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Economic Regulation Shane Nolan Professor Deagan April 1, 2008.

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1 Economic Regulation Shane Nolan Professor Deagan April 1, 2008

2 Market Failure Natural Monopoly Natural Monopoly - Cable TV, Electricity, Railroads, Telephones Asymmetric Information Asymmetric Information Externalities Externalities Inequities Inequities

3 Economic Regulation “a specialized bureaucratic process that combines aspects of both courts and legislatives to control prices, output and/or the entry and exit of firms in an industry” “a specialized bureaucratic process that combines aspects of both courts and legislatives to control prices, output and/or the entry and exit of firms in an industry” Main Focus on Markets: Main Focus on Markets: Entry- licensing Entry- licensing Pricing- Price ceilings, Earnings Sharing Exit/Production - output of firms

4 Example of Focus Taxi: Entry: Entry: - # of Licenses available in a city - # of Licenses available in a city Price Control: Price Control: - Set fares for taxi rides - Set fares for taxi rides Production/Exit: Production/Exit: - Taxi’s have to operate 24-hours - Taxi’s have to operate 24-hours

5 Tools of Regulation  Coerciveness  Directness  Automaticity  Visibility

6 Coerciveness - extent to which tool restricts individual or group behavior  High  Control over licensing/fines/prices

7 Directness - extent to which the entity authorizing a program is involved with carrying it out  Mixed Direct Direct - Controls entry, price, production/exit Indirect Indirect - Controls taxes and subsidizes

8 Automaticity - utilizes existing administrative structure (market/taxes) rather than creating a new administrative apparatus  Low Rarely used Rarely used - normally takes form of specialized, enduring bureaucratic process - normally takes form of specialized, enduring bureaucratic process

9 Visibility - visible in budget and policy processes and hence is politically salient in the democratic process  High Info is easily accessible Info is easily accessible -few citizens have motivation to do so -few citizens have motivation to do so

10 Management Concerns Gold Plating Gold Plating - engaging in unnecessary expenditures Excess Capacity Excess Capacity - more capacity than is needed to provide insurance Capital Intensive Investments Capital Intensive Investments - substituting capital investments for variable costs Cross-Subsidization Cross-Subsidization - one group pays a relatively high price enabling another group to pay a lower price

11 Main Concerns Efficiency vs. Equity Efficiency vs. Equity Legitimacy Legitimacy Effectiveness (feasibility) Effectiveness (feasibility) Flexibility Flexibility

12 Questions ?

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