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GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 1 The GLAST Silicon Tracker Marcus Ziegler Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University.

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Presentation on theme: "GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 1 The GLAST Silicon Tracker Marcus Ziegler Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University."— Presentation transcript:

1 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 1 The GLAST Silicon Tracker Marcus Ziegler Santa Cruz Institute for Particle Physics University of California at Santa Cruz GLAST LAT Collaboration Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope

2 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 2 Gamma-ray Large Area Space Telescope GLAST Mission  High-energy gamma-ray observatory with 2 instruments:  Large Area Telescope (LAT)  Gamma-ray Burst Monitor (GBM)  Launch vehicle: Delta-2 class  Orbit: 550 km, 28.5 o inclination  Lifetime: 5 years (minimum) GLAST Gamma-Ray Observatory: LAT ~20 MeV and up GBM 20 keV to 20 MeV Spacecraft bus Routine Data LAT GBM

3 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 3 Outline  Introduction  Collaboration wide effort Italy/US/Japan  Tracker construction – fine  SSD - fine  MCM – fine  Electronics Mounting -fine  Tray ?  READOUT scheme –fine  Mention zero suppression, binary readout and redunduncy  EM Calibration results  Trigger rate per tray  Charge injection for TOT linearity  Efficiency vs DAC  Efficiency vs TACK delay

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8 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 8 Pair-Conversion Telescope  Heavy metal foils (e.g. tungsten) convert high-energy gamma rays into electron- positron pairs.  Detectors interleaved with the converter foils track the charged particles. The gamma-ray direction is reconstructed from the tracks.  A calorimeter absorbs the electromagnetic shower and records the gamma-ray energy.  Veto counters reject background from the predominant charged cosmic rays (electrons, protons and heavy ions). Multiple- scattering limits angular resolution

9 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 9 GLAST LAT Overview e+e+ e–e–  Si Tracker 8.8  10 5 channels 185 Watts Grid (& Thermal Radiators) 3000 kg, 650 W (allocation) 1.8 m  1.8 m  1.0 m Effective area ~1 m 2 CsI Calorimeter 8.4 radiation lengths 8 × 12 bars ACD Veto Counters Segmented scintillator tiles

10 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 10 Tracker Construction- Overview Kapton readout cables. Tested SSDs procured from Hamamatsu Photonics 19 “trays” stack to form one of 16 Tracker modules. Electronics and SSDs assembled on composite panels. 4 SSDs bonded in series. Composite panels, with tungsten foils bonded to the bottom face. 2592 10,368 342 648 342 18 Carbon composite side panels Chip-on-board readout electronics modules. Electronics mount on the tray edges. “Tray”

11 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 11 Silicon Strip Detector  ~80 m 2 of PIN diodes, with P implants segmented into narrow strips.  Reliable, well-developed technology from particle- physics applications.  A/C coupling and strip bias circuitry built in.  >2000 detectors already procured from Hamamatsu Photonics. Very high quality:  Leakage current < 2.5 nA/cm 2  Bad channels < 1/10,000  Full depletion < 100 V. 8.95 cm square Hamamatsu-Photonics SSD before cutting from the 6-inch wafer. The thickness is 400 microns, and the strip pitch is 228 microns.

12 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 12 Multi Chip Module (MCM) One of the challenges of this design in the Pitch-adapter flex circuit used to route the signals from the detectors to the front-end electronics Shown prior to wire-bond encapsulation and conformal coating. The 24 readout chips (GTFE) of each MCMC are controlled by 2 controller chips (GTRC) at the edges

13 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 13 Silicon detector Corner post connector boss for attachment GTFE GTRC Binary readout Redundancy scheme Zero suppression Hybrid Boards (MCM)

14 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 14 Electronics Packaging  Dead area within the tracking volume must be minimized.  Hence the 16 modules must be closely packed.  This is achieved by attaching the electronics to the tray sides.  Flex circuits with 1552 fine traces are bonded to a radius on the PWB to interconnect the detectors and electronics. Detector signals, 100 V bias, and ground reference are brought around the 90° corner by a Kapton circuit bonded to the PWB. Composite Panel High thermal conductivity transfer adhesive PWB attached by screws Detector Readout IC Machined corner radius with bonded flex circuit.

