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Microarrays: Common Analysis Approaches  Missing Value Estimation  Differentially Expressed Genes  Clustering Algorithms  Principal Components Analysis.

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2 Microarrays: Common Analysis Approaches

3  Missing Value Estimation  Differentially Expressed Genes  Clustering Algorithms  Principal Components Analysis Outline

4  Missing data problem, basic concepts and terminology  Classes of procedures  Case deletion  Single imputation  Filling with zeroes  Row averaging  SVD imputation  KNN imputation  Multiple imputation Missing Data: Outline

5 Causes for missing data  Low resolution  Image corruption  Dust/scratched slides  Missing measurements Why estimate missing values?  Many algorithms cannot deal with missing values -Distance measure-dependent algorithms (e.g., clustering, similarity searches) The Missing Data Problem

6 Statistical overview Population of complete data: θ Sample of complete data: θ s Sample of incomplete data: θ i Sample Missing data mechanism Need to estimate θ from the incomplete data and investigate its performance over repetitions of the sampling procedure Basic concepts and terminology

7 Y = sample data f(Y;θ) = distribution of sample data θ = parameters to be estimated R = indicators, whether elements of Y are observed or missing g(R|Y) = missing data mechanism (maybe with other params) Y = (Y obs, Y mis ) Y obs = observed part of Y Y mis = missing part of Y Goal: Propose methods to estimate θ from Y obs and accurately assess its error Basic concepts

8 Classes of mechanisms (cf. Rubin, 1976, Biometrika) Missing Completely At Random (MCAR)  g(R|Y) does not depend on Y Missing At Random (MAR)  g(R|Y) may depend on Y obs but not on Y mis Missing Not At Random (MNAR)  g(R|Y) depends on Y mis Basic concepts (cont.)

9 Suppose we measure age and income of a collection of individuals… MCAR The dog ate the response sheets! MAR Probability that the income measurement is missing varies according to the age but not income MNAR Probability that an income is recorded varies according to the income level with each age group Note: we can disprove MCAR by examining the data, but we cannot disprove MAR or MNAR. Example

10  Missing data problem, basic concepts and terminology  Classes of procedures  Case deletion  Single imputation  Filling with zeroes  Row averaging  SVD imputation  KNN imputation  Multiple imputation Outline

11 Remove subjects with missing values on any item needed for analysis Y1Y1 Y2Y2 Y3Y3 1134 25?1 344? 4123 Advantages Easy Valid analysis under MCAR OK if proportion of missing cases is small and they are not overly influential Disadvantages Can be inefficient, may discard a very high proportion of cases (5669 out of 6178 rows discarded in Spellman yeast data) May introduce substantial bias, if missing data are not MCAR (complete cases may be un-representative of the population) Classes of procedures: Case Deletion

12 Replace with zeroes Fill-in all missing values with zeroes Y1Y1 Y2Y2 Y3Y3 1134 2501 3440 4123 Advantages Easy Disadvantages Distorts the data disproportionately (changes statistical properties) May introduce bias Why zero? Classes of procedures: Single Imputation (I)

13 Row averaging Replace missing values by the row average for that row Y1Y1 Y2Y2 Y3Y3 1134 252.6 7 1 3443.6 7 4123 Advantages Easy Keeps same mean Disadvantages Distorts distributions and relationships between variables x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x xxxx x x Classes of procedures: Single Imputation (II)

14 “Hot deck” imputation Replace each missing value by a randomly drawn observed value Y1Y1 Y2Y2 Y3Y3 1134 2511 3442 4123 Advantages Easy Preserves distributions very well Disadvantages May distort relationships Can use, e.g., “similar” rows to draw random values from (to help constrain distortion) Depend on definition of “similar” Classes of procedures: Single Imputation (III)

15 SVD imputation Fill missing entries with regressed values from a set of characteristic patterns, using coefficients determined by the proximity of the missing row to the patterns KNN imputation (more later) Isolate rows whose values are similar to those of the one with missing values (choosing (i) similarity measure, and (ii) size of this set) Fill missing values with averages from this set of genes, with weights inversely proportional to similarities Regression imputation Fit regression to observed values, use it to obtain predictions for missing ones Computationally intensive May distort relationships between variables (could use Y imp +random residual) Classes of procedures: Single Imputation (IV)

