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The Dispersal of Cultures Some Event causes the culture to runaway in random directions.

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Presentation on theme: "The Dispersal of Cultures Some Event causes the culture to runaway in random directions."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Dispersal of Cultures Some Event causes the culture to runaway in random directions.

2 Mechanisms for Dispersal Run away from the barbarian hordes with the big sticks Run away from the barbarian hordes with the big sticks Run away from disease Run away from disease Naturally nomadic due to resource limitations Naturally nomadic due to resource limitations Response to a natural catastrophe Response to a natural catastrophe

3 One Possible Example The Black Sea Deluge

4 The Theory After the last Ice Age (12,000 years ago) ended, the climate began to warm and sea level begin to rise (significantly) At this time, the Black sea was landlocked (and salt free) and fed by a series of rivers that drained from mountain ranges The Black sea was surrounded by various fertile plains which could support farming; also the Black sea was rich in shell fish

5 The Flood The peak of the rate of warming (and subsequent rise of sea level) occurred about 7500 years ago. Mediterranean Sea reaches a critical level and that pressure collapsed the land barrier and opened up the straits of Bosporus and salty water poured into the Black Sea which rose about 6 inches per day (180 feet in a year) for 2-3 years.


7 Results Surface area of the Black Sea increases by about 33% (in about a decade) Fertile plains flood (with salt water  turn into a marsh) Local population observes the water rising every day and disperse in random directions

8 Dark blue = Black Sea Level circa 5600 BC. Light Blue is today’s Black Sea

9 Last Ice Age (~15,000 Years Ago)

10 Eventually Glacial Lake Missoula Was Formed from Melting Ice Lake contained about 500 cubic miles of water.

11 Etched Wave Shelves

12 PNW Analog – The Bretz Floods  Ice Dam on Glacial Lake Missoula breaks suddenly

13 Topological Flood Feature

14 Catastrophe and Culture The Bretz/Missoula Flood(s) was another post Ice Age deluge that would have catastrophically dispersed any native population in random directions.

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