15 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 15 Before bending kapton After bending Attachment fixture Tray Electronics Mounting Silicon ladder Readout chip kapton Hybrid board gluing alignment assembly time main issues

16 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 16 Readout Electronics  Based on 2 ASICs developed exclusively for this project:  64-channel amplifier-discriminator chip (GTFE); 24 per module.  Readout controller chip (GTRC); 2 per module.  Two redundant readout and control paths for each GTFE chip (“left” or “right”) makes the system nearly immune to single-point failures.  Programmable channel masks and threshold DACs.  Internal, programmable charge-injection system.  Trigger implemented from OR of all channels/layer.

17 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 17 GTFE GTFC Fast OR & Data Fast OR Data Token Command Clock Trigger... Fast OR GTFE GTFC TEM Trigger TEM GTFC GTFE Read Event GTFE GTFC Data GTFE GTFC Token GTFC TEM TEM Command Clock trigger Readout Sequence GTFE – front end readout chip GTFC – readout controller chip TEM – tower electronics module

18 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 18 Mechanical Structure  Carbon-fiber composite used for radiation transparency, stiffness, thermal stability, and thermal conductivity.  Honeycomb panels made from machined carbon-carbon closeouts, graphite/cyanate-ester face sheets, and aluminum cores.  High-performance graphite/cyanate-ester sidewalls carry the electronics heat to the base of the module.  Titanium flexure mounts allow differential thermal expansion between the aluminum base grid and the carbon-fiber tracker. SSDs Bias Circuits Tungsten Panel MCM Flexure Mounts Thermal Gasket Bottom Tray

19 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 19 Performance  The LAT silicon tracker performance has been studied in several ways:  Detailed Monte Carlo simulation.  Beam tests and cosmic-ray studies with prototype detector assemblies.  A high-altitude balloon flight.  Data from the prototypes have been used to tune and validate the simulation model.

20 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 20 1997 Beam Test—Verify Simulation Model Small-aperture first prototype Operated in a tagged  beam at Stanford Data Monte Carlo Published in NIM A446 (2000), 444.

21 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 21 Beam Test of a Complete Module  Full-scale Tracker module with 51,200 readout channels operated in positron, photon, and hadron beams at Stanford Linear Accelerator Center.  The Tracker power, noise, and efficiency requirements were met:  99% efficiency with <10  5 noise occupancy.  Only 200  W of power consumed per channel. Hit efficiency versus threshold for 5 GeV positrons. Operating Point NIM 457, 466, & 474

22 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 22 Carbon-Composite Mechanical Prototype  First full-scale carbon-composite tracked module mechanical structure.  Thermal cycling, vacuum testing, and random vibration testing have been carried out at the tray and tower-module levels.  Results were satisfactory except that the joint between the corner flexures and the bottom tray failed at the highest vibration levels—work is in progress to reinforce the joint. Full module instrumented for thrust-axis vibration Bottom tray panel, electronics side Bottom tray panel, orthogonal side

23 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 23 LAT Tracker Status and Schedule  January 2002: NASA PDR & DOE Baseline Review.  Present: complete the Engineering-Model tracker module:  Complete mechanical-thermal module with dummy silicon detectors.  4 fully instrumented and functional trays.  Winter 2003: Critical Design Review follows Engineering-Model testing.  First 2 of 18 tracker modules completed and ready for qualification testing by the end of 2003.  Final tracker modules completed by September 2004.  LAT Integration and Test until mid 2005.  Launch in 3 rd quarter of 2006.

24 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 24 Conclusions  Solid-state detector technology and modern electronics enable us to improve on the previous generation gamma-ray telescope by well more than an order of magnitude in sensitivity.  The LAT tracker design uses well-established detector technology but has solved a number of engineering problems related to putting a 900,000 channel silicon-strip system in orbit:  Highly reliable SSD design for mass production  Very low power fault-tolerant electronics readout  Rigid, low-mass structure with passive cooling  Compact electronics packaging with minimal dead area  We have validated the design concepts with several prototype cycles and are now approaching the manufacturing stage.  We’re looking forward to a 2006 launch and a decade of exciting GLAST science!

25 GLAST LAT Silicon Tracker Marcus ZieglerAPS April Meeting 2004 25 SSD Testing or Ladder testing  Get a plot with some stats  Say how great the yield is and how important it is to have alarge yield for space applications (can’t fix it up tehre). Has to be be good 

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