16 Main Idea Replace Y mis by M>1 independent draws {Y 1 mis,…, Y M mis } ~ P(Y mis | Y obs ) Produce M different versions of complete data Analyse each one in same fashion and combine results at the end, with standard error estimates (Rubin, 1987) More difficult to implement Requires (initially) more computations More work involved in interpreting results Classes of procedures: Multiple Imputation

17 Troyanskaya et al., Bioinformatics, 2001 The Algorithm 0.Given gene A with missing values 1.Find K other genes with values present in experiment 1, with expression most similar to A in other experiments 2.Weighted average of values in experiment 1 from the K closest genes is used as an estimate for the missing value in A KNN Imputation

18 K – the number of nearest neighbours Method appears to be relatively insensitive to K within the range 10-20 Distance metric to be used for computing gene similarity Troyanskaya: “Euclidean is sufficient” No clear comparison or reason – would expect that metric to be used depends on the type of experiment Not recommended on matrices with less than four columns Computationally intensive! ~O(m 2 n) for m rows and n genes “3.23 minutes on a Pentium III 500 MHz for 6153 genes, 14 experiments with 10% of the entries missing” KNN Imputation: Considerations

19 KNN Imputation: Expression Profiler

20  Missing Value Estimation  Differentially Expressed Genes  Clustering Algorithms  Principal Components Analysis Outline

21 Identifying Differentially Expressed Genes [Slides courtesy of John Quackenbush, TIGR]

22 Two vs. Multiple conditions Two conditions - t-test - Significance analysis of microarrays (SAM) - Volcano Plots - ANOVA Multiple conditions - Clustering - K-means - PCA

23 Where z  /2 and z  are normal percentile values at false positive rate   Type I error rate false negative rate   Type II error rate,  represents the minimum detectable log 2 ratio; and  represents the SD of log ratio values. For  = 0.001 and  = 0.05, get z  /2 = -3.29 and z  = -1.65. Assume  = 1.0 (2-fold change) and  = 0.25,  n = 12 samples (6 query and 6 control)  (Simon et al., Genetic Epidemiology 23: 21-36, 2002) n = [4(z  /2 + z  ) 2 ] / [(  /1.4  ) 2 ] How Many Replicates??

24 Some Concepts from Statistics

25 The probability of an event is the likelihood of its occurring. It is sometimes computed as a relative frequency (rf), where The probability of an event can sometimes be inferred from a “theoretical” probability distribution, such as a normal distribution. the number of “favorable” outcomes for an event the total number of possible outcomes for that event rf = Probability Distributions

26 σ = standard deviation of the distribution X = μ (mean of the distribution) Normal Distribution

27 Population 1 Mean 1 Population 2 Mean 2 Less than a 5 % chance that the sample with mean s came from Population 1 s is significantly different from Mean 1 at the p < 0.05 significance level. But we cannot reject the hypothesis that the sample came from Population 2 Sample mean “s”

28 Many biological variables, such as height and weight, can reasonably be assumed to approximate the normal distribution. But expression measurements? Probably not. Fortunately, many statistical tests are considered to be fairly robust to violations of the normality assumption, and other assumptions used in these tests. Randomization / resampling based tests can be used to get around the violation of the normality assumption. Even when parametric statistical tests (the ones that make use of normal and other distributions) are valid, randomization tests are still useful. Probability and Expression Data

29 1. Compute the value of interest (i.e., the test-statistic s) from your data set. Original data set s 2. Make “fake” data sets from your original data, by taking a random sub-sample of the data, or by re-arranging the data in a random fashion. Re-compute s from the “fake” data set. “fake” s... Randomized “fake” data sets Outline of a Randomisation Test

30 3. Repeat step 2 many times (often several hundred to several thousand times) and record of the “fake” s values from step 2 4. Draw inferences about the significance of your original s value by comparing it with the distribution of the randomized (“fake”) s values Range of randomized s values Original s value could be significant as it exceeds most of the randomized s values Outline of a Randomisation Test (II)

