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Industrial Avionics Working Group 18/04/07 Application Integration.

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Presentation on theme: "Industrial Avionics Working Group 18/04/07 Application Integration."— Presentation transcript:

1 Industrial Avionics Working Group 18/04/07 Application Integration

2 Industrial Avionics Working Group 18/04/07 Application Integration - Objectives Demonstrate that the design domain applications are integrated together in such a way as to prevent unwanted interference between application Blocks. Demonstrate that the applications are integrated with the architecture in such as way as to provide the services required by the application Blocks. Integrate the application Block SC Modules together to demonstrate that Block dependencies are satisfied.

3 Industrial Avionics Working Group 18/04/07 Application Integration – Linked Modules

4 Industrial Avionics Working Group 18/04/07 Application Integration – Safety Case Patterns Pattern: ArchSupport –argument over the Architecture services that are required by the applications. Pattern: NoUnwantedInteractions –argument that any given Block is not subject to unwanted interactions. Pattern: DependencySatisfied –Argument that the dependencies for each application are satisfied. –The purpose of this pattern is to integrate all the Blocks in the Application Later together and with the Architecture. This is achieved instantiation of the pattern for each Dependency for every Application Block. Pattern ApplicationLayerModel –argument over the partitioning of the Application layer into Blocks.

5 Industrial Avionics Working Group 18/04/07 Safety Case Pattern – Arch Support Public Goal: ArchSupport Goal: MemPartitioning Requires a solution that demonstrates memory partitioning is assured for each process. Goal: InternalState … the integrity of internal state data is assured. Goal: TempPartitioning … temporal partitioning is assured for each process. Goal: DataIntegrity … the integrity of data is assured during data transfers. Goal: SystemHealth … the health of the system is monitored and reported. Goal: ErrorsHandled … that errors are handled predictably. Goal: SufficientResource … that system resources such as memory, execution speed and data transfer rates, are sufficient that they shall not be exhausted.

6 Industrial Avionics Working Group 18/04/07 Safety Case Pattern – No Unwanted Interactions

7 Industrial Avionics Working Group 18/04/07 Safety Case Pattern – DependencySatisfied Support required from other Modules: Goals that contain arguments over the provision of data from other Blocks (in the form of Guarantees) that are required to satisfy the Block’s Dependencies. Goals that contain arguments over the transfer of data between one Application Block and another covering: –RTBP definitions for data transfer connections; –Architectural Support for integrity of data during transfer; Top Level Goal: DepSatisfied

8 Industrial Avionics Working Group 18/04/07 Safety Case Pattern – Application Layer Model Public Goal: AL_ModelApplied Demonstrates that the Application Layer Partitioning Model has been applied correctly. Public Goal: CellAllocation Demonstrates that all the cells in the Application Lay are allocated appropriately to Blocks, and the Blocks are appropriately allocated to Regions. Top Level Goal Argument covers Singular Mapping –All cells map to one & only one Block –All Blocks map to one & only one Region Application Layer Cells appropriately partitioned into HA & LA Regions –The mapping of Blocks (and the cells they contain) to the HA & LA Regions is appropriate.

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