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Grading for ELE 5450 Assignment 28% Short test 12% Project 60%

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1 Grading for ELE 5450 Assignment 28% Short test 12% Project 60%

2 Assignment 1: Rotation about an arbitrary axis It is required to rotate an object ( in the form of two different size rectangular block sticking together) about an axis (3, 4, 5) through a point (2, 6, 3) by an angle of n degrees( n=30, 60, …360). A program performing the above job has to be written by each student. Real time visualization of the above operation is necessary.

3 Assignment 2: 2D homography Given a set of of points x i in p 2, and a corresponding set of points x i ’ also in p 2, compute the projective transformation that takes each x i to x i ’. In this assignment, x i and x i ’ are points in two different images. The images used can be taken from the following slides. You are required to compute the transform H which maps the point from image (a) to image (b). Label the computed 10 corresponding pair of points in the images. The initial corresponding points for computing H may be marked out by hand.

4 Reference: Chapter 3 ( Hartley and Zisserman) Page 71-79 Check the algorithm on page 73

5 Image (a)

6 Image (b)

7 Assignment 3 A Mosaic of 6 images from a handheld camera It is important to correct the scale and intensity differences Will this works if the scene is close? What is the minimum range if any?

8 Assignment 4 Perform a 3D reconstruction of a rectangular box from two images (eg. A box of soft drink). 1. Compute the fundamental matrix from point correspondences 2. Compute the camera matrices from the fundamental matrix 3. For each point correspondence x i x’ i, compute the point in space that projects to these 2 image points

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