31 Rationale Ideally, we want to know the “behavior” of the larger population from which the sample is drawn, in order to make statistical inferences. Here, we don’t know that the larger population “behaves” like a normal distribution, or some other idealized distribution. All we have to work with are the data in hand. Our “fake” data sets are our best guess about this behavior (i.e., if we had been pulling data at random from an infinitely large population, we might expect to get a distribution similar to what we get by pulling random sub-samples, or by reshuffling the order of the data in our sample) Outline of a Randomisation Test (III)

32 Let’s imagine there are 10,000 genes on a chip, and none of them is differentially expressed. Suppose we use a statistical test for differential expression, where we consider a gene to be differentially expressed if it meets the criterion at a p-value of p < 0.05. The Problem of Multiple Testing (I)

33 Let’s say that applying this test to gene “G1” yields a p-value of p = 0.01 Remember that a p-value of 0.01 means that there is a 1% chance that the gene is not differentially expressed, i.e., Even though we conclude that the gene is differentially expressed (because p < 0.05), there is a 1% chance that our conclusion is wrong. We might be willing to live with such a low probability of being wrong BUT..... The Problem of Multiple Testing (II)

34 We are testing 10,000 genes, not just one!!! Even though none of the genes is differentially expressed, about 5% of the genes (i.e., 500 genes) will be erroneously concluded to be differentially expressed, because we have decided to “live with” a p-value of 0.05 If only one gene were being studied, a 5% margin of error might not be a big deal, but 500 false conclusions in one study? That doesn’t sound too good. The Problem of Multiple Testing (III)

35 There are “tricks” we can use to reduce the severity of this problem. They all involve “slashing” the p-value for each test (i.e., gene), so that while the critical p-value for the entire data set might still equal 0.05, each gene will be evaluated at a lower p-value. We’ll go into some of these techniques later. The Problem of Multiple Testing (IV)

36 Don’t get too hung up on p-values. Ultimately, what matters is biological relevance. P-values should help you evaluate the strength of the evidence, rather than being used as an absolute yardstick of significance. Statistical significance is not necessarily the same as biological significance. The Problem of Multiple Testing (V)

37 Assume we will compare two conditions with multiple replicates for each class Our goal is to find genes that are significantly different between these classes These are the genes that we will use for later data mining Finding Significant Genes

38 Average Fold Change Difference for each gene suffers from being arbitrary and not taking into account systematic variation in the data ??? Finding Significant Genes (II)

39 t-test for each gene Tests whether the difference between the mean of the query and reference groups are the same Essentially measures signal-to-noise Calculate p-value (permutations or distributions) May suffer from intensity-dependent effects t = signal = difference between means = – _ noise variability of groups SE(Xq-Xc) Finding Significant Genes (III)

40 A significant difference Probably not T-Tests

41 1.Assign experiments to two groups, e.g., in the expression matrix below, assign Experiments 1, 2 and 5 to group A, and experiments 3, 4 and 6 to group B. Exp 1Exp 2Exp 3Exp 4Exp 5Exp 6 Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 2. Question: Is mean expression level of a gene in group A significantly different from mean expression level in group B? Exp 1Exp 2Exp 3Exp 4Exp 5Exp 6 Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 Group AGroup B T-Tests (I)

42 3. Calculate t-statistic for each gene 4. Calculate probability value of the t-statistic for each gene either from: A. Theoretical t-distribution OR B. Permutation tests. T-Tests (II)

43 Permutation tests i) For each gene, compute t-statistic ii) Randomly shuffle the values of the gene between groups A and B, such that the reshuffled groups A and B respectively have the same number of elements as the original groups A and B. Exp 1Exp 2Exp 3Exp 4Exp 5Exp 6 Gene 1 Group AGroup B Original grouping Exp 1Exp 4Exp 5Exp 2Exp 3Exp 6 Gene 1 Group AGroup B Randomized grouping T-Tests (III)

44 Permutation tests - continued iii) Compute t-statistic for the randomized gene iv) Repeat steps i-iii n times (where n is specified by the user). v) Let x = the number of times the absolute value of the original t-statistic exceeds the absolute values of the randomized t- statistic over n randomizations. vi) Then, the p-value associated with the gene = 1 – (x/n) T-Tests (IV)

