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Solar Prominence Properties derived from the UV-EUV SUMER spectral atlas S. Parenti, J.-C. Vial, P. Lemaire IAS, Univeristé Paris Sud.

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Presentation on theme: "Solar Prominence Properties derived from the UV-EUV SUMER spectral atlas S. Parenti, J.-C. Vial, P. Lemaire IAS, Univeristé Paris Sud."— Presentation transcript:

1 Solar Prominence Properties derived from the UV-EUV SUMER spectral atlas S. Parenti, J.-C. Vial, P. Lemaire IAS, Univeristé Paris Sud

2 The atlas: motivation To carefully determine the complex physical characteristics of the prominence. We use SUMER (high spatial and spectral resolutions) to build an UV-EUV spectral Atlas. A large spectral coverage in UV-EUV gives the coverage of a large range of temperatures (Chromosphere – Prominence Corona TR – Corona) Spectroscopic informations: o, FWHM dynamics line Intensity N,T, Emission Measure, A X First complete atlas between 800 and 1250 Å

3 The data Prominence and QS 10/’99 (MEDOC #4) Spectral range: 800 - 1250 Å (det A) Observation time  5:30h Spectral windows of 40 Å (  20 in the kbr)


5 Ly 11Ly 8Ly 19 Ly 13 N II

6 Data processing Determine the stray light contribution Wavelength calibration for each spectral window, for the QS and prominence independently. Multi-Gaussian line fitting of about 600 lines in each dataset. Line identification and radiometric calibration. About 30 new lines identified (mostly from ions at low ionization stage) between the QS and the prominence I, o, FWHM S. Parenti, J-C Vial, P. Lemaire, Sol. Phys, 220, 61, 2004

7 S. Parenti, et al., 2004

8 The final product

9 The Differentiel Emission Measure Selection of observed lines intensities CHIANTI (v 4.2) atomic database (Mazzotta et al. Ion fraction; coronal abundances) Inversion technique to estimate DEM(T) QS ; PRM1

10 The DEM: results Prominence A_1 Quiet Sun

11 Non Thermal Velocities Lines from allowed transitions, well isolated and intense T is for the maximum ionization fraction. For the neutrals: Chae et al. 1998

12 Non Thermal Velocities: results Chae et al., ApJ, 505, 957, 1998

13 Future work We have produced the first complete UV-EUV prominence atlas in the range 800 Å - 1250 Å Still 350 Å to be processed We derived DEMs and NTVs for both QS and prominence physical interpretation More physical properties to be derived.. Thank you Philippe!!!!

14 DEM in the prominence


16 Data processing

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