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Manifold Learning Using Geodesic Entropic Graphs Alfred O. Hero and Jose Costa Dept. EECS, Dept Biomed. Eng., Dept. Statistics University of Michigan -

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Presentation on theme: "Manifold Learning Using Geodesic Entropic Graphs Alfred O. Hero and Jose Costa Dept. EECS, Dept Biomed. Eng., Dept. Statistics University of Michigan -"— Presentation transcript:

1 Manifold Learning Using Geodesic Entropic Graphs Alfred O. Hero and Jose Costa Dept. EECS, Dept Biomed. Eng., Dept. Statistics University of Michigan - Ann Arbor Research supported in part by: ARO-DARPA MURI DAAD19-02-1-0262 1.Manifold Learning and Dimension Reduction 2.Entropic Graphs 3.Examples

2 1.Dimension Reduction and Pattern Matching 128x128 images of three vehicles over 1 deg increments of 360 deg azimuth at 0 deg elevation The 3(360)=1080 images evolve on a lower dimensional imbedded manifold in R^(16384) Courtesy of Center for Imaging Science, JHU HMMV T62Truck

3 Land Vehicle Image Manifold Entropy: Manifold (intrinsic) Dimension: d Embediing (extrinsic) Dimension: D QuantitiesOf Interest

4 Assumption: is a conformal mapping A statistical sample Sampling distribution 2dim manifold Sampling Embedding Sampling on a Domain Manifold

5 Background on Manifold Learning 1.Manifold intrinsic dimension estimation 1.Local KLE, Fukunaga, Olsen (1971) 2.Nearest neighbor algorithm, Pettis, Bailey, Jain, Dubes (1971) 3.Fractal measures, Camastra and Vinciarelli (2002) 4.Packing numbers, Kegl (2002) 2.Manifold Reconstruction 1.Isomap-MDS, Tenenbaum, de Silva, Langford (2000) 2.Locally Linear Embeddings (LLE), Roweiss, Saul (2000) 3.Laplacian eigenmaps (LE), Belkin, Niyogi (2002) 4.Hessian eigenmaps (HE), Grimes, Donoho (2003) 3.Characterization of sampling distributions on manifolds 1.Statistics of directional data, Watson (1956), Mardia (1972) 2.Data compression on 3D surfaces, Kolarov, Lynch (1997) 3.Statistics of shape, Kendall (1984), Kent, Mardia (2001)

6 2. Entropic Graphs A Planar Sample and its Euclidean MST

7 MST and Geodesic MST For a set of points in D- dimensional Euclidean space, the Euclidean MST with edge power weighting gamma is defined as edge lengths of a spanning tree over When pairwise distances are geodesic distances on obtain Geodesic MST For dense samplings GMST length = MST length

8 Convergence of Euclidean MST Beardwood, Halton, Hammersley Theorem:

9 Convergence Theorem for GMST Ref: Costa&Hero:TSP2003

10 Special Cases Isometric embedding ( distance preserving) Conformal embedding ( angle preserving)

11 Joint Estimation Algorithm Convergence theorem suggests log-linear model Use bootstrap resampling to estimate mean MST length and apply LS to jointly estimate slope and intercept from sequence Extract d and H from slope and intercept

12 3. Examples Random Samples on the Swiss Roll Ref: Tenenbaum&etal (2000)

13 Bootstrap Estimates of GMST Length Bootstrap SE bar (83% CI)

14 loglogLinear Fit to GMST Length

15 Dimension and Entropy Estimates From LS fit find: Intrinsic dimension estimate Alpha-entropy estimate ( ) –Ground truth:

16 Dimension Estimation Comparisons

17 Application to Faces Yale face database 2 –Photographic folios of many people’s faces –Each face folio contains images at 585 different illumination/pose conditions –Subsampled to 64 by 64 pixels (4096 extrinsic dimensions) Objective: determine intrinsic dimension and entropy of a typical face folio

18 GMST for 3 Face Folios Ref: Costa&Hero 2003

19 Conclusions Characterizing high dimension sampling distributions –Standard techniques (histogram, density estimation) fail due to curse of dimensionality –Entropic graphs can be used to construct consistent estimators of entropy and information divergence –Robustification to outliers via pruning Manifold learning and model reduction –LLE, LE, HE estimate d by finding local linear representation of manifold –Entropic graph estimates d from global resampling –Computational complexity of MST is only n log n Advantages of Geodesic Entropic Graph Methods

20 References A. O. Hero, B. Ma, O. Michel and J. D. Gorman, “Application of entropic graphs,” IEEE Signal Processing Magazine, Sept 2002. H. Neemuchwala, A.O. Hero and P. Carson, “Entropic graphs for image registration,” to appear in European Journal of Signal Processing, 2003. J. Costa and A. O. Hero, “Manifold learning with geodesic minimal spanning trees,” accepted in IEEE T- SP (Special Issue on Machine Learning), 2004. A. O. Hero, J. Costa and B. Ma, "Convergence rates of minimal graphs with random vertices," submitted to IEEE T-IT, March 2001. J. Costa, A. O. Hero and C. Vignat, "On solutions to multivariate maximum alpha-entropy Problems", in Energy Minimization Methods in Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (EMM-CVPR), Eds. M. Figueiredo, R. Rangagaran, J. Zerubia, Springer-Verlag, 2003

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