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3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Central and Eastern European Greenways Version without pictures. Jan Rohac, Ekopolis Foundation, Kammerhofska.

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1 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Central and Eastern European Greenways Version without pictures. Jan Rohac, Ekopolis Foundation, Kammerhofska 2, 96901 Banska Stiavnica, Slovakia tel.: +421 905 240137, e-mail:

2 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Environmental Partnership for Sustainable Development -6 foundations in 6 countries: Czech republic, Poland, Hungary, Slovakia, Romania, Bulgaria - mobilizing and empowering the people of the region to improve their environment, their local communities and societies; - established in 1991; - over 12,5 million EUR in support more than 5.000 individual projects to: protect over 160 endangered species of flora and fauna plant more than 172,000 trees insulate 800 homes, schools, and other public buildings create over 4000 km of cycling paths, greenways and nature trails employ 2,350 people (full-time, part-time, definite period of time) mobilize and involve over 21,500 volunteers

3 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Greenways are routes, trails or natural corridors used in harmony with their ecological function and potential for sports, tourism, recreation and transportation. Greenways are planned in partnership of local community and authorities. What are greenways?

4 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism What are functions of greenways? Improving of quality of life for local population (by providing space for active and healthy life style). Sustainable and local development (through tourism). Building of awareness about local heritage (through heritage intepretation along greenways). Building and strenghtening of partnerships of local authorities and inhabitans (including businesses).

5 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism What are functions of greenways? Improving of quality of life for local population (by providing space for active and healthy life style). Sustainable and local development (through tourism). Building of awareness about local heritage (through heritage intepretation along greenways). Building and strenghtening of partnerships of local authorities and inhabitans (including businesses).

6 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Greenways are not only roads, trails and pathes. Greenways are also: What greenways consist of? Trail infrastructure Tourism atractions Events Activities

7 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Who uses greenways? Local population: - active way of life (e.g. walking, jogging, cycling, skating, etc...); - safe and sustainable mobility (commuting to work, getting to school, shop, playground, getting out from town to nature, etc.). Tourists and visitors: - routes and trails for hiking and cycling (tours, trips...) - trails and paths for heritage interpretation, getting to scenic places, view points, etc.

8 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Greenways and seasonability Local inhabitans uses greenways year-round.

9 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Greenways and seasonability What are functions of greenways? Improving of quality of life for local population (by providing space for active and healthy life style). Sustainable and local development (through tourism). Building of awareness about local heritage (through heritage intepretation along greenways). Building and strenghtening of partnerships of local authorities and inhabitans (including businesses). Greenways and their components (attractions, events and activities) bring visitors yearly!

10 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Greenways Travel Club - develops and operates products for incoming tourism or incentives; - provides full services for visitors; - cooperates with local partners along the trail; - contributes to support Greenways projects (12% of its profit in Czech republic, individual contributions in another countries).

11 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Greenways Travel Club - Castles and Chateaux - Bird Watching and Canoeing Tours - Jewish Heritage Tour - Music and Folklore Tours - Beer and Wine Tours - Pottery Hands-on Courses - Cycling and Hiking Tours - Flexible Tours

12 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Greenways Travel Club -bike rental; -accommodation bookings in small and medium size top hotels; -luggage transport; -accompanying and local guides; -individualized itineraries; -GPS navigation; -itinerary consultation; -dispatching, monitoring and backing.

13 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Greenways Travel Club

14 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Greenways Travel Club Amber Trail Partner of Greenways Travel Club in Slovakia

15 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Greenways Travel Club Amber Trail Travel Agency Partner of Greenways Travel Club in Slovakia - accompanying and local guides; -organizing transportations of clients, luggage and bicycles; - organizing of activities and side-programs for clients; - organizing of events for clients; - another necessary tasks and assigments. Year-round activity is highly desirable!

