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Sonic Ripplz An interactive installation. Why It is exciting It is one of today's main art forms It eludes commerce Movement / interaction within a space.

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Presentation on theme: "Sonic Ripplz An interactive installation. Why It is exciting It is one of today's main art forms It eludes commerce Movement / interaction within a space."— Presentation transcript:

1 Sonic Ripplz An interactive installation

2 Why It is exciting It is one of today's main art forms It eludes commerce Movement / interaction within a space Pushes boundaries of technology Can address all the senses Exploit my potential in a new area

3 What is it No definition that satisfies everyone Involves audience acting on it Responds to users activity Contemporary interactive installations generally use computer technology in conjunction with sensors sound video and film etc. – a merging of art and technology

4 How has it evolved ? Marcel Duchamp / Readymades Kinetic art Laszlo Moholy-Nagy Performance art / happenings Ivan Sutherland Myron Kreuger

5 “These steps towards a collaboration between art and technology represent a positive trend. An artist who is alienated from technology cannot speak for a technological culture any more than a technologist who disdains aesthetics can design a humane technology”(Myron Kreuger)

6 What to design Something that encourages people to interact with each other Something that responds to activity and encourages further exploration/activity Something that is aesthetically pleasing Something that is playful and stimulating Something that captures spirit of what it is all about Something I want to do

7 Myron Kreuger


9 “Jaap’s Solo”, a section of Messa di Voce.




13 Ripples Movement – water/space Behaviour –laughter Consequences –effect Periodic variations in current

14 Aura Energy field Surrounded by colour Specific colours have specific meaning Some colours are associated with musical notes Migraine / epilepsy 23

15 Synaesthesia How someone with synaesthesia might perceive (n.b., not 'see') certain letters and numbers.

16 Purple Haze Chord E7#9 purple colour

17 Design Content Aesthetic experience: Ripples Aura Synesthesia Sound ------------------------------------------------------- Activity: that involved interaction within the space through movement

18 Ripples


20 Type of floor Sensor floor Projected floor

21 Interaction

22 System Configuration Intel P4 2.4 Gz 256Mb RAM ATI9000Pro AGP Graphics Card Matrox Meteor II Framegrabber W2000, MSVS, OpenInventor, OpenGL, MIL-Lite.

23 Possible applications Multi – sensory applications Children – play areas Interactive gallery / museum experience

24 Major concerns I will need help technically Will I need to build a floor surface Will I get a darkened room Will the room/space be high enough

25 Schedule Go like hell at everything !

26 References The Essential Writings of Marcel Duchamp by Michel Sanouillet and Elmer Peterson Oxford University Press Documentary Monographs in Modern Art, Moholy-Nagy, by Richard Kostelanetz Praeger Publishers Installation Art in the New Millennium by Nicolas De Oliveira, Nicola Oxley, and Michael Petry Thames and Hudson The History of the Interface in Interactive Art by Soke Dinkla The Ancient History of Installation Art by Bonita Ely Installation Art from Wikipedia An Outline Concerning Installation Art by Tiite Using High-Bandwidth Input/Output in Interactive Art William G. Keays Interactive Strategies and Dialogical Allegories by Ernestine Daubner Interactive Art: Where Human Input Meets Artistic Creation by Kira Hammond Synaesthesia from Wikipedia Interface NYC on Myron Kreuger by Kevin Walker Art in the Electronic Age by Margaret Lovejoy Alessandro Valli / Natural Interaction / Pastworks

27 The End

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