – think of spirals)

25 Feature f 10 Absolute rotation How much does it move around

26 Feature f 11 Rotation squared How smooth are the turns? Measure of sharpness

27 Timing Data Let Δt p = t p+1 - t p

28 Feature f 12 The maximum speed reached (squared)

29 Feature f 13 Total time of stroke

30 Features What do you think about the features? Can you think of any problems?

31 Collect E examples of each gesture Calculate the feature vector for each example F cei = the feature value of the i th feature for the e th example of the c th gesture

32 Find average feature values for gesture For each gesture, compute the average feature value for each feature F ci is the average value for the i th feature for the c th gesture

33 Homework Read Rubine Paper Write summary and discussion on blog Create functions to compute the features and the average feature value for each gesture (not the classification yet) –Object oriented way – several of the features are valuable in other classification schemes as well. –Test on the math data. –Bring in your feature values to class.

34 Implementation Issues Tablets are faster now than they were Rubine paper was based on slower data (mouse?) But, for correct feel, pen needs to be fast Issues you may have: –Duplicate location (2 consecutive points in same place) –Duplicate time (2 consecutive points at the same time) –Divide by zero (because of above problems) –Make sure your to convert to double before dividing in Java –Remove the second point not the first for duplicate points

35 Rubine Classification Evaluate each gesture 0 <= c <= C. V c = value = goodness of fit for that gesture c. Pick the largest V c, and return gesture c

36 Rubine Classification W c0 = initial weight of gesture W ci = weight for the I’th feature F i = i th feature value Sum the features together

37 Compute gesture covariance matrix How are the features of the shape related to each other? Look at one example - look at two features – how much does each feature differ from the mean – take the average for all examples – that is one spot in the matrix Is there a dependency (umbrellas/raining)

38 Normalize cov(X) or cov(X,Y) normalizes by N-1, if N>1, where N is the number of observations. This makes cov(X) the best unbiased estimate of the covariance matrix if the observations are from a normal distribution.For N=1, cov normalizes by N They don’t normalize for ease of next step (so just sum, not average)

39 Normalization Taking the average But… we want to find the true variance. Note that our sample mean is not exactly the true mean. By definition, our data is closer to the sample mean than the true mean Thus the numerator is too small So we reduce the denominator to compensate

40 Common Covariance Matrix How are the features related between all the examples? Top = non normalize total covariance Bottom = normalization factor = total number of examples – total number of shapes

41 Weights W cj = weight for the j th feature of the c th shape Sum for each feature –Common Covariance Matrix inverted* ij –Average feature value for the i th feature for the c th gesture

42 Initial Weight Initial gesture weight = Sum for each feature in class: –Feature weight * average feature value

43 Rubine Classification Evaluate each gesture 0 <= c <= C. V c = value = goodness of fit for that gesture c. Pick the largest V c, and return gesture c

44 Rubine Classification W c0 = initial weight of gesture W ci = weight for the I’th feature F i = i th feature value Sum the features together

45 Eliminate Jiggle Any input point within 3 pixels of the previous point is discarded

46 Rejection Technique 1 If the top two gestures are near to each other, reject. V i > V j for all j != i Reject if less than.95

47 Rejection Technique 2 Mahalanobis distance Number of standard deviations g is from the mean of its chosen class i.

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