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Q. Which of the following is/are a “project?” A. Giving a party B. Writing an application for users C. Refinishing a table D. Implementing a commercial.

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Presentation on theme: "Q. Which of the following is/are a “project?” A. Giving a party B. Writing an application for users C. Refinishing a table D. Implementing a commercial."— Presentation transcript:


2 Q. Which of the following is/are a “project?” A. Giving a party B. Writing an application for users C. Refinishing a table D. Implementing a commercial product E. B and D F. B G. All of the above

3 Q. From Popular Mechanics, 1949: “Computers in the future may weigh no more than _________.” A. 1.5 tons B. 5 pounds C. 500 pounds D. 3 ounces

4 Q. In projects, change is A. Good B. Bad C. Inevitable D. A and C E. B and C F. C G. B, B, B

5 Q. “If your project doesn’t work, look for _________” (Arthur Bloch) A. “a bad project manager.” B. “a lazy programmer.” C. “inadequate requirements process.” D. “the part you didn’t think was important.”

6 Q. An IT project manager should be A. A programmer. B. A department manager with people resources. C. A project manager. D. A team effort.

7 Q. “I have not failed. I have successfully __________” (Thomas Edison) A. “discovered the invention of the future.” B. “discovered the electric lightbulb.” C. “discovered twelve hundred ideas that don’t work.” D. “decided to quit.”

8 Q. Which of these factors may adversely affect a project? A. Not enough people B. Too many people C. Bad project management D. No project management E. No documentation F. Too much documentation G. None of the above H. All of the above

9 Q. The customer should be able to tell you A. Everything they need, up front. B. Some things they need, up front. C. Nothing they need, up front. D. Everything they need, after the project is complete. E. If the results meet their needs.

10 Q. The best way to test software is A. Have the programmers who wrote it test it. B. Have other programmers who were not involved test it. C. Have the users test it. D. Have groups who might use it test it. E. A and B F. A and C G. All of the above H. None of the above

11 Q. A project is “complete” when A. The project manager quits. B. The user runs out of money. C. The results of the project meet the stated needs of the user(s). D. The results of the project meet the needs of the user(s).

12 Q. An unimplemented project outcome is an unsuccessful project. A. True B. False

13 Q. The timeline for a project should be set A. When the user demands it. B. By the programmers. C. When the project manager’s manager wants it. D. When the user’s needs have been identified and documented. E. When resources sufficient to complete the project (money, people, etc) have been identified. F. A and C G. D and E H. A and D I. All of the above J. None of the above

14 Q. Meetings are A. A necessary evil. B. As much work as anything else. C. Useless. D. Useful, but not to everyone involved in a project. E. When I catch up on my daydreaming.

15 Q. The biggest frustration I ever had on a project was

16 Q. The best feeling I ever had on a project was

17 Q. The most important part of a successful project is A. A complete and unchanged requirements process document. B. Communication among all members of the project team. C. Commitment to the project by all members of the project team. D. Commitment to the project by the user(s). E. The ability of each team member to identify weaknesses in other team members. F. C and D G. B, C, and D H. D and E

18 Q. WBS stands for A. When Boss Screams B. Work Breakdown Structure C. We Break Systems D. Wait Before Starting E. Work Begins Soon

19 Q. According to the 1995 Standish Group study, what was the average time overrun for unsuccessful IT projects? A. 111% B. 222% C. 333% D. 3 times as long as planned E. 4 times as long as planned (

20 Q. What one thing increases the chance of project success by 100%? A. A well-trained project team B. A written goal and scope C. A project manager who has a PMP77 D. A budget reserve of at least 15% (

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