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Trevor Peare, Keeper (Systems) New Library Project Officer Trinity College Library The Ussher Library at Trinity – a Library for its time?

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Presentation on theme: "Trevor Peare, Keeper (Systems) New Library Project Officer Trinity College Library The Ussher Library at Trinity – a Library for its time?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Trevor Peare, Keeper (Systems) New Library Project Officer Trinity College Library The Ussher Library at Trinity – a Library for its time?

2 James Ussher 1581 - 1656 First day of creation: Sunday 23 October 4004 BC

3 Bibliotheca Usseriana

4 Year Students 1960 2,833 Berkeley '67 The Ussher Library at Trinity 1970 4,428 Lecky '78 1980 6,623 1990 9,267 Hamilton '92 200014,750 Ussher '02

5 Year Volumes 1960 1.4 M 1970 1.9 M Santry I ('74) 1980 2.5 M Santry II ('86) 1990 3.2 M Santry III ('91) 2000 4.0M Santry IV ('98) The Ussher Library at Trinity

6 To provide: 700+ additional readers' places 350,000 additional open access volumes Integrated ICT The Ussher Library at Trinity

7 1996 'Idea' developed 1997 Library visits Architectural Brief 1998 Architects appointed 1999 Work on site starts The Ussher Library at Trinity

8 Issues identified during visits: Separation of books and readers  Flexibility v. Environment Finishes for surfaces important IT wiring throughout  Staff areas The Ussher Library at Trinity

9 The Brief: 650 - 700 additional reader places 350,000+ additional volumes on open access Integration of IT and traditional use Single point of focus for services Linking of three library buildings The Ussher Library at Trinity

10 The Site

11 The Ussher Library at Trinity 'From these thoughts might drift abstractions …book…light shelf…seat… out of which a primary concept is woven …' 'Ideas for a library' Valerie Mulvin LongRoom, 2002



14 Changes to the brief Map Library to be included Conservation Laboratory out/in Budget constraints The Ussher Library at Trinity

15 Review of the building process in pictures

16 June 1999

17 January 2000

18 July 2000

19 January 2001

20 July 2001

21 The Ussher Library at Trinity The finished building

22 From College Park

23 South East exterior

24 North Podium

25 Orientation Space


27 Reading Room, Level 2

28 Open Access Book Block

29 Postgraduate Reading Area

30 The Atrium

31 Berkeley Refurbishment Significant work Remodeling entrance area Iveagh Hall and Basement transformed Lecky Library reorganised The Ussher Library at Trinity

32 Berkeley Entrance area

33 Iveagh Hall

34 What will the user experience? Good study environment Integration of Printed and Electronic material Easier access for HEA visitors The Ussher Library at Trinity

35 Pictures, facts and figures at:

36 More information from: Trevor Peare, Keeper (Systems) New Library Project Officer Trinity College Library The Ussher Library at Trinity

37 More information from: Trevor Peare, Keeper (Systems) New Library Project Officer Trinity College Library The Ussher Library at Trinity

38 More information from: Trevor Peare, Keeper (Systems) New Library Project Officer Trinity College Library The Ussher Library at Trinity

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