45 5. Determine whether a gene’s expression levels are significantly different between the two groups by one of three methods: A)“Just alpha” (  significance level): If the calculated p-value for a gene is less than or equal to the user-input a (critical p-value), the gene is considered significant. OR Use Bonferroni corrections to reduce the probability of erroneously classifying non-significant genes as significant. B) Standard Bonferroni correction: The user-input alpha is divided by the total number of genes to give a critical p-value that is used as above –> p critical =  /N. T-Tests (V)

46 5C) Adjusted Bonferroni: i) The t-values for all the genes are ranked in descending order. ii) For the gene with the highest t-value, the critical p- value becomes (  /N), where N is the total number of genes; for the gene with the second-highest t-value, the critical p-value will be (  /[N-1]), and so on. T-Tests (VI)

47 Significance Analysis of Microarrays (SAM) - Uses a modified t-test by estimating and adding a small positive constant to the denominator - Significant genes are those which exceed the expected values from permutation analysis. Finding Significant Genes (IV)

48 SAM SAM can be used to select significant genes based on differential expression between sets of conditions Currently implemented for two-class unpaired design – i.e., we can select genes whose mean expression level is significantly different between two groups of samples (analogous to t-test). Stanford University, Rob Tibshirani

49 SAM SAM gives estimates of the False Discovery Rate (FDR), which is the proportion of genes likely to have been wrongly identified by chance as being significant. It is a very interactive algorithm – allows users to dynamically change thresholds for significance (through the tuning parameter delta) after looking at the distribution of the test statistic. The ability to dynamically alter the input parameters based on immediate visual feedback, even before completing the analysis, should make the data-mining process more sensitive.

50 1.Assign experiments to two groups - in the expression matrix below: Experiments 1, 2 and 5 to group A Experiments 3, 4 and 6 to group B SAM Two-class Exp 1Exp 2Exp 3Exp 4Exp 5Exp 6 Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 Exp 1Exp 2Exp 3Exp 4Exp 5Exp 6 Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 Group AGroup B 2. Question: Is mean expression level of a gene in group A significantly different from mean expression level in group B?

51 Permutation tests i) For each gene, compute d-value (analogous to t-statistic). This is the observed d-value for that gene. ii) Randomly shuffle the values of the gene between groups A and B, such that the reshuffled groups A and B have the same number of elements as the original groups A and B. Compute the d-value for each randomized gene SAM Two-class Exp 1Exp 2Exp 3Exp 4Exp 5Exp 6 Gene 1 Group AGroup B Original grouping Exp 1Exp 4Exp 5Exp 2Exp 3Exp 6 Gene 1 Group AGroup B Randomized grouping

52 SAM Two-class Repeat step (ii) many times, so that each gene has many randomized d-values. Take the average of the randomized d-values for each gene. This is the expected d-value of that gene. Plot the observed d-values vs. the expected d-values

53 SAM Two-class Significant positive genes ( mean expression of group B > mean expression of group A) in red Significant negative genes ( mean expression of group A > mean expression of group B) in green “Observed d = expected d” line The more a gene deviates from the “observed = expected” line, the more likely it is to be significant. Any gene beyond the first gene in the +ve or – ve direction on the x-axis (including the first gene), whose observed exceeds the expected by at least delta, is considered significant. Tuning parameter “delta” limits, can be dynamically changed by using the slider bar or entering a value in the text field.

54 SAM Two-class For each permutation of the data, compute the number of positive and negative significant genes for a given delta. The median number of significant genes from these permutations is the median False Discovery Rate. The rationale: Any gene designated as significant from the randomized data are being picked up purely by chance (i.e., “falsely” discovered). Therefore, the median number picked up over many randomisations is a good estimate of false discovery rate.

