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Boosted Decision Trees, a Powerful Event Classifier

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Presentation on theme: "Boosted Decision Trees, a Powerful Event Classifier"— Presentation transcript:

1 Boosted Decision Trees, a Powerful Event Classifier
Byron Roe, Haijun Yang, Ji Zhu University of Michigan Replace ANN, years, names collab. Byron Roe

2 Outline What is Boosting?
Comparisons of ANN and Boosting for the MiniBooNE experiment Comparisons of Boosting and Other Classifiers Some tested modifications to Boosting and miscellaneous Byron Roe

3 Training and Testing Events
Both ANN and boosting algorithms use a set of known events to train the algorithm. It would be biased to use the same set to estimate the accuracy of the selection; the algorithm has been trained for this specific sample. A new set, the testing set of events, is used to test the algorithm. All results quoted here are for the testing set. Byron Roe

4 Boosted Decision Trees
What is a decision tree? What is “boosting the decision trees”? Two algorithms for boosting. Byron Roe

5 Decision Tree Background/Signal
Go through all PID variables and find best variable and value to split events. For each of the two subsets repeat the process Proceeding in this way a tree is built. Ending nodes are called leaves. Byron Roe

6 Select Signal and Background Leaves
Assume an equal weight of signal and background training events. If more than ½ of the weight of a leaf corresponds to signal, it is a signal leaf; otherwise it is a background leaf. Signal events on a background leaf or background events on a signal leaf are misclassified. Byron Roe

7 Criterion for “Best” Split
Purity, P, is the fraction of the weight of a leaf due to signal events. Gini: Note that gini is 0 for all signal or all background. The criterion is to minimize gini_left + gini_right of the two children from a parent node Byron Roe

8 Criterion for Next Branch to Split
Pick the branch to maximize the change in gini. Criterion = giniparent – giniright-child –ginileft-child Byron Roe

9 Decision Trees This is a decision tree
They have been known for some time, but often are unstable; a small change in the training sample can produce a large difference. Byron Roe

10 Boosting the Decision Tree
Give the training events misclassified under this procedure a higher weight. Continuing build perhaps 1000 trees and do a weighted average of the results (1 if signal leaf, -1 if background leaf). Byron Roe

11 Two Commonly used Algorithms for changing weights
1. AdaBoost 2. Epsilon boost (shrinkage) Byron Roe

12 Definitions Xi= set of particle ID variables for event i
Yi= 1 if event i is signal, -1 if background Tm(xi) = 1 if event i lands on a signal leaf of tree m and -1 if the event lands on a background leaf. Byron Roe

13 AdaBoost Define err_m = weight wrong/total weight
Increase weight for misidentified events Byron Roe

14 Scoring events with AdaBoost
Renormalize weights Score by summing over trees Byron Roe

15 Epsilon Boost (shrinkage)
After tree m, change weight of misclassified events, typical ~0.01 (0.03). For misclassfied events: Renormalize weights Score by summing over trees Byron Roe

16 Unwgted, Wgted Misclassified Event Rate vs No. Trees
Byron Roe

17 Comparison of methods Epsilon boost changes weights a little at a time
Let y=1 for signal, -1 for bkrd, F=score summed over trees AdaBoost can be shown to try to optimize each change of weights. exp(-yF) is minimized; The optimum value is F=½ log odds probability that Y is 1 given x Byron Roe

18 The MiniBooNE Collaboration
Byron Roe

19 40’ D tank, mineral oil, surrounded by about 1280 photomultipliers
40’ D tank, mineral oil, surrounded by about 1280 photomultipliers. Both Cher. and scintillation light. Geometrical shape and timing distinguishes events Byron Roe

20 Tests of Boosting Parameters
45 Leaves seemed to work well for our application 1000 Trees was sufficient (or over-sufficient). AdaBoost with beta about 0.5 and epsilonBoost with epsilon about 0.03 worked well, although small changes made little difference. For other applications these numbers may need adjustment For MiniBooNE need around 100 variables for best results. Too many variables degrades performance. Relative ratio = const.*(fraction bkrd kept)/ (fraction signal kept) Smaller is better! Byron Roe

21 Effects of Number of Leaves and Number of Trees
Smaller is better! R = c X frac. sig/frac. bkrd. Byron Roe

22 Number of feature variables in boosting
In recent trials we have used 182 variables. Boosting worked well. However, by looking at the frequency with which each variable was used as a splitting variable, it was possible to reduce the number to 86 without loss of sensitivity. Several methods for choosing variables were tried, but this worked as well as any After using the frequency of use as a splitting variable, some further improvement may be obtained by looking at the correlations between variables. Byron Roe

23 Effect of Number of PID Variables
Byron Roe

24 Comparison of Boosting and ANN
Relative ratio here is ANN bkrd kept/Boosting bkrd kept. Greater than one implies boosting wins! A. All types of background events. Red is 21 and black is 52 training var. B. Bkrd is pi0 events. Red is 22 and black is 52 training variables Byron Roe Percent nue CCQE kept

25 Numerical Results from sfitter (a second reconstruction program)
Extensive attempt to find best variables for ANN and for boosting starting from about 3000 candidates Train against pi0 and related backgrounds—22 ANN variables and 50 boosting variables For the region near 50% of signal kept, the ratio of ANN to boosting background was about 1.2 Byron Roe

26 Robustness For either boosting or ANN, it is important to know how robust the method is, i.e. will small changes in the model produce large changes in output. In MiniBooNE this is handled by generating many sets of events with parameters varied by about 1 sigma and checking on the differences. This is not complete, but, so far, the selections look quite robust for boosting. Byron Roe

