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Maps Displaying Spatial Data. Why do we need maps? To locate places on the surface of the earth.

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Presentation on theme: "Maps Displaying Spatial Data. Why do we need maps? To locate places on the surface of the earth."— Presentation transcript:

1 Maps Displaying Spatial Data

2 Why do we need maps? To locate places on the surface of the earth

3 To visualize what we can’t see

4 To display landforms.. as they might be

5 To display landforms.. with statistics

6 To show roads and cities

7 To show buildings and improvements

8 ..and routes of transportation and travel

9 To define borders

10 But.... Maps are not just about geography....

11 Maps can help us look at change over time.


13 Maps can help us make comparisons.

14 Maps can help us see patterns.

15 Maps can help us plan

16 Maps can help us explain. Salem Witch Trial Incidents

17 Maps can help us solve complex problems.


19 We can overlay maps to see where different factors overlap one another

20 Looking at information spatially can give us a better understanding of all content areas.

21 A health example from the 1850’s

22 With regions defined one way, the area around the Broad Street pump is clearly the most heavily infected. Defined slightly differently, the distribution looks more even. Yet another definition of regions suggests that the most heavily infected areas are not even near the pump. Analyzing the data accurately is critical.








30 Maps can help us to think critically: Explore Compare Analyze Predict Plan Problem-solve Measure Calculate Estimate Evaluate Design Explain

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