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NSF Fastlane Updates NCURA Region VI & VII Conference Chandler, Arizona April 17 – April 20, 2005.

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Presentation on theme: "NSF Fastlane Updates NCURA Region VI & VII Conference Chandler, Arizona April 17 – April 20, 2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 NSF Fastlane Updates NCURA Region VI & VII Conference Chandler, Arizona April 17 – April 20, 2005

2 What is NSF FastLane? FastLane ( is over 40 externally facing interactive web-based systems used by scientists, engineers, educators, research and financial administrators to conduct business with NSF Began ten years ago as experimental project with first modules released in 1995. Electronic Proposal Submission through FastLane became required in October 2000. In 2003, NSF won the President’s Award for Management Excellence for FastLane and other initiatives.

3 FastLane: An eGovernment Success Story FY 04 Stats Over 43,500 Electronic Proposals (over 99.9% of all proposals submitted) 195,000 Electronic Reviews 9,000 Electronic Graduate Research Fellowships 25,000 Electronic Grantee Progress Reports 14,000 Electronic Cash Requests Electronic Proposal Percent By Fiscal Year (FY 97-02) 4 17 44 81 99.8 99.9 FY97 FY98 FY99 FY00 FY01FY02

4 FastLane Goals Reduce administrative burden on external customers and NSF. Provide greater access to information. Decrease Award Decision time.

5 FastLane Customers Public Reviewers Researchers/Educators (Principal Investigators) Sponsored Projects Offices Financial Offices NSF Staff

6 Who Uses FastLane? 7,000 registered FastLane organizations –Universities and Colleges including Community Colleges and Minority Serving Institutions –Large and Small Businesses –Non-profits –State and Local Governments 270,000 registered FastLane users –Principal Investigators (PIs) & Co-PIs –Reviewers –Sponsored Projects Offices (SPO) –Financial Offices

7 FastLane Proposals, Awards and Status –Proposal Preparation, –Proposal Status Inquiry, –Letter of Intent –Project Reports –And much more! Research Administration Financial Administration Proposal Review Panelist Functions

8 FastLane Functions Awards Search (public) Medal of Science Nominations (public) NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Applications (public) Postdoctoral Fellowships Proposal Review (reviewers) Panel Review (panelists) Print Proposals on Demand and CD on Demand (reviewers and panelists) Panelist Banking and Travel System (panelists) Interactive Panel System (panelists)

9 FastLane Functions – Principal Investigators (PIs) Prepare Proposals Edit PI Information Proposal Status Inquiry – Includes release of feedback from reviewers. Revised Proposal Budgets Proposal File Update Electronic Proposal Withdrawal View Award Letters Prepare Supplements Project Reporting Post Award Notifications and Requests Continuing Grant Increment Status Letter of Intent

10 FastLane Functions – Sponsored Projects Office (SPO) Submit Proposals/Supplements/Revised Proposal Budgets (includes Edit capability) Add/Modify/Delete Users/Passwords/Permissions View and Download Reports –Proposals –Awards –Final Project Reports –Continuation Funding –Organization Permissions View Project Reports/Award Letters Change Organizational Information Prepare and Submit Post-Award Notifications & Requests Electronic Signatures (Password and Permissions-based)

11 FastLane Functions - Financial Cash Requests Quarterly Federal Cash Transaction Report EFT Verification and Submission





16 Recent Enhancements to FastLane

17 Created Letter of Intent Module Changes to Submitted Proposals –Allow PI Transfers –Allow Change of PI/Co-PI –Allow Insertion of New Files (not previously uploaded as pdf, cover sheet & budget) Enhance Proposal File Update Module –Ability to change proposal data. –Ability to add files where none exist

18 Recent Enhancements to FastLane Proposal File Update enhancements are consistent with the new guidance on Proposal File Updates contained in the most recent issuance of the Grant Proposal Guide (NSF 04-23 ) A request for a proposal file update automatically will be accepted if submitted prior to: –the deadline date specified in a program solicitation – initiation of external peer review in cases when a target date is utilized –initiation of external peer review in the case of an unsolicited proposal.

