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Forward Physics at the LHC SM discoveries with early LHC data UCL, March 30 th - April 1 st 2009 1. Exclusive/diffractive Higgs signal: pp  p + H + p.

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Presentation on theme: "Forward Physics at the LHC SM discoveries with early LHC data UCL, March 30 th - April 1 st 2009 1. Exclusive/diffractive Higgs signal: pp  p + H + p."— Presentation transcript:

1 Forward Physics at the LHC SM discoveries with early LHC data UCL, March 30 th - April 1 st 2009 1. Exclusive/diffractive Higgs signal: pp  p + H + p Alan Martin, IPPP, Durham 2. Properties of “soft” interactions (forward/diffractive physics at the LHC) 3. Return to the exclusive processes ( at the Tevatron and the LHC)

2 Advantages of pp  p + H + p with H  bb bar If outgoing protons are tagged far from IP then  (M) = 1 GeV (mass also from H decay products) Very clean environment, even with pile-up---10 ps timing Unique chance to study H  bb bar : QCD bb bar bkgd suppressed by J z =0 selection rule S/B~1 for SM Higgs M < 140 GeV SUSY Higgs: parameter regions with larger signal S/B~10, even regions where conv. signal is challenging and diffractive signal enhanced----h, H both observable Azimuth angular distribution of tagged p’s  spin-parity 0 ++  FP420  ATLAS + CMS

3 Is the cross section large enough ? How do we calculate  (pp  p + H + p) ? What price do we pay for an exclusive process with large rapidity gaps ?

4 unintegrated skewed gluons f g given in terms of g(x,Q t 2 ) and Sudakov factor which expon ally suppresses infrared region no emission when  ~ 1/k t ) > (d ~ 1/Q t ) i.e. only emission with k t > Q t  > 100 fb !! but…. can use pQCD QCD mechanism for pp  p+H+p

5 …but “soft” scatt. can easily destroy the gaps gap eikonal rescatt: between protons enhanced rescatt: involving intermediate partons  soft physics at high energies H soft-hard factoriz n conserved broken

6 Model for “soft” high-energy interactions needed to ---- understand asymptotics, intrinsic interest ---- describe “underlying” events for LHC jet algor ms ---- calc. survival S 2 for exclusive prod n Model should: self-consistent theoretically --- satisfy unitarity  importance of absorptive corrections  importance of multi-Pomeron interactions 2. agree with available soft data CERN-ISR to Tevatron range 3. include Pomeron comp ts of different size---to study effects of soft-hard fact n breaking (Dark age?)

7 Optical theorems High mass diffractive dissociation at high energy use Regge triple-Pomeron diag but screening important g N 3 g 3P but screening important so  total suppressed gN2gN2 so (g 3P ) bare increased M2M2 2

8 elastic unitarity  e -  is the probability of no inelastic interaction diagonal in b ~ l /p Must include unitarity

9 DL parametrization: Effective Pomeron pole  P (t) = 1.08+0.25t KMR parametrization includes absorption via multi-Pomeron effects

10 Low-mass diffractive dissociation include high-mass diffractive dissociation Elastic amp. T el (s,b) bare amp. introduce diff ve estates  i,  k (comb ns of p,p*,..) which only undergo “elastic” scattering (Good-Walker)  multichannel eikonal (-20%) (SD -80%) (-40%) g 3P ?

11 PPP PPR  P RRP RRR RRP  P PPP triple-Regge analysis of d  /dtd  including screening   fit:  2 = 171 / 206 d.o.f. TevatronCERN-ISR (includes compilation of SD data by Goulianos and Montanha) g 3P = g N ~0.2 g 3P large, need to include multi-Pomeron effects LKMR

12 g 3P = g N ~0.2 M 2 d  SD /dM 2 ~ g N 3 g 3P ~  el M2M2 2  large ? ln s so at collider energies  SD ~  el gNgN g 3P

13 Multi-compt. s- and t-ch analysis of soft data 3-channel eikonal,  i with i=1,3 include multi-Pomeron diagrams attempt to mimic BFKL diffusion in log q t by including three components to approximate q t distribution – possibility of seeing “soft  hard” Pomeron transition KMR 2008 model:

