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Communication Skills zPreparing oral presentations.

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1 Communication Skills zPreparing oral presentations

2 Preparation for the presentation zAs a group identify the limits of your presentation. You will probably have more material than you have time to deliver. Choose key material. zCould some of the material you reject be presented as a handout? zEstablish a clear idea of what you want to say and who will say what. zEstablish the order of material. zMemorise the sequence and practice both individually and together. zTime yourselves. zDecide what visual aids should be included.

3 Practice, practice, practice zDecide if you are going to have an initial script. zWhat form of ‘aide memoir’ will you use ? zWork on your eye contact and avoid reading your notes. zPractice alone and together. Ask other students to ask you questions. zGet some feedback – this may help to clarify points that are confusing.

4 Giving the presentation zCheck the room layout and equipment in advance. zFeel the fear and do it anyway! zMake sure there is a proper introduction to the presentation. zPresent your structure by means of an overview. zSignal changes of direction to give sense of order.

5 Giving the presentation zDo not make things to lengthy or complicated. zBe aware of any mannerisms but don’t worry about them too much unless they are distracting. zRemember the value of visual aids. zSummarise your key message. zEnd positively.

6 Visual aids zAdd interest and may reduce your anxiety level. zCould be acetates, PowerPoint, poster, artefact, flip chart, handouts, slides, photographs etc. zAvoid handwritten overhead projector acetates. zIf you do hand-write avoid orange, yellow and red as they give poor visibility. zEnsure you have the correct acetates for hand writing, printing or photocopying. zIf typing use font size of 16 or more. zIf you are using a computer generated presentation – have a fall back.

7 Questions and answers zEstablish a dialogue with the audience. zRelax your posture. zListen to questions-if they are not clear rephrase them. zKeep answers brief. zConcede points and admit ignorance if necessary. zBe open to feedback which may be useful for future presentations.

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