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Increasing production of chickpea & pigeonpea through Intensive application of Integrated Pest Management 2010-12 Accelerated Pulses Production Programme.

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Presentation on theme: "Increasing production of chickpea & pigeonpea through Intensive application of Integrated Pest Management 2010-12 Accelerated Pulses Production Programme."— Presentation transcript:

1 Increasing production of chickpea & pigeonpea through Intensive application of Integrated Pest Management 2010-12 Accelerated Pulses Production Programme National Centre for Integrated Pest Management LBS Building, IARI Campus, New Delhi-110012 O P Sharma

2 Objectives To establish 36 “Nuclear Model Units” in selected A3P units for pigeonpea and chickpea To impart training to all the Technical Assistants recruited under 123 pigeonpea and 214 chickpea blocks To carry out awareness campaigns through conventional (print) and electronic media To establish centralized “National Pest Reporting and Alert System” through networking of pulse growers

3 NCIPM New Delhi UAS Raichur JNKVV Jabalpur APAU Hyderabad MAU Parbhani IIPR Kanpur Cooperating Institutions

4 Operational areas and activities (units) for 2010-12 StatePigeonpeaChickpea Andhra Pradesh (1 district) 12 Karnataka (1 district) 75 Madhya Pradesh (2 district) 32 Maharashtra (4 district) 65 Uttar Pradesh (2 district) 32 Total 2016 1 unit = 1000ha

5 Gypsum / elemental Sulphur Area specific variety with built in resistance Micro nutrients (Zn) Rhizobium / PSB Seed treatment (Trichoderma ) Pheromone traps Neem oil NPV (HaNPV ) Chemical pesticides (Carbendazim, Quinolphos, Endosulfan, Monocrotophos, Profenophos, Dimethoate, Emmamectin, Renaxpyr, NAA) Inputs supplied to beneficiaries (participating farmers) under A3P Critical Components of IPM Microbial bio- inoculants/pesticides

6 Survey conducted 4 days in a week : 3 days for fixed survey and 1 day for rapid roving Fixed survey in 34 villages (Two spots / village ) – 3 days a week Random survey in the whole district 40 spots / day Information pooled on Friday and recommendations given on Saturday (over phone & SMS) as alert for pest management action Methodology of e- Pest Surveillance

7 e - National Pest Reporting and Alert System

8 Register Scout information

9 Scout survey information data entry Tracking report

10 Temporal report (Tabular format)Current Pest report Nanded (MS) Gulbarga (Karnataka)

11 GIS aided mapping of pest situation in real time

12 Advisory (Options in : English, Hindi, Marathi, Telugu, Kannada) 2132 SMS till date

13 Benefits of e -Pest Surveillance Timely detection and initiation of preventive and curative (localized) management practices for key pests SMS alerts and learning by experience (FFS), farmers were able to experience themselves with pests and their natural enemies during crop period Less spray & correct chemical pesticide compatible with naturally occurring defenders (predators & parasitoids) has resulted in their conservation Contributed to increase in yield by preventing losses caused by pests.

14 Parbhani Nanded Podborer incidence No / plant

15 Osmanabad Incidence of diseases was very less due to large scale adoption of BSMR varieties No / plant

16 Andhra Pradesh Met week (Nov) Insect pest scenario Diseases No / plant

17 Hamirpur Banda No / plant

18 Chhindwara No / plant

19 Taluka Mean number of Egg load / plant 50 % FloweringPeak FloweringPod Development A3PNon A3PA3PNon A3PA3PNon A3P Chittapur Gulbarga Jewargi Chincholli Aland Afzalpur Sedam Average0.332.261.162.540.16 Status of Helicoverpa eggs at different stages of crop (2010) Pest scenario analysis ………………

20 Taluka Mean number of larvae/ plant 50 % FloweringPeak FloweringPod Development A3PNon A3PA3PNon A3PA3PNon A3P Chittapur 0.4 Gulbarga Jewargi 0.4 Chincholli Aland Afzalpur 0.1 Sedam Average 0.270.390.962.160.312.31 Status of Helicoverpa larval incidence (2010)

