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Water Systems Plumbing Systems CNST 305 Environmental Systems 1 Dr. Berryman 3aWater SystemChapter 8; Appendix B (Wentz) and 8.1- 8.3 (Toa) 4.11 Analysis.

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Presentation on theme: "Water Systems Plumbing Systems CNST 305 Environmental Systems 1 Dr. Berryman 3aWater SystemChapter 8; Appendix B (Wentz) and 8.1- 8.3 (Toa) 4.11 Analysis."— Presentation transcript:

1 Water Systems Plumbing Systems CNST 305 Environmental Systems 1 Dr. Berryman 3aWater SystemChapter 8; Appendix B (Wentz) and 8.1- 8.3 (Toa) 4.11 Analysis and Design of Construction Systems - Mechanical (6 hrs)

2 Earth’s Water Supply 97% of the earth’s water is inaccessible. Mostly in the polar caps or ocean water That 3%… Aquifers Cisterns Rivers/Lakes

3 Aquifers – Water Table Water Table Drilled Well Nebraska Aquifers 0’ – 260’ Cost to drill a well - $8.00/ft + pump ($2500 for 1.5 hp submersible)

4 Cisterns Used in areas where potable water is difficult to obtain

5 Solar Collection

6 Water Quality Based on Physical characteristics Limited amount of suspended material (cloudiness, clarity, acceptable taste, odor, temp) Measured in turbidity units (<5 TU) Chemical Characteristics Limited to the amount of dissolved matter Preferred hardness (< 200ppm or <11.7 grains per gallon) Biological and Radiological Characteristics Should be practically free of bacteria, viruses, and radioactive material

7 Water Analysis Sulfate Over 300 – 500 ppm produce a laxative effect for those that have not adapted Nitrate Over 10 ppm – health problem for infants > 50 ppm – very undesirable, health risks Fluoride Control tooth decay at 0.9 – 1.5 ppm Concentrations over 3.0 cause mottling of the teeth 1 ppm = mg/l = 1 mg/kg divide by 17.1 to get grains per gallon (gpg)

8 Water Analysis (cont.) pH Between 6.5 – 8 is acceptable Iron and Manganese Stain cloths and plumbing fixtures Problems (iron>0.3 ppm;manganese>0.2 ppm) Sodium Problem w/ salt diets (more than 100 ppm not desired) Calcium Carbonate

9 Desirable <200 ppm Less than 100 ppm: – soft water 100 – 200 ppm: reasonably soft 200 – 300 ppm: avg hardness 300 – 400 ppm: very hard Over 400 ppm: extremely hard Too hard More soap required to produce lather Causes rings in bathtubs and sinks Chemical deposits in pipes Poor laundry results Hard water not considered detrimental to health

10 Water Quality Improvements Sedimentation Coagulation (or flocculation “floc”) Aeration Disinfection Fluoridation Filtration Softening

11 RO systems Micro pre-filter Carbon pre-filter RO membrane Carbon post filter residential commercial

12 Water Softeners The most common method for point-of-entry (POE) treatment is cation exchange. A cation is a positively charged ion, both the hardness minerals calcium (Ca) and magnesium (Mg) are cations. To remove them from water the hardness cations are exchanged with sodium ions (also a cation). There are four components to a softener unit: a control valve (1), a saline tank (2), a resin bed (3), and a resin tank (4). The resin tank holds the resin bed, the brine tank holds water and dissolved salt solution (brine). The control valve sits on top of the tank.

13 Water Samples

14 Cross Connections Any connection or arrangement between two otherwise separate piping systems, one of which contains potable water and the other contains water of questionable safety, whereby flows from one system to the other. FILM

15 Cross Connection Prevention Check Valves Air Gaps Vacuum Breakers Backflow Preventors Double check valve system w/ vacuum breakers

16 Next Time Hot Water Engineering Design 3bcWater SystemChapter 8; Appendix B (Wentz) and 8.1- 8.3 (Toa) 4.11 Analysis and Design of Construction Systems - Mechanical (6 hrs)

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