55 Finding Significant Genes (V) Effect vs. Significance Selections of items that have both a large effect and are highly significant can be identified easily. Boring stuff -ve effect+ve effect High p Low p Volcano Plots High Effect & Significance

56 Volcano Plots Using log 10 for Y axis p < 0.1 (1 decimal place) p < 0.01 (2 decimal places) Using log 2 for X axis

57 Volcano Plots (II) Effect has doubled 2 1 (2 raised to the power of 1) Two Fold Change Effect has halved 2 0.5 (2 raised to the power of 0.5) Using log 10 for Y axis Using log 2 for X axis

58 Analysis of Variation (ANOVA) - Which genes are most significant for separating classes of samples? - Calculate p-value (permutations or distributions) - Reduces to a t-test for 2 samples - May suffer from intensity-dependent effects ??? Finding Significant Genes (VI)

59 Goal is to identify genes (or conditions) which have “similar” patterns of expression This is a problem in data mining “Clustering Algorithms” are most widely used All depend on how one measures distance Multiple Conditions/Experiments

60 Pattern analysis Supervised Learning Unsupervised Learning HierarchicalNon-hierarchical AgglomerativeDivisiveK-meansSOMs Single linkage Average linkage Complete linkage

61 Similar expression Each gene is represented by a vector where coordinates are its values log(ratio) in each experiment - x = log(ratio) exp1 - y = log(ratio) exp2 - z = log(ratio) exp3 - etc. Expression Vectors x y z

62 Each gene is represented by a vector where coordinates are its values log(ratio) in each experiment - x = log(ratio) exp1 - y = log(ratio) exp2 - z = log(ratio) exp3 - etc. For example, if we do six experiments, - Gene 1 = (-1.2, -0.5, 0, 0.25, 0.75, 1.4) - Gene 2 = (0.2, -0.5, 1.2, -0.25, -1.0, 1.5) - Gene 3 = (1.2, 0.5, 0, -0.25, -0.75, -1.4) - etc. Expression Vectors

63 These gene expression vectors of log(ratio) values can be used to construct an expression matrix Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Exp 4 Exp 5 Exp 6 Gene 1 -1.2 -0.5 0 0.25 0.75 1.4 Gene 2 0.2 -0.5 1.2 -0.25 -1.0 1.5 Gene 3 1.2 0.5 0 -0.25 -0.75 -1.4 This is often represented as a red/green colored matrix Expression Matrix

64 Exp 1 Exp 2 Exp 3 Exp 4Exp 5Exp 6 Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 The Expression Matrix is a representation of data from multiple microarray experiments. Each element is a log ratio, usually log 2 (Cy5/Cy3) Red indicates a positive log ratio ( Cy5 > Cy3 ) Green indicates a negative log ratio ( Cy5 < Cy3 ) Black indicates a log ratio of zero ( Cy5 ~= Cy3 ) Gray indicates missing data Expression Matrix

65 Expression Vectors as points in “Expression Space” Exp 1 Exp 2Exp 3 Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 Similar Expression Experiment 1 Experiment 2 Experiment 3 x y z

66 Distances are measured “between” expression vectors Distance measures define the way we measure distances Many different ways to measure distance: - Euclidean distance - Manhattan distance - Pearson correlation - Spearman correlation - etc. Each has different properties and can reveal different features of the data Distance measures

67 Euclidean distance Measures the 'as-the-crow-flies' distance Deriving the Euclidean distance between two data points involves computing the square root of the sum of the squares of the differences between corresponding values ( Pythagoras theorem ) x y

68 Manhattan distance Computes the distance that would be traveled to get from one data point to the other if a grid-like path is followed Manhattan distance between two items is the sum of the differences of their corresponding components x y

69 Pearson and Pearson squared Pearson Correlation measures the similarity in shape between two profiles Pearson Squared distance measures the similarity in shape between two profiles, but can also capture inverse relationships Samples Expression Samples Expression

70 Spearman Rank Correlation Spearman Rank Correlation measures the correlation between two sequences of values. The two sequences are ranked separately and the differences in rank are calculated at each position, i. Use Spearman Correlation to cluster together genes whose expression profiles have similar shapes or show similar general trends, but whose expression levels may be very different Where X i and Y i are the ith values of sequences X and Y respectively

