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Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 Spokesmouse report o VC 22nd April o 12th-13th May posters for IPAC (Vittorio Palladino) o VC 20th May o IPAC May.

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Presentation on theme: "Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 Spokesmouse report o VC 22nd April o 12th-13th May posters for IPAC (Vittorio Palladino) o VC 20th May o IPAC May."— Presentation transcript:

1 Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 Spokesmouse report o VC 22nd April o 12th-13th May posters for IPAC (Vittorio Palladino) o VC 20th May o IPAC May 23-28 o VC 17th June o CM27 (RAL) 7th-10th July, results for ICHEP o ICHEP 2010 22-28 July in Paris Neutrino and accelerator parallel sessions. o VC 6th August o VC 9th September o 23 september Mice Project board (review) talk rehersal 20 september around MICO meeting o CM28 (Sofia) 3rd-8th October, results for NuFact (Roumen Tsenov, Linda Coney) o 14th October - talk rehearsals if required (Vittorio Palladino) o NuFact10, 20th-25th October o VC 28th October o VC 18th November o VC 16th December 1. Normally TBs will be on monday and EBs on friday of the same week as VC’s EB is tomorrow 2. VCs will be at 15:00 UK time (i.e. 14:00GMT in summer and 15:00 GMT in winter) 3. CM28 program will be organized by Roumen Tsenov and Linda Coney…

2 Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 Spectrometer Solenoids see S. Virostek this VC. MAP review see report this VC. MICE was very much under the projectors as a high priority item punchline: how can you propose a NUFACT (or muon Collider!) Design Report if cooling has not been demonstrated? MPB 23 September G. Hanson and I are presently assembling the written report. Thanks for contributors who were on time or a little late --- the others please hurry!

3 Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 (NB by gateways understand Milestones, deadlines and other important dates)

4 Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 Physics program and MICE running 1.we had an altogether quite successful running period 22June –15Aug (ISIS Cycle = { MP + user run + MP } 2. there were a number of ‘things to improve’ (not a surprise really) – Chris Rogers organized a nice discussion about it. See later in his slides. 3. the question of the MOM’s jobs and ‘run coordination’ came about. We will need to define some roles and tasks more precisely. A.The MICE OPERATIONS MANAGER (MOM) has delegation of authority on -- safety matters from the Project Manager (Andy Nichols) -- physics objectives of the experiment from the spokesperson B. MOMs are too busy to completely supervise the details of the physics data taking, and worry about -- defining the experiments to perform (number of particles, data taking algorithm etc) -- make sure all tools are there in the control room -- look after analysis and publication of results

5 Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 B. Someone needs to completely supervise the details of the physics data taking, and worry about -- defining the experiments to perform (number of particles, data taking algorithm etc) -- make sure all tools are there in the control room -- look after analysis and publication of results I would propose that for each ‘measurement’ should have a champion who is given (takes) this responsibility from beginning to end -- data taking proposal -- define needs in terms of optics, trigger, online reconstruction, controls and monitoring etc… -- submit to collaboration and discuss with MOM/MICO meeting for implementation -- be present when data are taken or make sure instructions for data taking algorithm are very clear -- see to it that analysis can be performed -- worry about MICE note and possibly publication

6 Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 task I: define the “measurements” example for step II (this should be discussed of course) -- beam line set-up -- TOF calibration -- KL and EMR commissionning and calibrations -- tracker commissionning and calibration -- diffuser commissionning and calibration -- measurements of emittance The MOM should organize running as function of requests and guidance from collaboration on how these things should be ordered.

7 Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 A question was raised : do we need MOMs during the long shut-down? the answer for short shut downs is YES. The answer for long shut downs is YES is there is a large amount of activity (assembly of modules etc…) For this present shut down MOMs are already foreseen We definitely need MOM when we restart mid January onwards.

8 Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 We should begin to think about running in 2011 when there will be no spectrometer solenoid yet. 1.EMR commissioning 2.Is there more step I that is needed? (High intensity etc…) 3.What are the constraints from the LiqH2 activity in the hall?

9 Alain Blondel MICE VC 9 september 2010 From RAL to BANKIA (3-8 October) -- take data, analyse data, scratch our heads and prepare MICE PAPER I -- follow solenoid developments and start making recovery plans -- test new diffuser idea -- investigate magnetic measurements -- continue progress on all fronts! -- go through MAP and MPB reviews (paperwork!) -- will prepare list of VC agendas with Linda

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