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A Primer for Tenure and Recontracting 2010-2011 (Updated July 2010 ) Deb Martin Chair, All-University Senate T&R Committee

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1 A Primer for Tenure and Recontracting 2010-2011 (Updated July 2010 ) Deb Martin Chair, All-University Senate T&R Committee

2 Tenure Myths I can “teach” and/or “serve” my way to tenure. I will certainly achieve tenure if I achieve department guidelines and they recommend me for tenure. The additional levels of review beyond my dept are simply a formality. Rowan University does not deny anyone tenure. 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt1

3 Tenure Is… a statement of faith by the university that you will continue to be productive 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt2

4 Tenure Is… awarded to individuals who demonstrate a path for teaching effectiveness, a research trajectory, and a developing record of contributions to the academic community and profession. 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt3

5 Your Packet… Provides context for your experiences as a teacher, scholar, and professional Communicates or makes an argument for what you do Clearly shows how you have met benchmarks 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt4

6 T&R Review Cycles (for Faculty & Librarians) Candidate Year Recontracting Request for… Candidate Reviewed By… Year 1 (Spring) 2 nd yearDepartment Dean Year 2 (Fall) 3 rd & 4 th yearsDepartment Senate Dean Provost/President Year 3 (Spring) 5 th yearDepartment Senate Dean Year 4n/a Year 5 (Fall) TenureDepartment Senate Dean Provost/President 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt5

7 Note on Full-Time Temporaries (FTT’s) If a person previously employed as a FTT enters a tenure-track position, the time employed as a temporary counts toward the tenure clock if there is no break in service (between temp and tenure-track positions) This is a state law that cannot be subverted FTT’s should be made aware of this and (if they have any interest in ultimately obtaining a tenure-track position) should treat the job as if it were tenure-track and be reviewed FTT’s are reviewed by Dept Cmte and Dean 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt6

8 The Process – Department Departmental T&R criteria approved by early October Dept T&R Cmte elected (no one can serve on Senate T&R Cmte) Candidate submits application folder to Dept T&R Cmte Dept Cmte meets, votes, and writes a summary including numerical vote (with majority, dissenting, and abstaining written reports, if necessary) All members and Candidate sign summary Signed summary becomes part of folder/packet delivered to Senate 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt7

9 Tips for Departments Provide thorough, honest, direct review to Candidate and provide guidance in early years to help support Candidate’s development Give Candidate things to think about, reflect upon, and grow from (things Candidate can write about) Do not be afraid to make suggestions for improvement or give constructive criticism When writing peer obs, use dept criteria to write evaluative comments (not just 1-pg summary) Use Senate Review Form 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt8

10 Sample Criteria for Peer Obs Good organization of subject matter, including appropriate pacing and adherence to departmental syllabi and policies Effective communication Knowledge and enthusiasm for subject matter and teaching Positive attitudes toward students Fairness in examinations and grading Flexibility in approaches to teaching Appropriate student learning outcomes 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt9

11 The Process – Senate Senate T&R Chair voted in and Cmte selected by Senate Candidate submits 8 folders to Senate (1 Original, 7 copies) Candidate’s folder gets assigned to one “primary reader” and one “secondary reader” outside dept Readers review folder very carefully and report to whole Senate T&R Cmte using Senate Review Form Senate T&R Cmte meets to discuss each Candidate’s folder in detail (this takes at least a week or two, meeting all day long) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt10

12 The Process – Senate (cont.) Senate T&R Cmte performs own substantive review and evaluation (Senate does not “rubber stamp” Dept evaluation) A “no” vote from Dept Cmte or a possible “no” vote from Senate Cmte, triggers a hearing with Union representation If needed, hearings are scheduled as soon as possible (Senate T&R Cmte meets with Candidate and with Candidate’s department, each entitled to Union rep) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt11

13 The Process – Senate (cont.) Senate Cmte meets, votes, and writes a summary letter including numerical vote (with majority, dissenting, and abstaining written reports, if necessary) Senate Cmte Chair and Candidate sign summary evaluation letter Signed summary evaluation letter becomes part of packet forwarded to Provost / President with Candidate’s Original Folder Candidate collects 7 copies 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt12

14 The Process – Administration Dean reviews Candidate’s folder and issues a recommendation to the Provost / President (Candidate gets copy of Dean’s letter) Provost / President reviews Candidate’s folder and all forwarded recommendations; then notifies Senate Cmte and Candidate Tenure is conferred at December Board of Trustees meeting and begins in September of Year 6 of service 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt13