19 Recent Enhancements to FastLane A request for a proposal file update after the timeframes specified deadline date will require acceptance by the cognizant NSF Program Officer Such requests may be submitted only to correct a technical problem with the proposal (i.e., formatting or print problems) Changes in the content of the proposal should not be requested after the timeframes specified deadline date

20 Recent Enhancements to FastLane Changes supported by the new PFU include the ability to:  Add or delete sections of the proposal, even sections that are not uploaded as PDF files  Modify all sections of the proposal, even those that are created as forms within FastLane  Change the PI  Add or delete coPIs  Modify the proposed budget, including addition of subaward budgets, correct coding on the cover sheet for SGERs, Human Subjects, & international pre-proposals  Modify several sections of the proposal as part of one Proposal File Update

21 Recent Enhancements to FastLane The following attributes remain unavailable for change:  Programs/NSF Unit of Consideration Awardee Organization (if the proposer is an unaffiliated individual) Performing Organization Due Date Funding Opportunity number  Letter of Reference Writers (Post Doc Proposals)

22 Recent Enhancements to FastLane SPO Return Proposal to PI Enhance Spreadsheet Upload Process Redesigned Financial Login Update Organizational EFT Information Organizational Permissions Report

23 Recent Enhancements to FastLane Redesign Research Administration modules –Streamline navigation. –Improved search and sort functionalities. –Ability to extract search results into an Excel file. –Research Administration InBox is back! CD on Demand for Reviewers Created modules to support National Science Board Office (NSBO) Honorary Awards

24 Recent Enhancements to FastLane Created modules to better support Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP ) Reporting period for Project Reporting will be set by NSF. E-Mail reminders to AORs who have proposals not signed within 5 working days of submission. Port new look and feel to rest of FastLane.

25 Planned Enhancements Revised Award Budgets EDI Award Notice Enhance Spreadsheet Upload Process Redesign of Project Reports System

26 Planned Enhancements to FastLane Implement Sophisticated Help Functionality and Training Materials Integrate with Government-wide E-Grants System so that proposals submitted to NSF via E-Grants System can be processed electronically by NSF.

27 Continuous Improvement System Reliability Quality Control of Software User Focus Smooth Integration Inside NSF Improved Help, Communication, and Outreach Look to the Future

28 FastLane Customer Service and Outreach FastLane User Support –1.800.673.6188 –703.292.8042 –New hours (7:00 am – 9:00 pm) Workshops and Presentations at Organizations Video Conferences/ Training

29 The Initiative Mandate - President’s Management Agenda and PL106-107 Originally called the E-Grants Initiative Eleven Partner Agencies –HHS (managing partner), NSF, Defense, Education, HUD, Justice, Transportation, Agriculture, Commerce, Labor, and Homeland Security/FEMA Produce a simple, unified “storefront” for all customers of Federal grants to electronically –Find grant opportunities – Launched in February 2003 –Apply for grants – Launched in October 2003 with SF424 forms

30 Solution – One place to go to find opportunities and submit proposals.…. Benefits Both Grant Applicants and Agencies Applicant 2 Applicant 3 Applicant N Agency 1 Agency 2 Agency 3 Agency N Applicant 1

31 The extensive experience that NSF has with electronic grants and electronic business is being leveraged in the development and implementation of NSF will be making changes to NSF systems to ensure that the integration to Government-wide is successful NSF is continuing to develop Fastlane to seamlessly integrate with

32 Integration with E-Apply capability of NSF will integrate with Government-wide so that proposals can be submitted to NSF via and then processed electronically by NSF. –Soon NSF will be able to accept proposals through –If your university wants to pilot our integration with please contact us

33 Current Status and Next Steps All 26 grant-making agencies posting funding opportunities to the FIND mechanism. Deployed APPLY functionality. –Additional Forms Development for agencies not using the SF424 to collect additional data –Build Functionality to support the Research & Related Application Data Set – NSF is one of the agencies leading in the design and development –Agency System to System Interface – Successfully tested with several agencies including NSF –Applicant System to System Interface – Gathering requirements, piloting in Summer 2004

34 NSF FastLane and NSF plans to begin to accept proposals through after the R&R forms are finalized. Over 50 institutions to date have already expressed interest in submitting an application to NSF through!

35 Contact information: Evelyn F. Baisey-Thomas 703-292-4204

36 Questions:

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