21 Taluka Mean number of live webs (Maruca) / plant Peak flowerIngPod development stage A3PNon-A3PA3PNon A3P Chittapur 0.05 0.190.00 0.01 Gulbarga 0.05 0.200.01 0.02 Jewargi 0.27 1.070.03 0.11 Chincholli 0.54 2.170.03 0.12 Aland 0.63 2.510.03 0.10 Afzalpur 0.35 1.400.01 0.04 Sedam 0.00 0.010.00 Average Mean number of bugs (pod bug) / plant Peak floweringPod development stage A3PNon-A3PA3PNon A3P 0.00 0.02 0.04 0.150.391.56 0.04 0.04 0.03 Taluka Percent pod fly damage Pod development stagePod maturity stage A3PNon-A3PA3PNon A3P Chittapur 1.701.881.906.80 Gulbarga 2.102.752.208.40 Jewargi 1.603.132.506.40 Chincholli 1.904.003.207.60 Aland Afzalpur 2.604.503.6010.40 Sedam 2.808.404.2011.20 Average MarucaPod bug Pod fly Status of other pests (2010)

22 Taluka Mean number coccinellids / plant Peak flowering stagePod development stage A3PNon-A3PA3PNon A3P Chittapur Gulbarga Jewargi Chincholli Aland Afzalpur Sedam Average Mean number chrysopa eggs / plant Peak flowering stagePod development stage A3PNon-A3PA3PNon A3P 0.330.080.210.05 Taluka New moleculesBio-pesticides Total sprays by A3PNon A3PA3PNon A3PA3PNon – A3P Chittapur 1.122.542.00.054.526.59 Gulbarga 1.112.752.00.014.616.76 Jewargi 1.132.482.00.024.337.70 Chincholli 1.122.342. Aland 1.102.752.00.024.906.17 Afzalpur Sedam 1.132.832.00.074.636.00 Average 1.122.572.000.03 4.656.57 New molecules Indoxacarb, Spinosad, Emamectin benzoate, flubendiamide, Rynaxypyr Bio-pesticides Trichoderma, Neem and HaNPV Status of beneficial and eco-friendly pesticides

23 Leaf roller Maruca Excessive rain led to higher incidence of leaf roller & Maruca webber Emerging pests ……………………

24 Excessive rain led to Cercospora disease ….. Leading to flower drops (up to 50% in extreme cases) Farmers were advised to spray carbadenzim 2% Flower drops due to foggy mornings ……… advised to spray NAA and irrigate.

25 Damaged pod with live larvae Damaged pod with NPV affected larvae Powdery mildew affected leaves Seed damagePod damage

26 Blank patches due to mortality of plant by Phytophthora blight Symptoms of infected plant with Phytophthora drechsleri f sp. cajani SMD infected plants

27 MAU, Parbhani on 23-24 th Sep., 2010 Maharashtra27 Gujarat8 Capacity Building Technical Assistant (Nos) under A3P ARS, Gulbarga on 13-14 th Oct., 2010 Karnataka 23 Andhra Pradesh 21 Chatishgarh4 About the crop, Hollistic crop care, Key pests of pigeonpea and their management with the use of e-Pest Surveillance IIPR, Kanpur on 14-15 th Jan., 2011 Uttar Pradesh15 Madhya Pradesh3 Jharkhand3

28 Empowerment of Farmers under A3P Hollistic crop care Identification of key pests of pigeonpea and chickpea Differentiation between friendly and foe insect Crop monitoring methods (weekly monitoring & pheromone traps) Correct timing and method of spray based on SMS received through e-Pest Surveillance system Timely application of pesticides for pest management Safe use of pesticides Karnataka > 5531 Maharashtra > 3000 Andhra Pradesh > 2000 Madhya Pradesh > 2000 Uttar Pradesh > 1000

29 Seed treatment with PSB + Rhizobium Seed treatment with Trichoderma Farmers empowerment


31 Educational and extension materials Educational material in Hindi, Telugu & Marathi in under preparation

32 Build up confidence among farmers about working/benefits of bio-pesticides through village level demonstrations Minimizing losses through timely interventions, preventive and curative (localized) practices led to increase in yield (viz., 15.09-17.89 % increase in Gulbarga) 1 st time large area (20000 ha) of pigeonpea has been covered under “Area wide Pest Management”. Achievement at national level

33 Lessons learnt Prioritization of interventions including plant protection to mitigate effect of changing climatic conditions Changing pattern of pest occurrence e.g., Maruca, podbug, foliar and root diseases in MP, MS, Karnataka and AP. Reaction of different pesticides in targeted states under A3P and large scale performance of new green pesticides

34 Future programme Finetuning of the programme based on feedback and experiences of 2010. Development of “Timelines” and strengthening of co-operation with State Agri Deptt. Strengthening of “e-Pest Surveillance ….” programme with participation of willing State Governments (e.g., Maharashtra, Orissa ……). Devising & mapping of hot spot areas, wherein minor pests are becoming major in view of changing agricultural practices / climatic conditions.


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