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CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Choosing a Trial Court Choosing a Trial Court (Federal or State Court) Subject Matter Jurisdiction Personal Jurisdiction Venue Venue.

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Presentation on theme: "CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Choosing a Trial Court Choosing a Trial Court (Federal or State Court) Subject Matter Jurisdiction Personal Jurisdiction Venue Venue."— Presentation transcript:

1 CONCEPTUAL FRAMEWORK Choosing a Trial Court Choosing a Trial Court (Federal or State Court) Subject Matter Jurisdiction Personal Jurisdiction Venue Venue Transfer Forum non conveniens + +

2 Power Personal (Territorial) Jurisdiction Process In personamIn rem In personamIn rem

3 Power Personal (Territorial) Jurisdiction Process In personamIn rem In personamIn rem PresenceConsentDomicile Property (In State When Lawsuit Filed) Personal Service In State Attachment (seizure) (Publication?)

4 WHAT WE’RE DOING The Formalist Approach Rules apply themselves Problem Sets & RAC The syllogism Appellate Cases Exercise in rhetoric Court’s result inevitable Formalist Instrumentalist “Formalist” Policy

5 WHAT WE’RE DOING Arguing from precedent Argue rules Choice Meaning Argue facts Different facts Different understanding Let go of “right” answers

6 SKILLS: ARGUING FROM PRECEDENT Hypothetical #1 Corporations Brandon sues JB Chocolates in NY Breach of contract JB Chocolates “Presence” Natural persons v. corporations “Consent” Express v. implied As matter of law (state statutes) As matter of fact

7 SKILLS: ARGUING FROM PRECEDENT Hypothetical #3 Corporations Tort Rhiannon (Iowa) v. JB Chocolates (WA Auto accident Rhiannon & Erin (JB truck driver) Iowa accident Distinguish case from #1

8 SKILLS: READING CASES Rule Choice Options International Shoe How do facts fit in Pennoyer framework? WA court? Problems? Def IS argument?

9 SKILLS: READING CASES Rule Choice Options International Shoe Court’s Rule Choice Test Relationship to “presence”

10 SKILLS: ARGUING FROM PRECEDENT Hypotheticals – p. 102, note 4 Internat’l Shoe Del. incorp. & Miss. HQ, ppb IS & Wyoming No sales, purchases, salespeople Uses roads for transporting shoes

11 SKILLS: ARGUING FROM PRECEDENT Hypotheticals – p. 102, note 4 IS Truck collides w/ rancher in Who. Wyo jurisdiction over neg. claim Former EE in Wyo Wyo jurisdiction over Mo. wrongful discharge Pl. sues IS in Mo. Pl. sues IS in Del.

12 SKILLS: ARGUING FROM PRECEDENT Hypothetical Internat’l Shoe Del. incorp. & Miss. HQ, ppb IS & Wyoming No sales, purchases, salespeople Uses roads for transporting shoes WA salesperson  IS unpaid comm’n’s Jurisdiction in Wyoming? Additional information?

13 BLACK LETTER LAW The Minimum Contacts Test [Defendant] must have mimum contacts with [the forum state] such that maintenance of suit does not offend “traditional notions of fair play and substantial justice

14 Power Personal Jurisdiction (State Court) Process Presence ?? Consent ?? Domicile ?? Minimum Contacts + subst. justice & fair play

15 International Shoe “Boxes” Contacts Systematic Isolated & continuous | Jurisdiction| ? | ______________|______________ | ? | No jurisdiction | Claim Related Unrelated

16 TAKEAWAYS International Shoe Conceptual Frameworks Personal (Territorial) Jurisdiction Black Letter Law Minimum contacts test Skills: Reading Cases Rule Choice

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