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Mentor Overview.

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1 Mentor Overview

2 Welcome to Gold Star Welcome to Gold Star!
This pilot has been designed based on Quality Matters, a faculty-centered, peer review process that is designed to certify the quality of online and blended courses. Welcome to Gold Star

3 Gold Star Overview Beginning GS Finishing GS Mentor Meeting:
Meet with your mentee to review their Standard Review Forms to discuss goals and objectives. Standard Review Forms: Review Standard Review Forms suggesting how to meet GS. Outline 4 goals and objectives to meet by the Mid-Point Meeting date. Mid-Point Meeting: Meet with your mentee to evaluate their goals and objectives. If these have been met then, mid-point payment will be dispersed. End-Point Meeting: Meet with your mentee to evaluate their goals and objectives to send their course forward to be Peer Reviewed. Peer Review Meeting: Meet with your mentee to review the Peer Review team outcomes and discuss suggested revisions as needed. If course passes GS, discuss final meeting process. Final Meeting: Meet with your mentee to finalize the GS Process and submit their final requirements such as their course, Jing Videos, survey, etc. Mid-Point July 1st Gold Star Overview Required: Failure to complete the outcomes will result in non-payment.

4 Mentor Meeting Mentor Meeting:
All mentees are required to complete the Gold Star Standard Review Forms. 1. Review the Standard Review Forms with your mentee. 2. Set objectives and goals to meet GS. 3. Decide on 4 of the Standards to be met by the Mid-point meeting and set the date. 4. Save a copy of the Standard Review Forms and goals/objectives for documentation. Photo Credit:graur razvan ionut / Mentor Meeting

5 Standard Review Form Mentor: Standard Review Form:
Review the mentees notes about their course using the Quality Matters (QM) Rubric. General Standard: Each general standard is titled in the heading for each form. There are 8 general standards addressed in QM. Specific Standards: There are 40 specific standards assigned different points based on their importance. For Example: General Standard 1: Course Overview and Introduction has 7 specific standards. Mentor: Review the Mentees comments and give suggestions as to how to meet the standard. If Checked Yes: Mentee felt that they met the standard and provided an explanation. If Checked No: Mentee felt that they did not met the standard and provided an explanation. If Checked “?”: Mentee felt that they did not have any idea of how to get started with this standard NOTES: Comment on the mentees explanation provided giving feedback and suggestions to met the standard. Give feedback in a different color. NOTE: This will be used for the first meeting with your mentor. Give specific course examples and details.

6 Sample SR Forms for all eight general standards.
NOTE: The Standard Review Forms will be used at your fist meeting with your mentee to review their course and to set their goals to meet GS. There are 1-2 pages per standard.

7 Mid-Point Meeting Mid-Point Meeting: Note:
Meet with your mentee to evaluate their progress in the Gold Star Process. 1. Evaluate the Standard Review Forms to decide if your mentee has met their goals: four of the eight Quality Matters standards. 2. If they have met their goals, submit their documentation to CTL so that they can receive the mid-point payment. 3. Discuss the remaining 4 Standards to be met by the End-Point meeting and set the date. 4. Save a copy of the Standard Review Forms and goals/objectives for documentation. Photo Credit: Mid-Point Meeting Note: Mid-Point payment dispersed upon successful completion of the 4 identified standards.

8 End-Point Meeting End-Point Meeting:
Meet with your mentee to evaluate their goals and objectives to send their course forward to be Peer Reviewed. 1. Evaluate the Standard Review Forms to decide if your mentee has met their goals: the remaining four of the eight Quality Matters standards. 2. If they have met their goals, have the mentee complete the Instructor Worksheet. 3. Submit the remaining Standard Review Forms and the Instructor Worksheet to the CTL. 4. If they have not met their goals, set another End-Point Meeting date. Photo Credit: End-Point Meeting

9 Peer Review Meeting Peer Review Meeting: If the course…. Meets GS:
Meet with your mentee to discuss the results from the Peer Review team. If the course…. Meets GS: Discuss the final requirements to be paid the final payment. Does NOT meet GS: Re-set goals to achieve GS by the identified date set by the Peer Review team. And, set another Peer Review Meeting to discuss these outcomes. Photo Credit: Photostock: <p><a href=" photostock /</a></p> Peer Review Meeting

10 Meeting Gold Star Standards Points Total Relative Value 17 3 51
Essential 11 2 22 Very Important 12 1 40 85 Meeting Gold Star Points Needed GOLD STAR points. 51 Points = + 21 Points = 72 Min. Points Essential Standards: all 17 must be answered “yes” Very Important and/or Important Standards: a combination of points must be answered “yes”. = Gold Star Approval

11 Final Meeting Final Meeting: Required:
Meet with your mentee to finalize the GS Process. Review and submit the following to CTL: 1. Gold Star score. 2. Jing Videos (See next slide for criteria). 3. Mentee’s course for the Gold Star Showcase. 4. GS Pilot Survey. NOTE: Only courses that have met the GS Standard of a minimum of 72 points will be approved for final payment. Photo Credit: Rizzuti / Final Meeting Required: All criteria must be submitted to the Mentor. Failure to do so, will result in non-payment.

12 Jing Videos Click to watch Jing Videos:
Explain that all mentees are required to create two Jing videos reviewing the their course. Video Content: 1. Course Overview : Introduction of self Course title/discipline Brief course description 3 benefits of GS that you learned by completing this process Include a script 2. Standard Explanation: Choose 1 Standard Explain how you met the Standard Click to watch Photo Credit: Jing Videos

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