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Lectures in Macroeconomics- Charles W. Upton Fiscal Policy-Part 2.

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Presentation on theme: "Lectures in Macroeconomics- Charles W. Upton Fiscal Policy-Part 2."— Presentation transcript:

1 Lectures in Macroeconomics- Charles W. Upton Fiscal Policy-Part 2

2 Changing the Experiment Again Y M PoPo roro

3 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Changing the Experiment Again Y M PoPo roro Let’s change the experiment again. This time, the government gives everyone a $300 tax cut.

4 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Changing the Experiment Again Y M PoPo roro Let’s change the experiment again. This time, the government gives everyone a $300 tax cut. Yes you have seen this one before.

5 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Changing the Experiment Again Y M PoPo roro Let’s change the experiment again. This time, the government gives everyone a $300 tax cut. Yes you have seen this one before. This tax cut is based on last year’s taxes, so no incentives/ disincentives to work.

6 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Changing the Experiment Again Y M PoPo roro Let’s change the experiment again. This time, the government gives everyone a $300 tax cut. Yes you have seen this one before. This tax cut is based on last year’s taxes, so no incentives/ disincentives to work. But there are possible impacts on wealth.

7 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Tax Cut, Bequest Motive Y M PoPo roro If people have a bequest motive, no change

8 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Tax Cut, Bequest Motive Y M PoPo roro If people have a bequest motive, no change No change in wealth, just an issue on when you write a check to the government

9 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Tax Cut, no Bequest Motive Y M PoPo roro If people do not have a bequest motive, wealth is up

10 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Tax Cut, no Bequest Motive Y M PoPo roro

11 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Tax Cut, no Bequest Motive Y M PoPo roro Prices up, interest rates unsure (but probably up)

12 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Tax Cut, no Bequest Motive Y M PoPo roro Prices up, interest rates unsure (but probably up) But the change is probably pretty small

13 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Summing Up Y M PoPo roro

14 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Summing Up Y M PoPo roro A one time increase in government spending pushes prices up, and probably interest rates as well

15 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Summing Up Y M PoPo roro A one time increase in government spending pushes prices up, and probably interest rates as well If people have a bequest motive, it makes no difference whether the increase is financed by taxation or borrowing (ignoring the disincentive effects of taxes).

16 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Summing Up Y M PoPo roro A one time increase in government spending pushes prices up, and probably interest rates as well If people have a bequest motive, it makes no difference whether the increase is financed by taxation or borrowing (ignoring the disincentive effects of taxes). With no bequest motive, it may make a small difference.

17 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Summing Up Y M PoPo roro A tax cut makes no difference if there is a bequest motive.

18 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Summing Up Y M PoPo roro A tax cut makes no difference if there is a bequest motive. With no bequest motive, it may make a small difference.

19 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Long Run Effects Let’s go back to our tax-financed spending increase. This is a temporary change. Its effects will eventually dissipate.

20 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Long Run Effects roro

21 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Long Run Effects roro

22 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Long Run Effects roro No permanent impact

23 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Prices PoPo No permanent impact

24 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Prices PoPo No permanent impact That means the change if initially inflationary, will be deflationary as the impact wears off

25 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Prices PoPo

26 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Final Experiment Y M PoPo roro

27 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Final Experiment Y M PoPo roro There is a permanent increase in government spending.

28 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Final Experiment Y M PoPo roro There is a permanent increase in government spending. We will assume a foolish project. Because it is a permanent increase it must be financed by taxation.

29 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Final Experiment Y M PoPo roro There is a permanent increase in government spending. We will assume a foolish project. Because it is a permanent increase it must be financed by taxation. Any disincentive effects are small: people move along their LR labor supply curve.

30 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Final Experiment Y M PoPo roro Impact of Government Spending

31 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Final Experiment Y M PoPo roro Impact of Government Spending Impact of reduced wealth

32 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 A Final Experiment Y M PoPo roro Impact of Government Spending Impact of reduced wealth The proof is complicated, but the two will exactly offset each other.

33 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 Ergo Y M PoPo roro No change in Y curve!

34 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 The M Curve Y M PoPo roro

35 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 The M Curve Y M PoPo roro Prices up, interest rates down.

36 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 The M Curve Y M PoPo roro Prices up, interest rates down. Over time, though, interest rates unchanged, prices up more.

37 Fiscal Policy-Part 2 End ©2004 Charles W. Upton. All rights reserved

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