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Kindergarten , December 2004

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1 Kindergarten , December 2004
Callie the Cat Kindergarten , December 2004

2 What are the Lesson Objectives?
Identify words that begin with ‘C’ Identify pictures whose names start with the letter ‘C’ Practice writing uppercase and lowercase ‘Cc’

3 Standards Addressed: R1.6 Name uppercase and lowercase letters
R1.11 Separate words into sounds R1.14 Match sounds to letters W 1.4 Write letters independently

4 What instructional techniques will be used?
Total Physical Response Visuals/realia Sheltered English

5 Student understanding will be checked/assessed by:
Having students draw 2 or 3 objects that start with /c/. Distinguish between picture cards that start with /c/,/v/,and /h/. Write the letter Cc with proper letter formation

6 How will students practice and apply skills?
Practice writing the letter Cc on a magnetic board or dry erase boards Find friends and family members who have the letter ‘C’ in their name. Practice making he letter C with our bodies Look for labeled items in class that start with ‘c’ (clock , calendar , cubbie)

7 What starts with the letter C?
Camel Cup Cow Casallas Caterpillar calendar Cake clock Coffee Carrot Cat

8 Words I Can Read that start with ‘C’
Could Can Cat Clap car

9 Places to visit:

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