14 Use four exchanges in the t channel a = P large, P intermediate, P small, R 3 to mimic BFKL diffusion in ln q t soft pQCD average q t1 ~0.5, q t2 ~1.5, q t3 ~5 GeV V RP1 ~ g PPR,g RRP V PiPj ~ BFKL solve for  a ik (y,b) by iteration sec. Reggeon bare poleabsorptive effectsevolve up from y=0 evolve down from y’=Y-y=0 (arXiv:0812.2407)

15 Parameters All soft data well described g 3P = g N with  =0.25  Pi = 0.3 (close to the BFKL NLL resummed value)  ’ P1 = 0.05 GeV -2 These values of the bare Pomeron trajectory yield, after screening, the expected soft Pomeron behaviour --- “soft-hard” matching (since P 1 heavily screened,….P 3 ~bare)  R = -0.4 (as expected for secondary Reggeon) Results multi-Pomeron coupling from  d  SD /d  dt data (  ~0.01) diffractive eigenstates from  SD (low M)=2mb at sqrt(s)=31 GeV, -- equi-spread in R 2, and t dep. from d  el /dt  =  (0) - 1

16    “large”    “small” ~ g, sea more valence         LHC (x0.1) elastic differential d  /dt

17 Description of CDF dissociation data no  P

18  total (mb) pp  pX parton multiplicity “soft”, screened, little growth, partons saturated All Pom. compts have  bare =0.3 “hard” ~ no screening much growth, s 0.3 Predictions for LHC  total = 91.7 mb*  el = 21.5 mb  SD = 19.0 mb *see also Sapeta, Golec-Biernat; Gotsman et al.

19 “soft” Pomeron “hard” Pomeron

20 Multi-Pomeron effects at the LHC Each multi-Pomeron diag. simultaneously describes several different processes Example 8 different “cuts” AGK cutting rules 

21 Long-range correlations at the LHC cutting n eikonal Pomerons  multiplicity n times that cutting one Pomeron  long range correlation even for large rapidity differences | y a – y b | ~ Y  R 2 > 0 without multi-Pomeron exch. R 2 >0 only when two particles are close, e.g. from resonance decays

22 Calculation of S 2 eik for pp  p + H +p average over diff. estates i,k over b survival factor w.r.t. soft i-k interaction hard m.e. i k  H prob. of proton to be in diffractive estate i S 2 eik ~ 0.02 for 120 GeV SM Higgs at the LHC   ~ 2 - 3 fb at LHC

23 2 ~ 0.02 Watt, Kowalski from  p  J/  p 2 = ?? 0.6 fm

24 gap eikonal rescatt: between protons enhanced rescatt: involving intermediate partons H soft-hard factoriz n conserved broken The new soft analysis, with Pomeron q t structure, enables S 2 enh to be calculated Calculation of S 2 enhanced for pp  p + H +p

25 model has 4 t-ch. exchanges a = P large, P intermediate, P small, R 3 to mimic BFKL diffusion in ln q t soft pQCD average q t1 ~0.5, q t2 ~1.5, q t3 ~5 GeV V RP1 ~ g PPR,g RRP V PiPj ~ BFKL ~ solve with and without abs. effects bare poleabsorptive effects evolve up to y 2 evolve down to y 1 enh. abs. changes P 3 distrib n P3P3 P1P1 y2y2 y1y1

26 p 1t p 2t H ~ 0.02 consensus ~ 0.01 – 1 controversy KMR 2008  tot = ~ 0.015 (B=4 GeV -2 ) tot 2 = 0.0015 LHC 0.0030 Tevatron KMR 2000 (no S enh ) KMR 2008 (with S enh ) 0.0010 LHC 0.0025 Tevatron Survival prob. for pp  p+H+p However enh. abs. changes p t behaviour from exp form, so see arXiv:0812.2413

27 1. Enhanced rescattering reduces the signal by ~30% 2. However, the quoted values of S 2 are conservative lower limits 3. The very small values of S 2 enh in recent literature are not valid The arguments are given in arXiv:0903.2980 Comments on S 2 CDF observation of exclusive processes at the Tevatron offers the first experimental checks of the formalism

