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Parkwood Access & Flow Project – November 2011 INSTRUCTIONS This PowerPoint presentation has an audio track built into it To take full advantage of the.

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2 Parkwood Access & Flow Project – November 2011 INSTRUCTIONS This PowerPoint presentation has an audio track built into it To take full advantage of the slides and audio track do the following: Make sure the audio on your computer is ON and is turned on full View and listen to the slide deck in slide show mode (full presentation) – this will automatically activate the audio as soon as you advance the slide The slides are set to advance manually so you can take your time going through them The audio is slightly more than 3 minutes long so it should take you no more than 5 minutes to go through all 10 slides

3 November, 2011 Parkwood Access & Flow Improvement Project

4 Project Objective  To improve access & flow into Parkwood inpatient programs  Focus on complex care, rehab, and specialized geriatric services - as well as the geriatric rehabilitation day hospital

5 Project Goal  To ensure that the referral and intake decision- making process:  Is timely  Well communicated  Consistently applies the admission criteria  Uses technology as much as possible  Results in decisions that consistently match patient needs with the most appropriate Parkwood program  Makes the most appropriate use of Parkwood resources  Continually improves on the basis of on-going experience, data and feedback

6 Future state  common intake process to all inpatient rehab, SGS and Complex care inpatient programs as well as the geriatric rehabilitation day hospital  common reference guide for all referral sources to use to inform them about the inpatient and geriatric rehabilitation day hospital programs, admission criteria and process  one phone number to call for all inquiries and one e-mail address  central Patient Access Office as a physical and dedicated space in Parkwood Hospital

7 Future state  dedicated staff – both clerical and clinical - with the necessary experience and expertise to manage the Parkwood Hospital referral and intake process  common admissions form for complex continuing care, rehab and specialized geriatric services as well as the geriatric rehabilitation day hospital Palliative care and long-term ventillation dependent patients will have their own admissions forms  Electronic Admission form will be completed by the referral source – using a secure web site (no paper)


9 Admission Form content  Admission demographics  Program requested  Current diagnosis, co-morbidities, interventions  Medical stability documentation  Program readiness  Goals and identified barriers  Eligibility assessment  Functional status  Cognitive status  Clinical alerts – e.g. infection control, diet, ostomy, tube feed, IV, tracheotomy, diabetes, pain, oncology  Equipment needs  Attached documentation  Consent forms

10 Current focus – implementation planning  Physical space needs for the PAO as well as infrastructure needs (phones, fax, computers etc.)  Staffing needs – including assigning staff to work in the PAO, staff accountabilities and reporting relationships  Finalizing the referral form  Deciding how to ensure completed form transmission is secure and protects privacy of patient information  Finalizing the operational details of the information, communications and decision-making flow – internally and externally – leveraging Cerner capabilities as much as possible  Identifying how to collect the information needed by the PAO office – including such things as bed status by program, pending discharges as well as performance measures etc.

11 Next Steps  Complete implementation planning, begin implementation and prepare for on-going operations  Staff orientation and training  Communicate the new structure, process and forms to all referral sources  Establish “Go Live” date

12 Thanks! For more information contact Steve Elson at 519-685-8500 ext. 72012 Thanks for the opportunity to bring this development to your attention

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