15 Criteria for T&R University-wide Criteria: Defined by the collective bargaining agreement and summarized at both the Provost’s and Senate’s websites (see T&R Memorandum of Agreement available for download) committees/index.cfm?id=28 Departmental Criteria: Each Department approves T&R criteria, interpreting common university criteria in own department Due dates: See T&R MOA 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt14

16 Contents of a Folder (see T&R Mem of Agreement) Completed Checklist with page numbers Departmental info (terminal degree, T&R criteria, role of Dept Chair, specific criteria for peer obs) Personnel resume (basic vita) Candidate’s self-assessment in four areas Student evaluations and peer observations, and Candidate’s responses Departmental evaluation Copies of all previous evaluations Optional supplemental material (one Supplemental Folder) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt15

17 Frequent Concerns General sloppiness, lack of organization, missing page numbers (should show pride in work) Lack of reflection from Candidate and/or missing responses to student evaluations and peer observations (should provide thorough self- reflection and explanations) Missing signatures and/or dates throughout folder (argh!) Missing copies of evaluations from previous review cycles (should include most recent review at back of current folder and others in Supplemental Folder) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt16

18 Spring of Year 1 Note: Bd of Trustees reappoints Year 2 in February before review 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Submit T&R folder to Department Cmte and College Dean Highlight teaching effectiveness (Faculty) or professional performance (Librarians / Professional Staff) Requirement for Faculty Include 2 sets of student evaluations and 1 peer observation (from Fall of Year 1) 17

19 Spring of Year 1 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Provide self-appraisal (include teaching philosophy) and discuss plans for growth and development in each area: * Teaching Effectiveness or Professional Performance * Scholarly and/or Creative Activity * Contribution to University Community (Department, College, and University service) * Contribution to the Wider and Professional Community 18

20 Spring of Year 1 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Save copies of Year 1 evaluations from Dept Cmte and Dean to include in future folders Save copies of student evals and peer obs to include in future folders 19

21 Fall of Year 2 Submit T&R folder to Dept Cmte, Senate Cmte, Dean, and Provost / President 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Request recontracting for Years 3 and 4 of service Provide self-appraisal of Year 1 accomplishments in each area: * Teaching Effectiveness or Professional Performance * Scholarly and/or Creative Activity * Contribution to Univ Community * Contribution to the Wider and Professional Community 20

22 Fall of Year 2 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Highlight teaching effectiveness (Faculty) or professional performance (Librarians / Professional Staff) Requirements for Faculty Include 2 new sets of student evaluations and 1 new peer observation (usually from Spring of Year 1) Remember to include written reflective responses to student evaluations and peer observation(s) in folder 21

23 Fall of Year 2 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Reflect on strengths and/or areas of improvement noted by Dept Cmte and Dean in Year 1 review Discuss plans for growth and development in each area, along with means of evaluating success in reaching each goal * Teaching Effectiveness or Professional Performance * Scholarly and/or Creative Activity(state Research Agenda) * Contribution to Univ Community * Contribution to the Wider and Professional Community 22

24 Fall of Year 2 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Include Year 1 (Spring) evaluative materials at back of folder, including * evaluations from Dept Cmte and Dean * first sets of student evaluations and peer observation (from Fall of Year 1) * not copy of entire Year 1 folder Optional Supplemental Folder can include supporting documentation 23

25 Fall of Year 2 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt DOUBLE CHECK FOLDER: MOA checklist initialed by Dept T&R Chairperson Consecutive page numbers Self-appraisal signed and dated by Candidate Student evals signed and dated by Administrator or Dept T&R Chair Peer obs signed and dated by Observer and Candidate Dept Eval signed and dated by all Dept T&R Cmte members and Candidate 24

26 Fall of Year 2 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Receive notification in mid- to late-December (check Bd of Trustees meeting minutes) Save copies of Year 2 evaluations from Dept Cmte, Senate Cmte, Dean, Provost / President to include in future folders Save copies of student evals and peer obs to include in future folders 25

27 Spring of Year 3 Submit T&R folder to Dept Cmte, Senate Cmte, and Dean 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Request recontracting for Year 5 of service (this is last review before tenure application) Provide self-appraisal of growth since Year 1 with accomplishments during Year 2 and Fall of Year 3 in each area: * Teaching Effectiveness or Professional Performance * Scholarly and/or Creative Activity * Contribution to Univ Community * Contribution to the Wider and Professional Community 26

28 Spring of Year 3 (cont.) Recommendations Consult Dept criteria; discuss how criteria is met by Candidate Reflect on past goals; discuss accomplishments in each area with respect to prior plans for growth Reflect on previous evaluations (from Years 1 and 2) from Dept Cmte, Senate Cmte, Dean, Provost / President; discuss accomplishments in each area with respect to any previously noted concerns Discuss growth 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt27