71 Once a distance metric has been selected, the starting point for all clustering methods is a “distance matrix” Gene 1 Gene 2 Gene 3 Gene 4 Gene 5 Gene 6 Gene 1 0 1.5 1.2 0.25 0.75 1.4 Gene 2 1.5 0 1.3 0.55 2.0 1.5 Gene 3 1.2 1.3 0 1.3 0.75 0.3 Gene 4 0.25 0.55 1.3 0 0.25 0.4 Gene 5 0.75 2.0 0.75 0.25 0 1.2 Gene 6 1.4 1.5 0.3 0.4 1.2 0 The elements of this matrix are the pair-wise distances. ( matrix is symmetric around the diagonal ) Distance Matrix

72 Hierarchical Clustering 1.Calculate the distance between all genes. Find the smallest distance. If several pairs share the same similarity, use a predetermined rule to decide between alternatives. G1 G6 G3 G5 G4 G2 2.Fuse the two selected clusters to produce a new cluster that now contains at least two objects. Calculate the distance between the new cluster and all other clusters. 3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 until only a single cluster remains. G1 G6 G3 G5 G4 G2 4. Draw a tree representing the results.

73 Hierarchical Clustering G8G1G2G3G4G5G6G7 G1G8G2G3G4G5G6 G1 is most like G8 G7G1G8G4G2G3G5G6 G4 is most like {G1, G8}

74 G7G1G8G4G2G3G5G6 Hierarchical Clustering G6G1G8G4G2G3G5G7 G5 is most like G7 G6G1G8G4G5G7G2G3 {G5,G7} is most like {G1, G4, G8}

75 Hierarchical Tree G6G1G8G4G5G7G2G3

76 Agglomerative Linkage Methods Linkage methods are rules that determine which elements (clusters) should be linked. Three linkage methods that are commonly used: - Single Linkage - Average Linkage - Complete Linkage

77 Cluster-to-cluster distance is defined as the minimum distance between members of one cluster and members of another cluster. Single linkage tends to create ‘elongated’ clusters with individual genes chained onto clusters. D AB = min ( d(u i, v j ) ) where u  A and v  B for all i = 1 to N A and j = 1 to N B Single Linkage D AB

78 Cluster-to-cluster distance is defined as the average distance between all members of one cluster and all members of another cluster. Average linkage has a slight tendency to produce clusters of similar variance. D AB = 1/(N A N B ) S S ( d(u i, v j ) ) where u  A and v  B for all i = 1 to N A and j = 1 to N B Average Linkage D AB

79 Cluster-to-cluster distance is defined as the maximum distance between members of one cluster and members of the another cluster. Complete linkage tends to create clusters of similar size and variability. D AB = max ( d(u i, v j ) ) where u  A and v  B for all i = 1 to N A and j = 1 to N B Complete Linkage D AB

80 Comparison of Linkage Methods Single Average Complete

81 1. Specify number of clusters, e.g., 5 2. Randomly assign genes to clusters G1G2G3G4G5G6G7G8G9G10G11G12G13 K-Means/Medians Clustering

82 3. Calculate mean/median expression profile of each cluster 4. Shuffle genes among clusters such that each gene is now in the cluster whose mean expression profile (calculated in step 3) is the closest to that gene’s expression profile G1G2G3G4G5G6 G7 G8G9G10 G11 G12 G13 5. Repeat steps 3 and 4 until genes cannot be shuffled around any more, OR a user-specified number of iterations has been reached K-Means is most useful when the user has an a priori hypothesis about the number of clusters the genes should group into.

83 MOTIVATION: Using different clustering methods often produces different results. How do these clustering results relate to each other?  Clustering comparison method that finds a many-to-many correspondence in two different clustering results. comparison of two flat clusterings comparison of a flat and a hierarchical clustering. Clustering Comparison

84 B1B1 B2B2 B3B3 B4B4 C 2 = { B 1, B 2, B 3, B 4 } A1A1 A2A2 A3A3 C 1 = { A 1, A 2, A 3, A 4 } We are interested in finding : where the clusters are mapped as follows : A4A4 Comparison of flat clusterings

85 Intersection size: Simpson´s index: Jaccard index: Indices to measure the overlapping

86 Selecting a point to cut the dendogram leads to s disjoint groups. 0 1 Comparison of flat and hierarchical clusterings

87 ARTIFICIAL DATA: Four data sets with four clusters, constructed with the same four seeds and different levels of noise. 1000 genes, 10 conditions d = 20 initial partitions Results



