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Private Land Conservation Dr Ken Atkins Manager, Species and Communities Branch.

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Presentation on theme: "Private Land Conservation Dr Ken Atkins Manager, Species and Communities Branch."— Presentation transcript:

1 Private Land Conservation Dr Ken Atkins Manager, Species and Communities Branch

2 Formal Conservation Reserve System - CAR

3 Other Crown lands managed for conservation


5 Lands managed by CALM

6 Distribution of Declared Rare Flora in WA


8 Off-Reserve Conservation Strategies

9 CompulsoryVoluntary Binding Non- binding

10 Off-Reserve Conservation Strategies CompulsoryVoluntary Binding Non- binding Legislation – clearing controls flora harvesting timber harvesting threatened species Lease conditions Land purchase Covenants Management Agreements NRM Planning Facilitation Advisory Services Funding Schemes Assistance Planning mechanisms

11 1800 061 025 for clearing regulation enquires Regulation of native vegetation clearing Environmental Protection Act 10 clearing principals Exemptions

12 Wildlife Conservation Act licence to sell native flora taken from private lands – includes cultivated plant material Provides exemption for EP Act Each licence has conditions applying to it which are designed to ensure sustainability. Management plan for sustainable timber production Harvesting Native Flora (and Timber)

13 CAR Other Off-reserve Conservation Programs Land Purchase – CAR, BAS, Bush Bank


15 CAR Other Off-reserve Conservation Programs Conservation Covenants Land Purchase – CAR, BAS, Bush Bank

16 Nature Conservation Covenant Program. Coordinator – Emma Bramwell 9423 2477

17 CAR Other Off-reserve Conservation Programs Land for Wildlife Conservation Covenants Section 16 Agreements Land Purchase – CAR, BAS, Bush Bank

18 Land for Wildlife Coordinator – Penny Hussey 9423 2530


20 Florabase Xanthorrhoea preissii Endl. Grass tree Lehm., Pl.Preiss. 2:39 (1846) Conservation Status: Not threatened Name Status: CurrentNot threatenedCurrent Description: Perennial tree-like monocot, to 5 m high, trunk to over 3 m, scape length 0.6–1.0 m, spike length 1.5–2.5 m. Fl. white, cream, Jun–Dec. Grey to black sands, grey-brown loam, brown gravelly sandy clay, laterite, granite. Ranges, coastal plain, near watercourses. DistributionDistribution: SW: AW, GS, JF, SWA, WAR. Find related books in the Botanical Library.related books

21 CAR Other Off-reserve Conservation Programs Roadside Conservation Committee Land for Wildlife Conservation Covenants Section 16 Agreements Financial Incentives – CCG, Healthy Wetland Habitats, Bushland Benefits State Salinity Strategy Natural Diversity Recovery Catchments Urban Nature Land Purchase – CAR, BAS, Bush Bank Rivercare




25 Types of Incentives Financial assistance Labour programs Land sale, purchase or donation Legal protection Management agreements Technical advice Training


27 Removal of Disincentives Land tax for covenanted land Capital gains tax and Income tax Local government rates

28 Information on Threatened Species and Threatened Ecological Communities Threatened Flora: Ministerial permission to take Letters of notification Database information – 9423 2123 Threatened Fauna: Licence to take Database information – 9423 2579 Threatened Ecological Communities Database information – 9423 2116

29 Management support: Species and Communities Branch, Kensington 9423 2455 Regional threatened species and communities officers Regional threatened species and communities recovery teams Recovery plans


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