29 Spring of Year 3 (cont.) Reflection on Teaching teaching techniques and/or practices that have worked well things Candidate is working on adjusting and how adjustments are turning out possible reasons why things have worked or not worked ways Candidate is addressing student feedback (explain any low scores) and issues/suggestions from peers evidence of growth 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt28

30 Spring of Year 3 (cont.) Reflection on Scholarship list of work accomplished with clearly indicated dates (especially since last review) stage at which work is completed (submitted, accepted, etc.) brief description of scholarly work (research agenda) description of quality of work (tier/rank, acceptance rate, etc.) help reviewers outside department thoroughly understand 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt29

31 Spring of Year 3 (cont.) Reflection on Univ Contributions service provided, committee work (especially since last review) brief descriptions of type of service and responsibilities (for reviewers outside committees to understand) Reflection on Wider Contributions list of memberships in professional organizations brief descriptions of level of involvement in organizations brief descriptions of consultancies, service to the community, etc. 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt30

32 Spring of Year 3 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Discuss plans for growth and development in each area, along with means of evaluating success in reaching each goal * Teaching Effectiveness or Professional Performance * Scholarly and/or Creative Activity (state Research Agenda) * Contribution to Univ Community * Contribution to the Wider and Professional Community 31

33 Spring of Year 3 (cont.) Requirements for Faculty Include new sets of student evaluations (generally 2 per semester from Fall of Year 2, Spring of Year 2, Fall of Year 3) Include new peer obs (generally 1 per semester from Fall of Year 2, Spring of Year 2, Fall of Year 3) ( previously 1 new peer observation from within past 12 months ) Remember to include written reflective responses to student evaluations and peer observation(s) in folder 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt32

34 Spring of Year 3 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Include Year 2 (Fall) evaluative materials at back of folder, including * evaluations from Dept Cmte, Senate Cmte, Dean, and Provost / President * sets of student evaluations and peer observation (from Spring of Year 1) * not copy of entire Year 2 folder Include Year 1 (Spring) evaluative materials in Supplemental Folder 33

35 Spring of Year 3 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt DOUBLE CHECK FOLDER: MOA checklist initialed by Dept T&R Chairperson Consecutive page numbers Self-appraisal signed and dated by Candidate Student evals signed and dated by Administrator or Dept T&R Chair Peer obs signed and dated by Observer and Candidate Dept Eval signed and dated by all Dept T&R Cmte members and Candidate 34

36 Spring of Year 3 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Receive notification in mid- to late-June (check Bd of Trustees meeting minutes) Save copies of Year 3 evaluations from Dept Cmte, Senate Cmte, Dean to include in future folders Save copies of student evals and peer obs to include in future folders 35

37 Spring of Year 3 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Note: In next review (tenure), reviewers will look for how Candidate meets personal goals and addresses issues raised in eval letters from Dept, Senate, Dean, etc Pay attention to strengths and areas of improvement noted in evals (work on during Year 4) ! Make sure scholarship is up to par (“state college and university” status changing to “research university”) 36

38 Fall of Year 5 Submit T&R folder to Dept Cmte, Senate Cmte, Dean, and Provost / President 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Request recontracting for Year 6 of service with tenure Provide self-appraisal showing evidence of effectiveness and excellence in each area: * Teaching Effectiveness or Professional Performance * Scholarly and/or Creative Activity * Contribution to Univ Community * Contribution to the Wider and Professional Community 37

39 Fall of Year 5 (cont.) Recommendations Consult Dept criteria; discuss how criteria have been met by Candidate Reflect on past goals; discuss accomplishments in each area with respect to prior plans for growth Reflect on previous evaluations (from Year 3) from Dept Cmte, Senate Cmte, and Dean; discuss accomplishments in each area with respect to any previously noted concerns (do not leave any concerns unanswered) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt38

40 Fall of Year 5 (cont.) Reflection on Teaching teaching techniques and/or practices that have worked well things Candidate has worked on adjusting and how adjustments turned out possible reasons why things have worked or not worked ways Candidate has addressed student feedback (explain any low scores) and issues/suggestions from peers evidence of growth 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt39

41 Fall of Year 5 (cont.) Reflection on Scholarship list of work accomplished with clearly indicated dates stage at which work is completed (submitted, accepted, etc.) brief description of scholarly work (research agenda and progress since last review) description of quality of work (tier/rank, acceptance rate, etc.) help reviewers outside department thoroughly understand 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt40