90 Visualisation in Expression Profiler

91  Missing Value Estimation  Differentially Expressed Genes  Clustering Algorithms  Principal Components Analysis Outline

92 PCA (Dimensionality Reduction Methods)

93  Dimensionality Problem  Techniques Methods  Multidimensional Scaling  Eigenanalysis-based ordination methods  Principal Component Analysis (PCA)  Correspondence Analysis (CA) Outline

94 Problem?  “Curse of dimensionality”  Convergence of any estimator to the true value of a smooth function on a space of high dimension is very slow  In other words, need many observations to obtain a good “estimate” of gene function  “Blessing?” – very few things really matter Solutions  Statistical techniques (corrections, etc.)  Reduce dimensionality  Ignore non-variable genes  Feature subset selection  Eliminate coordinates that are less relevant Dimensionality problem

95 Idea: place data in a low-dimensional space so that “similar” objects are close to each other. Multidimensional Scaling The Algorithm (roughly) 1.Assign points to arbitrary coordinates in p-dimensional space. 2.Compute all-against-all distances, to form a matrix D’. 3.Compare D’ with the input matrix D by evaluating the stress function. The smaller the value, the greater the correspondence between the two. 4.Adjust coordinates of each point in the direction that best maximizes stress. 5.Repeat steps 2 through 4 until stress won't get any lower. However: Computationally intensive Axes are meaningless, orientation of the MDS map is arbitrary Difficult to interpret

96 Eigenanalysis: Background Basic Concepts An eigenvalue and eigenvector of a square matrix A are a scalar λ and a nonzero vector x so that Ax = λx Q: What is a matrix? A: A linear transformation. Q: What are eigenvectors? A: Directions in which the transformation “takes place the most” Exploratory example: EigenExplorerEigenExplorer

97 Eigenanalysis: Background Finding eigenvalues Ax = λx (A – λI)x = 0 Interpreting eigenvalues Eigenvalues of a matrix provide a solid rotation in the directions of highest variance Can pick N largest eigenvalues, capture a large proportion of the variance and represent every value in the original matrix as a linear combination of these values, e.g., x i = a 1 λ 1 +... + a N λ N Call this collection {a j } the eigengene/eigenarray (depending on which way we compute these)

98 PCA 1.PCA simplifies the “views” of the data. 2.Suppose we have measurements for each gene on multiple experiments. 3.Suppose some of the experiments are correlated. 4.PCA will ignore the redundant experiments, and will take a weighted average of some of the experiments, thus possibly making the trends in the data more interpretable. 5. The components can be thought of as axes in n-dimensional space, where n is the number of components. Each axis represents a different trend in the data.

99 PCA “Cloud” of data points (e.g., genes) in N-dimensional space, N = # hybridizations Data points resolved along 3 principal component axes. In this example: x-axis could mean a continuum from over-to under-expression y-axis could mean that “blue” genes are over-expressed in first five expts and under expressed in the remaining expts, while “brown” genes are under-expressed in the first five expts, and over-expressed in the remaining expts. z-axis might represent different cyclic patterns, e.g., “red” genes might be over- expressed in odd-numbered expts and under-expressed in even-numbered ones, whereas the opposite is true for “purple” genes. Interpretation of components is somewhat subjective. y x z

100 xzy Principal Components pick out the directions in the data that capture the greatest variability

101 xzy z’z’ y’y’ x’x’ The “new” axes are linear combinations of the old axes – typically combinations of genes or experiments. =a 1 x+b 1 y+c 1 z =a 2 x+b 2 y+c 2 z =a 3 x+b 3 y+c 3 z

102 Projecting the data into a lower dimensional space can help visualize relationships y’y’y’y’ x’x’x’x’

103 y’y’y’y’ x’x’x’x’

104 PCA in Expression Profiler

105 Further Reading MDS – PCA, SVD – – –Alter et al., Singular value decomposition for genome-wide expression data processing and modelling, PNAS, 2000 COA –Fellenberg et al., “Correspondence analysis applied to microarray data”, PNAS, 2001 General ordination – –Legendre P. and Legendre L., Numerical Ecology, 1998

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