16 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Amber Trail Partner of Greenways Travel Club in Slovakia How we attract visitors on Amber Trail in off-peak season? 1. Year-round offer2. Events3. Ecomuseums2. Events3. Ecomuseums Selected activities are offered for whole year : - city tours, photography trips, heritage interpretation, etc.; - 2nd, 3rd vacations (short stays, weekends, etc.); - seminars, workshops... (they don’t depend on weather); How to prepare: -to select suitable activities; -to prepare/adjust them for bad weather (wet variant); -to convince clients (marketing and advertisement)

17 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Amber Trail Partner of Greenways Travel Club in Slovakia How we attract visitors on Amber Trail in off-peak season? 1. Year-round offer2. Events3. Ecomuseums 1. Year-round offer Short-time events: -concerts, exhibits; -festivals (film, music, theatre...); -art and craft workshops; -heritage interpretation events (monuments revivals, thematic lunches/dinners). -1-3 days; -mainly indoor; -easy to organize (everything is on one place, reasonable prices from contractors...);

18 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Amber Trail Partner of Greenways Travel Club in Slovakia How we attract visitors on Amber Trail in off-peak season? 1. Year-round offer2. Events3. Ecomuseums1. Year-round offer2. Events Ecomuseums: -museums without walls and showcases; -usually in rural areas; -it shows past and current life of inhabitans, their habits and customs, their heritage... -set/network of various sites of natural and cultural heritage as well as living localities; -inhabitans are inseparable part of the ecomuseums; -architecture, nature, crafts, arts, cuisine; music, dances, farming, leisure...

19 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Amber Trail Partner of Greenways Travel Club in Slovakia How we attract visitors on Amber Trail in off-peak season? 1. Year-round offer2. Events3. Ecomuseums1. Year-round offer2. Events All those sites, atractions and activities are packed in one package: ECOMUSEUM -planned and operated by local people (!); -visitors visit selected/all sites and attractions according tailored itinerary; -demonstrations and contacts with real people (inhabitans) are inseparable part of the ecomuseum – social carrying capacity must be examined; -easy marketable (many interesting things in one package); -various means of transportation (very suitable for cycling!);

20 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Amber Trail Partner of Greenways Travel Club in Slovakia How we attract visitors on Amber Trail in off-peak season? 1. Year-round offer2. Events3. Ecomuseums1. Year-round offer2. Events Ecomuseums – popular particularly in France and Sweden. Several in Central Europe (Czech republic, Poland, Hungary), two in Slovakia, both on the Amber Trail: Ecomuseum Hont and Ecomuseum Babia Hora (cross border with Poland).

21 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Amber Trail Partner of Greenways Travel Club in Slovakia How we attract visitors on Amber Trail in off-peak season? 1. Year-round offer2. Events3. Ecomuseums1. Year-round offer2. Events Local people Crafts Meals Drinks Architecture... and more!

22 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Amber Trail Partner of Greenways Travel Club in Slovakia How we attract visitors on Amber Trail in off-peak season? 1. Year-round offer2. Events3. Ecomuseums1. Year-round offer2. Events -Suitable for year-round operation - people are coming to learn and experience, not to recreate, sunbathe and relax. -Many „wet variants“ for case of bad weather. -Operated by local inhabitans – available whenever. -Good addition to summer/winter tourism.

23 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Amber Trail Partner of Greenways Travel Club in Slovakia How we attract visitors on Amber Trail in off-peak season? Lessons learned: -off-peak tourism is feasible though in is not such profitable as main-season one; -developed off-peak tourism means (environmentally) less aggressive main-season tourism; -visitors are lacking nor interest neither will to come but time – they have not enough vacations (work, school...), tourism is strongly determined by work- and school- holidays; -operators are ready to offer off-peak tourism products but local authorities are not (e.g. underestimated maintainance of streets and roads, not harmonized timetables; limited opening hours of museums and information centres, etc.).

24 Central and Eastern European Greenways 3 rd AER Seminar on Sustainable Quality Tourism Thank you - Ďakujem

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