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The Magical Mystical Cell By, Angela Lee and Navpreet Sambhi.

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Presentation on theme: "The Magical Mystical Cell By, Angela Lee and Navpreet Sambhi."— Presentation transcript:

1 The Magical Mystical Cell By, Angela Lee and Navpreet Sambhi


3 Nucleus A nucleus contains the nucleolus, the chromatin, and the nuclear membrane. A nucleus contains the nucleolus, the chromatin, and the nuclear membrane. Nucleolus – makes ribosomes Nucleolus – makes ribosomes Chromatin – DNA in a stretched out form during cell maintenance Chromatin – DNA in a stretched out form during cell maintenance Nuclear membrane – has inner and outer lipid bilayer membranes Nuclear membrane – has inner and outer lipid bilayer membranes

4 Endoplasmic Reticulum There are 2 parts to the E.R.: the rough and the smooth E.R. There are 2 parts to the E.R.: the rough and the smooth E.R. The rough E.R. has ribosomes attached to the side; it makes proteins. The rough E.R. has ribosomes attached to the side; it makes proteins. The smooth E.R. doesn’t have ribosomes; it makes lipids. The smooth E.R. doesn’t have ribosomes; it makes lipids.

5 Golgi Apparatus It packages and sends proteins to ribosomes on the E.R. Proteins get to the golgi apparatus by vesicles made of E.R. membrane The vesicles fuse with the golgi apparatus after delivering proteins.

6 Ribosome It makes proteins It makes proteins Ribosomes can be found in the E.R.; other can be found in the cytoplasm. Ribosomes can be found in the E.R.; other can be found in the cytoplasm. It provides enzymes and structural support for RNA It provides enzymes and structural support for RNA

7 Mitochondria They are elongated, fluid-filled sacs, varying in size & shape They move slowly through cytoplasm and reproduce by dividing They provide energy for the cell.

8 Lysosome Tiny membranous sacs Tiny membranous sacs “garbage disposal of the cell” “garbage disposal of the cell” Contain powerful enzymes that break down nutrient molecules or foreign particles. Contain powerful enzymes that break down nutrient molecules or foreign particles. Destroys worn cellular parts Destroys worn cellular parts

9 Centrosome Structure near the Golgi apparatus and nucleus Non-membranous and consists of two hollow cylinders called centrioles Centrioles lie at right angles from each other They are used to distribute chromosomes during mitosis

10 Vesicles (vacuoles) Membranous sacs formed by part of the cell membrane folding inward and pinching off Membranous sacs formed by part of the cell membrane folding inward and pinching off Usually contains some liquid or solid material formerly outside the cell Usually contains some liquid or solid material formerly outside the cell Golgi apparatus and E.R. also form vesicles Golgi apparatus and E.R. also form vesicles

11 Cell Membrane Extremely thin but flexible and somewhat elastic Made up of a phospholipid bilayer, which is water-soluble on the surface of the membrane but water- insoluble on the inside

12 HIV and AIDS HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus HIV stands for Human Immunodeficiency Virus Virus attacks the immune system, specifically the T-cells Virus attacks the immune system, specifically the T-cells As the number of T-cells get smaller and smaller, the immune system gets weaker and the body can’t fight off infections and cancers. As the number of T-cells get smaller and smaller, the immune system gets weaker and the body can’t fight off infections and cancers.

13 HIV and AIDS (cont’d) HIV infected people eventually get AIDS This means that they have severely compromised immune systems, if they have a working immune system at all. AIDS and HIV are most commonly spread through bodily fluids, but not through saliva or tears

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