28 Observation of exclusive prod n, pp  p + A + p, by CDF with A=  or A = dijet or A =  c  J/    +  -  Same mechanism as pp  p+H+p tho’ pred ns become more unreliable as M A becomes smaller, and infrared Q t region not so suppressed by Sudakov factor

29 KMR cross section predictions are consistent with CDF data 3 events observed (one due to  0   )  (excl  ) CDF ~ 0.09pb  (excl  ) KMR ~ 0.04pb  (  = 10 fb for E T  >14 GeV at LHC KMR Observation of exclusive prod n, pp  p + A + p, at Tevatron

30 y=0 The KMRS pred n is reduced by S 2 enh ~ 1/3 and by 1.45 due to a revised  tot (  c (0))  b ?

31 Early LHC runs can give detailed checks of all of the ingredients of the calculation of  (pp  p + A + p), sometimes even without proton taggers

32 Early LHC checks of theoretical formalism for pp  p + A + p ? Possible checks of: (i) survival factor S 2 : W+gaps, Z+gaps (ii) generalised gluon f g :  p   p, 3 central jets (iii) soft-hard factorisation #(A+gap) evts (broken by enhanced #(inclusive A) evts absorptive effects) with A = W, dijet,  … (arXiv:0802.0177)

33 W+gaps with Even without a proton tag can be measured by successfully used by CDF

34 cross sectionsurvival fac.  1 pb S 2 large, as large b t (small opacity) W+gaps measure: W+gaps W inclusive

35 W+gaps has S 2 large, as large b t for  exch (small opacity) Z+gaps has b t more like excl. Higgs  ~0.2pb for  i >3 and E T (b)>50GeV but to avoid QCD bb backgd use Z  l + l - use track counting veto expect S 2 ~0.3

36 Exclusive  production as probe of f g x 0.025 (br for    )  exch odderon exch comparable ? can separate by p t if a tag of upper proton is done (odderon has larger p t ) If |y  |<2.5, then sample f g (x 1,x 2 ) with x i in (10 -4, 10 -2 ) Bzdak, Motyka,Szymanowski,Cudell

37 3-jet events as probe of Sudakov factor T T is prob. not to emit additional gluons in gaps: pp  p + A + p T=exp(-n), where n is the mean # gluons emitted in gap 3 central jets  allow check of additional gluon emission System A must be colourless – so optimum choice is emission of third jet in high E T dijet production highest only highest E T jet used – stable to hadronization, final parton radiation…

38 pp  p + jj + p pp  p + jjj + p study both  and E T dependence of central 3-jet production (negligible DPE background)

39 “Enhanced” absorptive effects (break soft-hard factorization) rescattering on an intermediate parton: can LHC probe this effect ?

40 inclusive diffractive A = W or dijet or  …. known from HERA

41 A = W or  …. A = dijet pp  AX pp  AX+p rough estimates of enhanced absorption S 2 en

42 Conclusions – soft processes at the LHC -- screening/unitarity/absorptive corrections are vital -- Triple-Regge analysis with screening  g 3P increased by ~3  importance of multi-Pomeron diagrams -- Latest analysis of all available “soft” data: multi-ch eikonal + multi-Regge + compts of Pom. to mimic BFKL (showed some LHC predictions …..  total ~ 90 mb) -- LHC can probe “soft” int ns  i.e. probe multi-Pomeron struct. via long-range rapidity correlations or via properties of multi-gap events etc. soft-hard Pomeron transition emerges “soft” compt. --- heavily screened --- little growth with s “intermediate” compt. --- some screening “hard” compt. --- little screening --- large growth (~pQCD)

43 soft analysis allows rapidity gap survival factors to be calculated for any hard diffractive process Exclusive central diffractive production, pp  p+H+p, at LHC has great advantages, S/B~O(1), but  ~ few fb for SM Higgs. However, some SUSY-Higgs have signal enhanced by 10 or more. Very exciting possibility, if proton taggers installed at 420 m Formalism consistent with CDF data for pp(bar)  p + A + p(bar) with A = dijet and A =  and  A  c More checks with higher M A valuable. Processes which can probe all features of the formalism used to calculate  (pp  p+A+p), may be observed in the early LHC runs, even without proton taggers Conclusions – exclusive processes at the LHC

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