42 Fall of Year 5 (cont.) Reflection on Univ Contributions service provided, committee work brief descriptions of type of service and responsibilities (for reviewers outside committees to understand) Reflection on Wider Contributions list of memberships in professional organizations brief descriptions of level of involvement in organizations brief descriptions of consultancies, service to the community, etc. 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt41

43 Fall of Year 5 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Discuss plans for growth and development in each area, along with means of evaluating success in reaching each goal * Teaching Effectiveness or Professional Performance * Scholarly and/or Creative Activity * Contribution to Univ Community * Contribution to the Wider and Professional Community 42

44 Fall of Year 5 (cont.) Requirements for Faculty Include new sets of student evaluations (generally 2 per semester from Spring of Year 3, Fall of Year 4, Spring of Year 4) Include new peer obs (generally 1 per semester from Spring of Year 3, Fall of Year 4, Spring of Year 4) ( previously 1 new peer observation from within past 12 months ) Remember to include written reflective responses to student evaluations and peer observation(s) in folder 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt43

45 Fall of Year 5 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Include Year 3 (Spring) evaluative materials at back of folder, including * evaluations from Dept Cmte, Senate Cmte, and Dean * sets of student evaluations and peer observation (from Fall of Year 2, Spring of Year 2, Fall of Year 3) * not copy of entire Year 3 folder Include Year 1 (Spring) and Year 2 (Fall) evaluative materials in Supplemental Folder 44

46 Fall of Year 5 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt DOUBLE CHECK FOLDER: MOA checklist initialed by Dept T&R Chairperson Consecutive page numbers Self-appraisal signed and dated by Candidate Student evals signed and dated by Administrator or Dept T&R Chair Peer obs signed and dated by Observer and Candidate Dept Eval signed and dated by all Dept T&R Cmte members and Candidate 45

47 Fall of Year 5 (cont.) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt Receive notification in mid- to late-December (check Bd of Trustees meeting minutes) Save copies of all evaluations for self 46

48 Tips for Candidates Carefully read MOA and checklist (also see Senate Review Form) Familiarize self with Dept guidelines Make a strong case for tenure; prove deserving of lifetime employment and financial commitment from university (show pride in work) Keep and include all evaluations and letters from Dept Cmte, Senate Cmte, Dean, Provost, and President for all years Keep and include all student evals and peer obs for all years 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt47

49 Tips for Candidates (cont.) Provide thorough self-reflection, explanation, and documentation of work and growth in all four areas If planning to use your T&R folder also for Promotion in the year you apply for tenure (Year 5), state such in your T&R folder and follow the guidelines for each of the four areas in the Promotion Memorandum of Agreement T&R and Promotion remain two separate processes, but you may use the same application folder (beginning AY 2009-10) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt48

50 Tips for Candidates (cont.) Do not leave anything open for questioning by multiple reviewers outside Dept (respond to any and all issues raised in letters from most recent previous review cycle) Clearly indicate dates of accomplishments Consider providing a 2-5 page “executive summary” of highlights of accomplishments (esp since most recent previous review) at front of folder 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt49

51 Tips for Candidates (cont.) Provide a blank student evaluation form in your folder (including questions that students responded to), so student feedback can be interpreted by reviewers outside your Dept Explain the scoring of the student evaluations, including the range (0-4 ? 1-5?) and value (5=poor? 5=excellent?) of points Create a table that summarizes student evals with dates and classes by semester 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt50

52 Tips for Candidates (cont.) Check and double-check file organization; have proof-reader check spelling and grammar Paginate all pages sequentially for easy reference If inserting pages at the last minute, use letters with numbers (14, 14A, 15, etc) Use tabs to divide sections of folder Make sure all pages of Original Folder are copied *Make 7 copies using front and back of paper. 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt51

53 Tips for Candidates (cont.) Use spiral binding rather than cumbersome 3-ring binders (see Duplicating Center for help) Put supporting material in Supplemental File Make page numbers, tabs, and a Table of Contents for Supplemental File Remember to include all evaluative materials from all previous review cycles at back of current folder or Supplemental File (see checklists on Senate Review Form) 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt52

54 Where to go for help Department T&R Cmte members Faculty Center Director: Cindi Hasit ( Location: 3 rd Floor, Education Hall Support: mentoring, sample folders, help with folder organization, teaching tips, etc 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt53

55 Where to go for help (cont.) Senate website - T&R MOA and tips available for download committees/index.cfm?id=28 Chair of Senate T&R Cmte: Deb Martin ( 2010-2011 primer for tenure and recontracting.ppt54

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