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Common Risk Management for the North Sea Safety at Sea – Interreg IIIB Lidvard Måseide Norwegian Coastal Administration - Coast Directorate.

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Presentation on theme: "Common Risk Management for the North Sea Safety at Sea – Interreg IIIB Lidvard Måseide Norwegian Coastal Administration - Coast Directorate."— Presentation transcript:

1 Common Risk Management for the North Sea Safety at Sea – Interreg IIIB Lidvard Måseide Norwegian Coastal Administration - Coast Directorate

2 Norwegian Coastal Administration - the Coast Directorate in Ålesund

3 Content  The Norwegian Coastal Administration  Key facts  Background  Main activities and deliverables  Organisation

4 Content  The Norwegian Coastal Administration  Key facts  Background  Main activities and deliverables  Organisation

5 The Norwegian Coastal Administration is based on 5 districts, coordinated from the Directorate in Ålesund  83 000 km of coastline  17 counties  282 municipalities  57 public traffic ports  763 state owned fishing ports  1040 employees  Budget - 1060 million NOK p.a.

6 The Norwegian Coastal Administration is responsible for a wide range of maritime services  Ports  Sailing corridors  Navigational installations  Pilots  Vessel Traffic Services  Navigational Aids (AIS, dGPS)  National transport planning  Emergency preparedness

7 The Norwegian Coastal Administration is participating in S@S due to several reasons…  Supports our vision to develop the Norwegian coastline to the safest and cleanest in the world  Increase our competence within risk analysis, safety and emergency preparedness  Strengthens the cross-functional work within our organisation  Builds international networks and experience  Puts our organisation on the national and international agenda as a driver for safety at sea

8 Strengthens the cross-functional work within our organisation Coast Directorate (Ålesund) Transport planning and Studies, small crafts (South-East) Pilot and vessel traffic services (West) Fairways, lighthouses and buoys, aids to navigation (Middle) Preparedness against acute pollution (Horten) Lead Partner functions Project Manager, Demo F Manager Strand 1 Manager

9 Content  The Norwegian Coastal Administration  Key facts  Background  Main activities and deliverables  Organisation

10 Safety at Sea aims to reduce probability and impact of incidents and accidents in the North Sea No serious accidents at sea in the North Sea Region Harmonise and materialise risk management - national and regional level - strategic and operational level Vision Objective

11 The total budget for the project is 4,9 million EUR

12 Total budget per partner

13 90% of the total budget is allocated to consultants, permanent staff, travel and acc. and general cost

14 22 partners from 6 countries participate in the project NorwayDenmarkSwedenFlandersNetherlandsUK  Norwegian Coastal Administration  Møre og Romsdal County  Sogn og Fjordane County  Rogaland County  Port of Florø  Swedish Maritime Administration  The Royal Danish Administration of Navigation/ Hydrography  Technical University of Denmark  Ministry of the Flemish Community - Administration of Waterways and Maritime Affairs  Flanders Hydraulics  University of Ghent  The Flemish Federation of Nautical Industries  National Institute for Coastal & Marine Mgt.  North Sea Foundation  Wadden Society  AVV Transport Research Centre  Zealand Directorate  Directorate Transport Safety  North Sea Directorate  British Maritime Technology  Northern Lighthouse Board  Trinity House Lighthouse Service

15 Content  The Norwegian Coastal Administration  Key facts  Background  Main activities and deliverables  Organisation

16 Safety at sea is high on the international agenda Sea transport and offshore activities are a risk for safety and environment Need for harmonised risk management strategies and safety measures

17 Safety expensive? Try an accident! Source: The North Sea Foundation

18 Content  The Norwegian Coastal Administration  Key facts  Background  Main activities and deliverables  Organisation

19 The project is organised into 5 strands and 6 demonstration projects Strand 5 Project Management and Technical Assistance LP Strand 2 Routing and Safe Seaways NL Demonstration A Inventory and Risk Assessment of Oil Transport in the North Sea ( NL, LP) Demonstration B AIS Data and Risk Assessment ( DK, UK, S) Strand 1 Harmonisation of Risk Management Strategies LP Strand 3 Coastal Zone Management UK Demonstration C Coastal Zone Mgt., Places of Refugee and Preparedness ( N, FL, LP) Demonstration D Offshore Wind Farm Risk Management ( UK, FL, DK) Strand 4 Risk Assessment and Decision Making FL Demonstration E Risk Assessment and Decision Making ( FL, UK, LP) Demonstration F Safety Awareness ( LP, NL, UK, FL) (LP = Norwegian Coastal Administration)

20 Strand 1 will harmonise risk management strategies, in order to improve the level of safety in the North Sea region Safety at sea Harmonise risk analysis methods and terminology Compile and harmonise risk management strategies  Traffic regulation, speed limits, tug boats, emergency response plans,…  Organisation of responsibility  Complex, sophisticated calculations  Different methods and terminology  Harmonised risk management strategies, methods and terminology will improve safety at sea

21 Demo A includes inventory, classification and risk assessment of oil transport in the North Sea region Main deliverables:  Database of oil transports in the southern part of the North Sea  Classification system for crude oil – environmental behaviour and toxicity  Risk assessment studies – high risk areas

22 Demo B aims to combine AIS data with a tool for risk assessment of navigational safety Main deliverables:  Gather and present AIS data  A fast time numerical integrator (prediction of collision and grounding)  Evaluate the risk reducing effect of aids to navigation

23 Demo C aims to harmonise methodology and guidelines for emergency preparedness arrangements Main deliverables:  Rules for classification of sensitive areas  Rules for emergency preparedness arrangements (including depots and places of refugee)  Rules for operational decision making

24 Demo D aims to grow new knowledge on the risks associated with offshore wind farm development Main deliverables:  Extend existing risk models to include offshore wind farms and to include GIS- based decision making  Retrieve current and forecasted traffic density  Scenarios of growth in offshore wind farms  Demonstrate use of AIS in providing warnings to shippers  Develop planning and approval framework

25 Demo E aims to develop new Incident Management Systems (IMS) to support Marine Rescue Coordination Centres (MRCC) Main deliverables:  IMS prototype that combines data from different sources to identify dangerous situations and to make informed decisions on how to handle these situations

26 Demo F aims to grow knowledge about safety measures for small and high speed crafts in the North Sea area Main deliverables:  Recommendations regarding organisation of safety and preparedness for small boats including leisure crafts  A real-time weather forecasting system for high speed crafts (AIS, GSM)  Educate the general public on quality shipping

27 Content  The Norwegian Coastal Administration  Key facts  Background  Main activities and deliverables  Organisation

28 The administrative organisation of the project is based on country coordinators Lead Partner Country Coordinator Denmark Country Coordinator Flanders Country Coordinator Netherlands Country Coordinator Norway Country Coordinator Sweden Country Coordinator UK  Periodic Report on expenditures in country consortium  Every 6 months - 30 June - 31 December  Member of IMG  Letter of Commitment  Management Statement  Financial contact  Reports to the Interreg IIIB Programme Secretariat  Chair of IMG

29 The professional organisation is based on Strand Coordinators and Demonstration Coordinators  Periodic Report on activities

30 The public part of the website is now open

31 The internal part of the website will be open within short time

32 Meetings Deliverables Working documents Participants

33 Thank you!

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