27 How did the sensitivities change with a new optical model?
In Nov. 04, a new, much changed optical model of the detector was introduced for making MC events Both rfitter and sfitter needed to be changed to optimize fits for this model Using the SAME feature variables as for the old model: For both rfitter and sfitter, the boosting results were about the same. For sfitter, the ANN results became about a factor of 2 worse Byron Roe

28 For ANN For ANN one needs to set temperature, hidden layer size, learning rate… There are lots of parameters to tune. For ANN if one a. Multiplies a variable by a constant, var(17) 2.var(17) b. Switches two variables var(17)var(18) c. Puts a variable in twice The result is very likely to change. Byron Roe

29 For Boosting Only a few parameters and once set have been stable for all calculations within our experiment. Let y=f(x) such that if x1>x2 then y1>y2, then the results are identical as it only depends on the ordering of values. Putting variables in twice or changing the order of variables has no effect. Byron Roe

30 Tests of Boosting Variants
None clearly better than AdaBoost or EpsilonBoost Byron Roe

31 Byron Roe

32 Can Convergence Speed be Improved?
Removing correlations between variables helps. Random Forest (using random fraction[1/2] of training events per tree with replacement and random fraction of PID variables per node (all PID var. used for test here) WHEN combined with boosting. Softening the step function scoring: y=(2*purity-1); score = sign(y)*sqrt(|y|). Byron Roe

33 Smooth Scoring and Step Function
Byron Roe

34 Performance of AdaBoost with Step Function and Smooth Function
Byron Roe

35 Post-Fitting Post-Fitting is an attempt to reweight the trees when summing tree scores after all the trees are made Two attempts produced only a very modest (few %), if any, gain. Byron Roe

36 Conclusions Boosting is very robust. Given a sufficient number of leaves and trees AdaBoost or EpsilonBoost reaches an optimum level, which is not bettered by any variant tried. Boosting was better than ANN in our tests by There are ways (such as the smooth scoring function) to increase convergence speed in some cases. Post-fitting makes only a small improvement. Several techniques can be used for weeding variables. Examining the frequency with which a given variable is used works reasonably well. Downloads in FORTRAN or C++ available at: Byron Roe

37 References R.E. Schapire ``The strength of weak learnability.’’ Machine Learning 5 (2), (1990). First suggested the boosting approach for 3 trees taking a majority vote Y. Freund, ``Boosting a weak learning algorithm by majority’’, Information and Computation 121 (2), (1995) Introduced using many trees Y. Freund and R.E. Schapire, ``Experiments with an new boosting algorithm, Machine Learning: Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Conference, Morgan Kauffman, SanFrancisco, pp (1996). Introduced AdaBoost J. Friedman, T. Hastie, and R. Tibshirani, ``Additive logistic regression: a statistical view of boosting’’, Annals of Statistics 28 (2), (2000). Showed that AdaBoost could be looked at as successive approximations to a maximum likelihood solution. T. Hastie, R. Tibshirani, and J. Friedman, ``The Elements of Statistical Learning’’ Springer (2001). Good reference for decision trees and boosting. B.P. Roe et. al., “Boosted decision trees as an alternative to artificial neural networks for particle identification”, NIM A543, pp (2005). Hai-Jun Yang, Byron P. Roe, and Ji Zhu, “Studies of Boosted Decision Trees for MiniBooNE Particle Identification”, Physics/ , submitted to NIM, July 2005. Byron Roe

38 Byron Roe

39 Example AdaBoost: Suppose the weighted error rate is 40%, i.e., err=0.4 and beta = 1/2 Then alpha = (1/2)ln((1-.4)/.4)= .203 Weight of a misclassified event is multiplied by exp(0.203)=1.225 Epsilon boost: The weight of wrong events is increased by exp(2X.01) = 1.02 Byron Roe

40 AdaBoost Optimization
Byron Roe

41 AdaBoost Fitting is Monotone
Byron Roe

42 The MiniBooNE Experiment
Byron Roe

43 Byron Roe

44 Byron Roe

45 Comparison of 21 (or 22) vs 52 variables for Boosting
Vertical axis is the ratio of bkrd kept for 21(22) var./that kept for 52 var., both for boosting Red is if training sample is cocktail and black is if training sample is pi0 Error bars are MC statistical errors only Ratio Byron Roe

46 Artificial Neural Networks
Use to classify events, for example into “signal” and “noise/background”. Suppose you have a set of “feature variables”, obtained from the kinematic variables of the event Byron Roe

47 Neural Network Structure
Combine the features in a non-linear way to a “hidden layer” and then to a “final layer” Use a training set to find the best wik to distinguish signal and background Byron Roe

48 Feedforward Neural Network--I
Byron Roe

49 Feedforward Neural Network--II
Byron Roe

50 Determining the weights
Suppose want signal events to give output =1 and background events to give output=0 Mean square error given Np training events with desired outputs oi either 0 or 1, and ANN results ti. Byron Roe

51 Back Propagation to Determine Weights
Byron Roe

52 AdaBoost vs Epsilon Boost and differing tree sizes
A. Bkrd for 8 leaves/ bkrd for 45 leaves. Red is AdaBoost, Black is Epsilon Boost B. Bkrd for AdaBoost/ bkrd for Epsilon Boost Nleaves = 45. Byron Roe

53 Adaboost Output for Training and Test Samples
Byron Roe

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